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13:22, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Akihara Kensuke

Name: Akihara Kensuke

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Kekkei Genkai: Shingan (The True Eye) - The missing link between Byakugan and Sharingan, Shingan contains parts of the two, but is different enough to be considered its own bloodline.  The combat abilities of Shingan are greater than Sharingan or Byakugan, but it lacks much of the insight of its predecessor and progeny, unable to copy techniques.  Instead, when activated, it heightens the flow of blood in the user, hyper-oxygenating the brain and aids in rapid release of neurotransmitters which allows the user to see objects and events in slow motion and physically react to them rather than relying on insight as the other two Doujutsu do without the physical ability to react.  Perhaps because of its close relationship with blood, the Shingan is able to sense heartbeats and blood vessel patterns of people in its immediate vicinity.  Due to this innate sense, users are often able to to tell if a person is lying to them due to the change in heart rate or whether there are disease or abnormalities in a person's body due to the change in heart rate and problems in the blood vessels.  Unlike Byakugan, there is no blind spot since the Shingan user is not seeing but is instead sensing heartbeats, but the range of the sense is much lower than Byakugan's range of sight.  Because of the increased blood flow and Sympathetic Autonomous response, the user's pupils dilate on activation and the eye color changes to a crimson red.  Needless to say, the higher the user's mastery of this Doujutsu, the greater the understanding they have of not only their own bodies but also those around them leading to a greater ability to destroy a body or heal it.

Appearance: Standing approximately five feet tall, it is already evident that Kensuke will be quite a sight to see in the future.  Jet black hair the color of a moonless night in an arid environment cascades in waves down either side of his face, coming to rest just below his adam's apple, effectively framing his tanned features.  While his skin tone and his air seem to go together quite nicely, his eyes, the color of greenery in a wild jungle forest, are completely different.  They hold an almost unsettling quality both with how uncommon the contrasting color between his eyes and his other features are and the predatory gaze they have when they settle on other beings despite his generally calm demeanor.

On his frame he wears a chestnut-colored coat, double-breasted with the left flap over the inner right one.  The left arm is missing, though not in a manner of someone having just ripped off the arm, but tailored so that the sleeve wasn't made in the first place, stopping at the shoulder.  Because of this, one can see the bandages wrapped around the entirety of his left arm down to his knuckles, leaving his fingertips exposed.  The coat runs down to his waist where it changes in the front, forming an upside down V-shape as it opens to show his legs beneath with the material in the back stopping just short of his calves.  The exposed pants are black and torn in the right knee, exposing another place where it is obvious that he has bandages wrapped underneath his clothing.  On his feet are a pair of black, open-toed, soled sandals that denote him as a shinobi.  Strangely enough, however, he has no actual forehead protector that denotes him from any shinobi village at all.

Personality: As a person, Kensuke is a product of his upbringing and environment.  Which is to say he is a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma so tightly and haphazardly that it is a wonder he has managed to exist without ripping himself apart.

It has taken years since he was taken into Tsuchigakure, but outwardly it is quite obvious that the young man shines like a brightly-polished diamond.  Quick on the uptake with a calm demeanor that allows him to both mediate disputes and be a malleable student, he would be the obvious ideal candidate for Genin.  However, inwardly, he is likely the most reluctant shinobi that there has ever been in the history of the village.  Even to this day, he is torn between seeking revenge on the remnants of the Uchiha and Hyuuga families for what was done to his ancestors and the final words of his dying grandfather who bid him let go of his nameless clan's legacy and live his life full of happiness.  Unable to reconcile either emotion fully, he has become a shinobi sitting on the fence of his own life--training an admirable talent aimlessly with no solid goal that drives him.

The elders of Tsuchikage were not quite sure what to do with him since he obviously has some sort of shinobi heritage, but as controlled as he is without its usage, he tends to lose control with its usage at strange points in time as if the blood of others draws him in.  While he may be a talented shinobi it has become increasingly difficult for him to control his Kekkei Genkai without devolving into a hunter seeking out its prey.  It is a rather stark contrast from his usual calm understanding demeanor.

