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22:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Rory Quinn

Name: Rory Quinn

Nickname/Title: Ruairí Ó'Cuinn (Birth Name)

Age: 26

Birthplace: Carlow, Ireland

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Jackie Earle Haley

Occupation: Unemployed Street Tough

Physical Description:
Rory is by no means a big man, standing perhaps 5'4" with a lean, rangy frame. His heritage is likewise plain to see, with deep green eyes and a shock of red hair that tends towards orange in the summer and auburn in the colder months. His skin tone likewise changes with the seasons, giving him a ruddy tone by mid spring before fading to a pallor by the end of fall.

With calloused hands and a body hardened by manual labor, he looks like he could use a good scrub and a hardy meal.

Distinguishing Features:

By far his most noteworthy feature are his eyes, fierce and vibrant with just a hint of sunflower yellow around the iris, with a strip of freckles running beneath them.

Capable of betraying a half feral wildness or a keen mind in equal measure, he is possessed of a stare that can be hard to forget.

Personality Description:

It quickly becomes apparent in spending time around this man that he has defied his low birth by fortune of an intellect uncommon in those of his station. Be that as it may however, he is obviously aware of the cruel irony and is perhaps even slightly amused by it, when his mood permits.

At other times however his misfortune seems to be felt all too keenly, with frustration, anger and rage simmering just beneath the surface. He tends to vacillate between the two states of mind, the process sometimes taking days and at other times hours.

A slightly brighter light than is commonly found on the streets of London, he flickers, gutters and flares and at times threatens to go out, interesting to watch but perhaps dangerous if left unattended.

Characters History:

Rory Ó'Cuinn was born in Carlow Ireland and was the third of ten children, only six of which would survive to adulthood. His mother, Moira, was a free spirited woman who maintained a boundless optimism up until her death of consumption just eight years after Rory's birth. His father, Sean, was a learned man, classically educated by Rory's grandfather who made his living as a well regarded expert on Rose's and their cultivation.

Rory's grandfather spoke seven languages, Sean five and Rory himself four at one time, although he will be the first to admit that his Latin and Greek have both lapsed badly.

While of low birth, the O'Cuinn's were not especially hard bitten until Sean was pressed into service. With no man of the house to provide wages, and with the famine well established the family suffered badly for years before Sean was able to extricate himself from the Navy and bring the family to London.

It quickly became apparent that Sean had witnessed terrible things during his time abroad, and the man struggled constantly with depression and melancholy. A sensitive soul, he was crushed by mans inhumanity to man and by his own inability to provide for his now motherless children.

With his mother dead and his father in self imposed isolation, Rory was left to his own devices, which on the streets on London meant immediate and stiff opposition. He learned to be cunning, he learned to be quick, and he became intimately acquainted with violence as he watched the other children around him be maimed and die with predictable regularity.

Adulthood found Rory a veteran of a game where only a handful of survivors remained to carve up the streets and alleyways amongst themselves, recruiting the next generation for their unending attempts at territory, reputation and wealth.

Having lived far longer than he had ever expected, Rory Quinn now stands at a cross roads between legitimacy and the underworld, restoring his families name or embracing the man he has become.

Goals: Develop a steady income, Care for his Father and Siblings, Outlive his old Enemies.

Children, Animals, Literature, Ill Weather, Folk Songs and Excitement

Opium, Money Lenders, Hot Weather