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Welcome to The New X-Men (Marvel Freeform)

00:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME:  Dumas N.L.N.
ALIAS: Double Double Duece: Triple D
RACE:  Heinz 57
AGE:  24
HEIGHT:  4’10”
HAIR:  Silver white
EYES:  Aquamarine
SKIN:  Dark Mahogany
LEGAL STATUS:  Citizen of the United States with a Criminal Record

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:  Dumas is a very small male for his age with a stature that borders on being a midget.  He is whipcord lean and almost as tough with long ropey muscles that appear as tight as violin strings and not a spare ounce of fat anywhere to cushion or smooth out the lines.  Even when relaxed he appears ready to spring in a hundred directions at once and in this case appearances are not deceiving.  Exotic or feral are often used when people are asked to describe Dumas and a large part of this is because of his facial structure.  A small almost lipless mouth sits above a pointed chin that is made even more pronounced by high prominent cheekbones and a thin knife blade of a nose.  High arching eyebrows of the same silver white as his hair match the long lashes that frame the disturbing crystal aquamarine blue of  his eyes.  To add to this his ears are set back slightly farther and higher on his head and sweep up to definite points at the tips.  He wears five rings in his left ear and three in his right.

Dumas wears his hair pulled back into a pony tail that reaches just past his shoulder blades.  All of Dumas’s body hair is the same silver white as his head hair and while it is very fine it still creates an odd contrast against his dark skin.  He has a series of scars down each side of his ribs, each 1 inch long and an inch apart.  There are 23 on the right side and 19 on the left in two straight rows.  There is the number 22 branded on the back of each shoulder.

Dumas is a physical fitness fanatic and has a grueling exercise and diet regime that he sticks to regardless of situation.

STRENGTH LEVEL:  Do to his constant exercise Dumas can lift 200 pounds under optimal conditions.  Not superhuman by any stretch but impressive given his size.  His reflexes and agility are on par with an Olympic caliber athlete.

PERSONALITY:  To best understand Dumas’ personality imagine someone ten feet tall, bullet proof, able to throw locomotives around with ease and who also has a powerful booming voice that instantly commands respect…Now put that person in Dumas’ body.  Add in the knowledge that he will never be that person no matter how hard he tries and you start to get the idea.  This does not keep him from trying like Hell but he is often rather frustrated by his limitations.  On the plus side if he tells you that he can-not do something you can be sure that the only reason he is saying that is because he has tried until he knows for a fact that he can’t.

Dumas has poor personal skills and it has been said that he can walk into a full room and run out chased by a mob.  Torches and pitchforks have been known to spontaneously appear in his wake (not really but almost).  This is mostly because he does not suffer fools lightly and he can not understand why others do not understand what is often so clearly apparent to him.  If you are his friend however he will stand with you past the Ninth Circle of Hell and piss in the Devil's eye.

POWERS:  Dumas has a conclave of powers that are inter-related and all function together as if they were in truth a single power.

First off he is a Diviner, he can locate any object that he is asked to find as long as it is a tangible object, item, or person.  This awareness takes the form of a ’psionic string that links him to the item.  He is unaware of the items location or distance but knows the direction to travel in order to get to it.  This aspect of his abilities has been proven to function over hundreds, even thousands of miles of distance.

The second aspect of his powers is an uncanny ability with maps.  Given a map of his current location he can instantly pinpoint his exact location upon it and then orienteer to any given destination.

The third aspect of his power is an extremely heightened sense of situational awareness.  He is aware of everything around him at all times and its location in reference to himself.  Having seen a room once he could navigate it blindfolded with no difficulty or be able to tell instantly later if a single item had been moved, added, or removed from the room.

The final aspect of Dumas’ ability is nearly perfect hand /eye coordination.  When you couple this with his other abilities it becomes possible for him to strike any target with near absolute pin point accuracy be it with a rock, a thrown knife or an arrow, it is nearly impossible for him to miss.  There may even be an element of precognitive ability involved as he always aims for where a target is going to be at a precise moment in time and not where you would normally expect them to be and he will often fire before the target even appears.  He also has an uncanny knack for being where an attack isn’t, moving just enough to avoid a blow or even a bullet.  Again this may be an unconscious use of a precog ability.  It is suspected that this accuracy will also translate over into any other ranged weapons he might choose to learn.

SKILLS:  Dumas is an 8th Dan blackbelt in the Martial arts although he has no specific discipline being a firm believer in the philosophy that ‘Anything Goes when its MY ass’.  He has also studied Kempo and while he was very good his size was a handicap to his abilities.  He also enjoys Parkaire, the art of free movement, and is a skilled free climber.  He is working on developing his skills with lock picks and security systems.

HISTORY: Dumas never talks about his past to anyone for any reason.  He is wanted by the police for undisclosed crimes but not locally.

EQUIPMENT: Dumas will often have a small but powerful folding slingshot with him as well as a brace of six homemade throwing darts.  He also carries a pouch of 3/8 lead balls for the slingshot.