His former teammate Hikari's death has weighed significantly on the young Genin as he was already reluctant to be a ninja in the first place.  Seeing the death of a young woman with such a sunny disposition and encouraging personality has caused him to significantly question his motivation for being a ninja.  While known for his brilliant strategies, it is likely that he will be less willing to employ strategies that will risk the lives of his future teammates due to the trauma of losing someone close to him, which may end up being an Achilles Heel for the time being until the fresh emotional wounds heal.

Background: Kensuke could not remember his parents.  The earliest memories he possessed were those of him and his grandfather, travelling the dusty roads of the world.  His grandfather, a kind elderly gentleman by the name of Sanshiro, was a travelling peddler who sold all manner of necessities from pots and pans to herbs like ginseng to promote greater health and quality of life.  As they roamed, eking out a meager living from buying and selling trade goods, they avoided all of the shinobi villages, whether they were at peace or at war.  The young boy never questioned his grandfather about those circumstances, he was happy just sitting on top of the canvas-covered wagon they had, making their way down the roads no matter what the weather was like as long as he could be with his grandfather.

They were poor, there was no question of that.  There were times where Kensuke would go hungry, though he tried his best not to complain to his grandfather since he didn't want to see the most important person in the world to him look sad at not being able to provide well enough for him.  So, he kept his mouth shut and tried his best not to let his stomach rumble.  He knew his grandfather was trying his best and that made him happy enough.  Those were the pleasant days of his life despite having almost nothing in the world to call his own save the blanket he wrapped around himself and a corner in a covered wagon at night.

Those happy days were destined to change one evening when the sun was setting, the orb still high enough from the horizon that its fiery hues had still not yet started to change to indigo.  Traces of red and orange lit the faces of grandfather and grandson as they sat together in the front of the cart behind the old horse that pulled them forward ever so slowly.  It was almost time for them to camp for the night and Kensuke, now seven years old, had just finished setting up the makeshift canvas they used to cover the wagon to protect the goods and themselves from the elements should a rainstorm or the like occur in the middle of the night.  Seeing dust clouds in the distance, Sanshiro was not perturbed, but as the dust clouds approached, he could hear the rapid, dull thudding of hooves striking the earth.  His long, aged eyebrows knitting for a moment, he told Kensuke to get back in the cart and put his blanket over himself and hide.

At first, the young boy protested, but after a firm word from his grandfather, he acquiesced and did as he was told.  The hooves approached and it was as Sanshiro had feared--they were bandits.  Usually, the elderly man kept his ear to the rumor mill and purposefully avoided areas that were even suspicious of having bandits nearby.  There was nothing he could do now.  Stopping the wagon, he breathed a low voice to his grandson to hide underneath the vehicle and stay there, keeping to the shadow since the setting sun would hide him better.  He was not to come out until he was told, no matter what happened.  Kensuke, sensing the urgency in his grandfather's voice, did as he was told, stealing away under the cart with his blanket, huddling in it near one of the wheels so he would not be seen.  He wasn't sure what was going on, but for the first time in his life he was afraid.

The bandits arrived, and after a few words with Sanshiro, they found that the man really was as he said he was--a poor travelling merchant.  Tearing apart the wagon, they were irritated at what they found as most of the things they carried had very little material worth.  Protesting only a little, Sanshiro was stabbed through the chest by the irritated bandit leader who then proceeded to instruct his crew to take what they could carry.  Tears filled the young boy's eyes as he saw his grandfather's face from underneath the cart.  Knowing that he was going to die very shortly as his lifeblood pooled underneath him and was drunk by the dry earth below, he reached into a pocket inside his dirty and frayed robe and used what energy he had left to roll it toward Kensuke.  Giving his grandson a warm smile, Sanshiro whispered, "Promise to forget the clan and be happy," before his spirit left his body and he was no more.  When the bandits were far enough away, the young boy took the scroll and ran, tears in his eyes streaming from his face causing him to lose his footing as he tore headlong into the fields off the path and beyond into the heart of a forest.

