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Welcome to Atomic Highway

07:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Deadboy
Age: Between 19-24 years old (he dosnt actually know exactly)

Deadboy stands at about 6'2 with lean muscular frame with no wasted muscle or fat to be found. His hair is black, shoulder length and keeps it tied in thick braid at the back of his neck and a few small braids at the side, the hair is very messy. Under all of the dirt and dust he is of Caucasian ethnicity. His eyes are unnerving and make him immediately identifiable as a mutant. The left eye appears to have a small spectrum of colors around the pupil that appear to change depending which direction you are looking at them and his right eye is a blood red color that makes him look like he has a permanently bloodshot eye. He has a large horizontal white scar about an inch wide that goes across his face from just beneath both eyes and across the bridge of his nose. The scar is noticeable but clearly happened when he was still a young child. The rest of his body is latticed with scars, burns and badly drawn tattoos that held no particular shape or significance except for genral insults or slurs. During the day he wears a set of goggles similar to a blacked out ski mask to avoid hurting his eyes.

Deadboy wears worn out and dirt caked biker leathers which he filched from a dead raider in the wastes. Deadboy wears a pair of combat trousers and top under the leathers and wears a large buff/ scarf around his neck which can be used to cover his face when entering settlements.

Personality: He is quiet rarely speaks unless spoken to. Hi voice never raises above a loud rasping whisper. Due to his upbringing (if it can even be called that) he has very little emotional range and seems a little empty or stupid. He tends to move from settlement to settlement with no particular purpose or aim. He does not fuly understand or comprehend feelings like fear, joy, remorse, sadness or mirth. His face always has the same vacant expression as if he is daydreaming and can be very unnerving even in a post-apocalyptic world. People understand anger, hatred or enjoyment in killing but he doesn't appear to display anything comparable to what most survivors experience and so is set even further apart form them. He has occasionally displayed acts of merciless brutality when pushed to fight only to resume what he was doing beforehand as though nothing has happened. He bears no particular ill will and weathers the insults and suspicious glares or outright violence against himself with a grim acceptance.