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Welcome to cWoD: Los Angeles

05:26, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Katherine Lethe

Name: Katherine Lethe
Age: Thirties
Sex: Female
Occupation: State Defender

Appearance: Katherine always seems to be dressed smartly, but not expensively. Fairly modest suits, neither too expensive, nor cheap. She carries a briefcase. Her car is nothing flash, but neither is it a run-down rusted hulk. Her hair is modest, her make-up the minimum required for her work. Her voice tends to be businesslike, and lacking in humour. Everything about her seems to suggest that she is professional, and not remotely interested in any extraneous contact. Humour and flirting are irrelevant.

She is often accompanied by a large man with similar personality traits. It is doubtful that either of them have ever experienced laughter, if their current personalities are anything to judge by.

Occupation: Katherine is a State Defender, the legal counsel assigned to defend suspects when they are unable to afford an attorney of their own. She seems to be very good at her job, and often shows insight into situations that seems incredibly profound. She may be cold, but when it comes to her job, she does not let anything stand in the way of doing the very best for her clients. She does have a very good reputation with the police, however, and is not the sort of person to antagonise them simply because it is her job to remove people from their clutches.

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Supernatural Information: Katherine Lethe has apparently been associated with the Technocracy all of her adult life, if not longer. It seems likely that she was also with them in infancy. Her precise abilities, however, are unknown to those around her. This might suggest that they are experimental in nature. When dealing with her superiors, she tends to go by the designation "Agent Pi Sigma Seven" - precisely what that means is not known to those around her, but it presumably has significance to those higher up the food chain.

Her position is part of the Hub Amalgam. Her actual role seems to be information gathering. Her speciality in this field is interrogation of hostile prisoners. It might not be accurate to call her a torturer, as she seldom ever needs to resort to violent means to obtain her information, although she is clearly not averse to using them, judging by the condition of some of the victims of her more thorough interrogations. However it is she extracts her information, it is incredibly effective. For those on the receiving end, it is unlikely they will be quite the same again. Those who do actually survive, and are released back into the community at large, are frequently changed. Some have partial amnesia, or loss of memories concerned with the interrogation. Others can have far more mental trauma, even going so far as having radical alteration of personality. Occasionally, subjects may even be reduced to little more than brain-scrambled lunatics. It would be kinder to eliminate them, but an object lesson to others, dumped on the street, can often be of considerable value as a warning against those who pry where they are not welcome...

Her cold personality, and the nature of her work, gives even her own colleagues the chills at times. Her fanatical willingness to do absolutely anything, to absolutely anybody, if it furthers her current assignment, have gained her something of a reputation. Very few people seem to like her, but only an idiot would risk giving her reason to doubt their loyalty. Nobody wants to be the next person to sit in her special chair with the strong limb restraints...