That first night was one of the worst experiences Kensuke could remember.  It was a terrible feeling going from happiness to a tragic sadness, especially when there was no one left in the world to comfort you.  He was young and didn't understand what it meant to survive on one's own and it showed.  The scroll lay forgotten inside his robe and he climbed into a sturdy-looking tree and huddled there, hungry and alone, chilled to the bone despite the blanket that was around his shoulders.  It was the cold of realizing that he had lost the most important person in the world to him.  What Sanshiro had left him did not matter, it was the fact that the Sun of his life had been snuffed out quickly and suddenly and the world went on as if he had never existed at all.  It was only after several days of hunger and sadness that Kensuke finally opened the scroll his grandfather had left him and what he found in its contents seemed like some sort of fantasy that he had read in the few leather-bound books they had once sold.

The scroll's writing was more of a historical telling of events, though the text itself was so old that the ink used to write it was faded from age--in fact some places entire passages were lost completely.  Though, the main history was still clear for him to see.  The general thinking of the populace was true: the Uchiha bloodline was in fact descended from the Hyuuga bloodline, but in a way that many never thought possible.  The two bloodlines were completely different types of Doujutsu, but there was a missing link between the two--those with the Shingan.  Their name had been erased from history, but they had existed.  It was the history as told by the last two remaining members of the clan that he held in his small hands.

From what was written, the clan, whose name was faded and erased due to the age of the scroll, was the direct descendant clan from the Hyuuga, which in turn caused the descendance of the Uchiha clan over the passage of time.  The three existed separately as those with the abilities of each of the clan would separate themselves to be able to better understand and learn control and how to improve themselves.  However, those with the Shingan grew to an alarmingly exponential rate due to their clan's ability to heighten their brain perception and reaction time, as well as their connection with the body and blood of both their opponents and themselves.  They were one of the first to develop a Taijutsu style based on this and one of the strongest of the three clans because of their abilities.

This did not sit well with the other two clans as the balance of power was definitely in favor of those with Shingan.  They were deemed too powerful and too much of a threat to exist by both the Head of Hyuuga and the Uchiha families.  It was because of the jealousy that the unnamed clan's members were hunted down and slaughtered by a joint strike of the Hyuuga and Uchiha families and their name and history erased from records so that the dirty secret of the two main families would never be exposed.  From the mass genocide of the clan, only two survived only because they determined that they could not expose themselves by using their Kekkei Genkai or be shinobi at all.  So they became one with the populace and worked like normal people did, never showing off any sort of training or any ability beyond the norm so that they would not be exposed to be hunted by the two other clans.

Upon reading the tragic past, Kensuke could not understand why his grandfather had given him this scroll, but then it occurred to him that it could only be because they had been the last remaining descendants.  Now everything made sense, why they never raised a hand to defend themselves and why they had to travel the way they did and why they led their lifestyles this way.  White hot rage boiled hot in the young boy's stomach, anger replacing the hunger he had been feeling from not eating for several days.  If it had not been for these two clans, his grandfather would not have been forced into his petty lifestyle and forced to die on the street like a dog!  He would have had a full family full of joy and laughter!  He would not be starving in a forest like a stray!

The boy who had been emotionally struggling to survive found his depression replaced by anger and lust for revenge; two very powerful motivating factors.  However, it was just as suddenly cooled by the new understanding of his grandfather's dying words.  Sanshiro had not wanted a life of revenge for his grandson for a sin that was so many generations past that it was older than the dust they traveled on as they peddled their wares.  He had wanted a better life than that for Kensuke.  How could he deny his grandfather's dying wish?  But, his grumbling stomach provided him with a rather easy reason to enter into shinobi training.  After all, without Sanshiro to provide for him, he needed to find a way to survive on his own.  Tsuchigakure was all too willing to bring in another shinobi-descended child, thinking him simply another remnant of the wars gone past.  They did not suspect his true identity.  And how could they?  His clan was so far gone that even its name was lost to history.  It was doubtful that many would know much about him save for highly specialized historians.

