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Welcome to From the Ashes

01:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Idio Copperleaf

Name: Idio Copperleaf
Aliases: Once named Idio Hardhammer
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Grey skinned Goblin
Height: 3'5

The first details to strike the casual observer of Idio would be her brown hair and grey skin. Long enough to reach her shoulder blades are brown curls tied into a neat ponytail. Ashy grey skin stands out from earthy wool cloths and hair. Hands rough-hewn from climbing and garden tending appear from a warm long sleeved shirt. Thick canvas trousers are tied over worn leather boots. Her trousers have several large pockets with dormant seeds, a wallet, and a few nic-nacs. Tied low to her waist is a wooden tube and a leather box.

Idio's face is often drawn into a calm smile, practiced from her time as healer of both crops and people. Her eyes are sharp and alert, set atop soft cheeks and an angular nose. Sharp shredding teeth appear behind thin lips, when she manages a real grin. Idio's face frowns and contracts when heavy thought is demanded of her.

She stands very straight and keeps her hands to her sides. Her steps are soft from traversing the cliffs of the Cloudy Crags. She fidgets with her hands, usualy playing with things in her pockets. Idio uses exaggerated gestures to talk, sometimes things get knocked over.

Idio is a person taken with quiet, somber, and still places. Her apothecary has a garden with high walls so she can work in privacy. It is not that she dislikes people, in fact she quite enjoys conversation, but rather enjoys privacy. Working from an early age, taking care of Allius, learning the plantcraft, and taking on patients has made her very stern. Authoritative and harsh, she will often assume she is in the right and expect-rather than demand-that people listen to her. The kind of person who will politely ask for the manager if something is wrong with her food at a restaurant.

As well Idio is a very caring person, having been the benefactor and proprietor of much goodwill. She will listen to people if they want to talk, and tries her best to be honest with people. She likes kids, but is often overwhelmed by boisterous energy. She has no such compassion for animals, but will treat most plants like some might treat stray cats.

When confronted Idio will often just go stoney and just not react to people yelling at her. However when threatened she puffs herself up and meets aggression with aggression-often following up on quite serious threats. "I'll rot your balls off before I let you in!"

Apothecary- Idio is well versed in plant lore, and can use her knowledge well. She is versed in both treating wounds, creating poisons, and even explosives.

Crag dweller- Idio has spent her life in the treacherous landscape of the Cloudy Crags. She is quite skilled at traversing rough environments. As well Idio has used a blowgun for hunting game for quite some time.

Plant chanter- Taught by her caretaker Idio has learned the art of singing to plants to commune with them. She is able to strengthen their growth, will them to motion, and understand their primordial language.

Neutral Aspects:
Soft-Hearted- She is given to charity and will often put in extra effort for people she thinks are in need.

Not a Animal person- Idio does not like animals. She hardly hates them but doesn't quite like them either. This sentiment is often returned in kind.

Worshiper of Caballus- She worships the abundance of life within Caballus, and knows much of his lore-especially his hymns. However she is not the greatest practitioner as she is simply not as carefree as his tenants request.


Naive- Idio is not wise to the cruelties of people, and will often not anticipate or notice slights against her. This has come about after living in a peaceful town that has avoided most of the war.

Prejudiced- Idio does not like Humans. Really she only likes Goblins and Elves, but Humans are on her shit list from the get go. Idio finds them simple-minded and arrogant, and will not stand to see them in charge of things that are important to her. This is because when she was young Idio heard her parents talking about how annoying the humans were-and an 8 year old needs someone to blame for her home being destroyed. On top of that the elderly Elvish woman who took them in preached that Humans were the ones who failed in the negotiations and believed in conspiracies like "the Humans lied about the conquests" "the Humans started the revolts" ect.

Insomniac- Idio has trouble sleeping, especially when stressed. She talks in her sleep often. When she is tired but cannot sleep, Idio writes in her diary.

Notable Equipment:
bag of seeds, knitting kit, travel journal, blowgun and darts

Likes: Mint!, strong smells, swimming, singing
Dislikes: Winter, wet cloths, bitter foods,
Habits: Knits, Hums, keeps a diary


Born amid the Cloudy Crags Idio's family, the Hardhammers, were some of the lot who tended to the orchards of the Crags. Good friends with their neighbor goblins the Pacloaks they enjoyed peace out on the cliffs. Too far and too dangerous for an army to march through, and excessively dangerous for raiders to steal the little worth they had. The early years of her life were idyllic, spent watching her family work as they reared her from infancy. However, even in times of conflict not all die by the machinations war.

Idio, not but 6 years of age, did not know she had lost her family till the morning. She had been put to sleep by her parents as a storm thundered against her house. She awoke to no one, a musky wetness hanging in the air. She went about the house playing with her toys for a time, waiting for her parents to come in and start the day. Eventually she realised something was wrong, that her parents were missing. The goblin toddler left the house to look among the fruit trees, but they were empty save dew covered leaves. She then heard the cries of little Allius from the Pacloaks' house. It was night when elder Copperleaf came to see how the cliffside goblins had weathered the storm.

Afterwards local crag dwellers would come to them to offer their compassion, assuring them that the crags were always one whole-no matter the divides. It was after the funerals that elder Copperleaf decided to take on the young ones. The aged Elf was the local pharmacist, a cornerstone of the community for this chunk of Cloudy Crags. She taught Idio how to weave wool for the shepherds of the crags while Copperleaf did her runs around the crags. After some time Copperleaf decided to have the young Idio help tend to the delicate plants in her garden. The grey-skinned child quietly sung to herself amid the greenery, only for the herbs to sing along. Copperleaf was surprised to find the talent for plant chanting in a goblin, but she herself was a practitioner and took to training Idio in her ways.

As Idio reached adolescence and Allius had left infancy, the three had come to care for each other as family. The two goblins decided to take the Copperleaf name, so they could claim family rights, much to their caretaker's bliss. Idio stepped into true apprenticeship under Copperleaf, helping her tend to the people and plants of the Crags. Idio was also meant to administer the flocks. But after a rather vicious string of headbutts, kicks, and spits it was decided that Idio should be kept from them for the sake of her health. Meanwhile Allius had taken to solely handling the wool weaving, so Copperleaf taught him his maths so Allius could someday be a proper merchant.

The years rolled on and Idio had matured as an apothecary, regularly taking over for her aging caretaker. Allius was given full reign of the weavery, truly just a barn with a spinning wheel and loom, but used his small funds to "speculate" on the market. Often the boy would lose the majority of earnings trying to turn a minor profit. Eventually he reached adolescence and was given an apprenticeship from a traveling merchant of spirits. The spinnery was left lifeless after he left.

Idio spent the next two years slowly building her skills as a plant chanter, honing her voice and mind to be in tune with nature. Helping restore old vine and tree bridges planted decades ago. The grey goblin learns many of the peaks and crevices of the crags, learning the truth of the wholeness of the Crags. Not long after her 18th birthday, a raucous party that the crag dwellers would not let her avoid, she received a worrying letter from her brother Allius. Deciding to aid her wayward sibling she set out of the crags for the first time.