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13:59, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Cecil Dent

Name: Cecil Dent

Nickname/Title: Sir Dent

Age: 45

Birthplace: Staffordshire

Sexuality: Openly Heterosexual, but open to other advances

Play-By: David Tennant

Occupation: Baronet, Investor, Translator, Amateur Botanist

Physical Description: Sir Dent has often been described as something of a scarecrow of a man, tall(6'1") with slender limbs and long spidery fingers. He has a fair complexion with chestnut brown hair, kept fashionably short, dark brown eyes and keeps his diamond-shaped face clean shaven, with the exception of his sideburns, though they are kept trimmed neatly.

 Cecil has fine tastes, preferring well-tailored suits in various silken tones to match the season. Supposedly he got into the habit during his time abroad, and has since refused to allow himself to wear nothing but drab black and grey suits. Unfortunately, his habit has the drawback of making him seem somewhat foppish at first glance. Definitely a gentleman easy to spot out among a crowd of his peers.

Distinguishing Features: Sir Dent's two most distinguishable features are his Grecian, somewhat-pointed nose and his thick s-shaped eyebrows that make him seem somewhat intimidating at first glance.

Personality Description: Being a well-traveled individual, Dent has picked up various habits and mannerisms which cause some to find his behavior a bit "eccentric." While generally soft-spoken, what words he does choose to speak tend to be fairly blunt with a bit of a sharp tongue. Combined with his often stoic expression, he has gained somewhat of a reputation in some social circles as being cold, but honest. However, his stubborn facade has been noted to slip in the presence of his daughter, whom he is incredibly fond of. Dent has also exhibited a notable interest in stories of others travels, and of course, any objects from far away lands.

Characters History: Cecil was the second son of Baronet Humphrey and Angelica Dent. His older brother  Henry was, in Cecil's words, a boorish brute. Their mother died when they were very young, and their father was often focused on business matters, heavily investing in foreign trade. In time, both Henry and Cecil came to serve in the Royal Navy, Henry as an officer and Cecil as an interpreter and translator. They both first saw action in Canton, where Henry was grievously wounded and succumbed to his injuries.

 In Canton, Cecil became very familiar with the Wu family, tea merchants who owned and operated a tea house in Canton. As the violence in Canton grew, the Wu family became heavily worried about the possible destruction of not only their business, but their family. Being from a wealthy family, Cecil was asked to marry the second Wu daughter, Ju-fen,in hopes of keeping her safe from the ongoing conflict and to insure the Wu family survived even if Canton were destroyed. True to his word, Cecil married Ju-Fen, and received a dowry of tea, and plant seeds.

 At the end of the conflict, Cecil brought Ju-Fen back to his family home in Staffordshire, only to discover that his father had passed away from illness prior to their return. Within a year, the young couple was blessed with the birth of their daughter, Chrysanta. Unfortunately, Ju-Fen succumbed to scarlet fever only a few years after, leaving Cecil to raise Chrysanta by himself.

 Cecil now maintains not only his family home in Staffordshire, but also a residence in London so that he can better tend to his family's investments. His relatives still seem intent upon him at some point re-marrying, and thus have been making increasingly pain-staking efforts to get Cecil involved in social functions.

Goals: Dent's most prominent long-term goal is to maintain his current holdings as well as tend to possible future investments. As for more short-sighted endeavors, his daughter's well-being and future rests heavily upon his mind. Unfortunately, due to his aunt's insistence, potentially re-marrying is now also something on his mind.

Likes: He enjoys spending time within gardens, if not his own private garden where he has been cultivating various flowers for floral teas. He has a notable soft spot for fictional books, as well as hearing of the travels of others.

Dislikes: Cecil is actually not particularly fond of poetry, stating that the few pieces he has read do little but inflate the ego of the writer and bore the reader. In addition, Cecil is notably uneasy around larger machines, finding them so impersonal and in no comparison to handmade artisans.