It was at the point he entered into Tsuchigakure's Academy that he decided to become stronger so that one day he could find out more about what happened back then and find out what happened to the two clans that had caused his entire family to be wiped out of existence.  It was that motivation that helped him figure out how to survive in the forest that night and instead of dying there, he clung to life the best he could, finally with a fragile goal in sight.

All of this changed during his first Chuunin Exam.  He had finally developed relationships with other people for the first time.  People that had finally opened him up and managed to get him to become social.  But, they died.  Of his team only he survived.  The death of his teammate Hikari shattered him the most since she was truly the heart and soul of their team.  He used to think a team could not survive without a logical mind.  It turns out his role was not nearly as important as Hikari's was.  But, it was something he realized too late.  Now, he will never be able to hear about her unrealistic dream of being ANBU again or have to listen to her talk about how he should become Tsuchikage.  It was something that he used to yearn for.  Now, he would give almost anything just to listen to one more of her naive, dream-filled speeches.

Land of: Earth

Affinity: Fire, Water


B-Rank Technique:

Sappo Hou - Renzoku Yon-Dai Kougeki (Lethal Acupoint Technique - Continuous Four-Way Strike): One of the higher level Sappo attacks, this combination attack is very difficult to use effectively and even harder to master.  Requiring both hands and Shingan activated, the user takes a frontal stance facing the target, both legs apart and he uses both hands simultaneously to perform four sets of strikes.  The first strike with both hands is a simultaneous strike to the insides of the shoulders, second with both hands to strike the chest between the ribs at the lungs, the third to the stomach to strike at the blood vessels around the internal organs, and the last strike with both hands is directed in a piercing strike toward the center of the chest.  This attack negates all damage reduction a target may have in the form of armor or even some structures.  This attack is very difficult to avoid since by the time the Shingan user has gotten to this point of ability, they have achieved a good mastery over their Doujutsu and can see objects moving in slow motion and react to them with their hyper-oxygenated blood flow.

C-Rank techniques:

Sappo - Nidan Dachi (Lethal Acupoint - Second Stance): While the first stance is more balanced between offense and defense, the second stance maintains the philosophy that the best defense is a good offense.  This stance focuses on the user's blood to harden the striking force even further than in the first stance.  This is achieved by using the arms in whip-like movements, applying arcing movements that cause the blood from the rest of the arm to flow directly into the hand by centripetal force.  Because of this, the hands harden further due to the blood forced into the hand and the result is an impact that can break through a good deal of the existing guards an opponent might have since a hand that can already strike through armor has become a good deal more hardened and is even faster due to the whip-like maneuver.  This stance does not focus on crippling strikes, but strikes that can obliterate even the toughest of defenses and rapid strikes and movements that constantly leave the opponent on the defensive, unable to strike back.  Needless to say, the best way to defend against this stance is to not get hit by it.  If a person is forced to block the strike, it may end up being the same as not blocking it at all.

Sappo - Sandan Dachi (Lethal Acupoint - Third Stance): Realizing that Sappo users will not always come up against unarmed opponents in Taijutsu combat, this third stance was created.  By this point in their training, a user of Sappo should have already trained enough to harden not only their hands, but their arms as well.  This creates an entirely new approach to combat.  Because their limbs can become as hard as metal while still being flexible, this style focuses on the destruction of the weaponry an opponent might have using trapping of the weapon and opposing force from both hands, arms or elbows, thus stripping away the advantage of range or whatever other quality they might have.  Trapping a weapon between their hands or their arms, a Sappo user with this stance in their arsenal is able to effectively shatter the weapon and deal strikes that can pierce through metal.  It transforms the user into an anti-weapon specialist.

Shingan Ryu - Seikuuken (True Eye Style - Mastery of Space): This technique is one of the main methods of defense in the largely offensive Sappo style, though it is arguably an offensive form of defense.  Having achieved the ability to increase the oxygenation of the blood to their brain and body further with their Shingan, this technique requires the user to go one step above what they have already learned by linking both their heightened brain activity and their ability to focus to sense other people's heartbeats in the area together and blend them seamlessly, eliminating their conscious mind from the equation.  To execute this properly, the user needs to have their Shingan active in order to begin the sensing process.  The user uses his Shingan to ascertain when the opponent will attack by analyzing their heartbeats quickly, and this information is processed so quickly that their muscles already start to move to deflect the attack before it becomes conscious thought.  In a way, if the user actually consciously thinks about the attack they will be hit, but by not thinking about it and acting quickly, they can deflect and counter attacks by those even faster than they are themselves within the range of their "Mastered Space."  They can only deflect attacks within their own personal reach or the reach they would have with a weapon, however, so the main difference between this attack and Hyuuga Ryu - Hakkeshou Kaiten is that this defense does not attack and defend with chakra, but with the user's actual body, so it has a lower range.  However, being able to physically handle multiple attacks at once with their own body was a feat that not even the Hyuuga could accomplish and this was one of the main reasons the Hyuuga decided to try to destroy this bloodline.  Hakkeshou Kaiten was actually designed by the Hyuuga after seeing this Shingan technique so they would not be left behind by the users of Shingan.

Shingan Ryu - Kaifuku Atten (True Eye Style - Recovery Point): To use this technique, the user must have their Shingan activated.  Using their Shingan's ability to sense the blood flow and heart activity within the body, the user can make simple repairs to a person's body, instantly stabilizing a person who is dying and enhancing their health recovery rate while resting by directing the body's natural blood flow to the correct locations to aid the process.  The user may use this technique on himself for purposes of increasing his regeneration rate while resting, and if done in this manner, it does not require the user's Shingan active as they are already in tune with their own body.  This is the starting point of Shingan's Medical Jutsu.

D-Rank Techniques:

Sappo - Shodan Dachi (Lethal Acupoint - First Stance): This stance is the beginning stance of those Shingan users who wish to use their bloodline limit Doujutsu for Taijutsu attacks instead of Medical Ninjutsu.  Strikes using this stance are mostly open-handed, though unlike the Hyuuga style Taijutsu, these strikes are mostly knife-hands using the edges or fingers of the hands, the backs of the wrists, or all five fingertips.  Closed fists are usually reserved for the end of a long string of attacks like punctuation at the end of a sentence.  The user constantly maintains a forward motion at diagonal lines in order to chase down their opponent while expending less energy.  Using this style requires that the Shingan be active to be able to accurately sense where the opponent's blood flow is the weakest and attack that area, effectively crippling their opponent's ability to move and doing massive damage in one strike.  Unlike the Jyuuken used by the Hyuuga, a Sappo user does not use their chakra to inflict damage.  Rather, this is performed through highly developed Taijutsu training techniques to harden the bones of the hand by constantly fracturing and healing them combined with the blood-control healing ability of a Shingan user.  In this way damage is dealt using hands that can potentially strike through most armor and objects rather effectively.  An opponent struck by a user who accurately uses this first stance of Sappo will find their movements inhibited due to the closing off or ruptured blood flow to the area of the body where they have been struck.  This can become a vicious cycle much like how a snake strangles its victims since it is often hard to escape a Sappo user once the first blow has been made due to the higher chance of being struck again.

Shingan Waza - Hoshokusha no Me (True Eye Technique - Eye of the Predator): This technique is a Genjutsu broadcast from the user's Shingan, and thus requires no hand seals to perform.  The eyes of a person with an activated Shingan can often be quite unsettling.  Perhaps this is because it can cause a person feel like they are stripped naked as their secrets are revealed due to the Shingan user's affinity with both their blood and the blood of their opponent.  Playing on this proverbial crack in surrounding opponents' armor, this Genjutsu takes hold of that crack and tears it wide open causing abject terror in the surrounding opponents that look him in the eye.  Images of themselves on the ground with their limbs torn off and the user painted in their blood become a vivid reality which can often paralyze an opponent or at the very least cause a great deal of hesitation to act against the user.

Magen - Narakami no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion - Death Mirage Technique): This is a Genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This Genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great.

E-Rank techniques:

Kawarimi no Jutsu (substitution)
Bunshin no Jutsu (clone)
Henge no Jutsu (transformation)
Shunshin no Jutsu (body flicker)
Genjutsu Kai
