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Welcome to Sector of Strangeness

01:46, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Wanda Rhygard

Wanda is tall and slender, likely due to living part of her life at less than a full earth gravity. She has long, dark, and wavy hair, an olive complexion, and dark eyes. She is quick to flash a broad grin when circumstances warrant. Her attire depends on the occasion - she prefers utility clothes while shipboard, usually in dark colors and with many pockets. When planetside and meeting with people, she tends toward ankle-length dresses of varying hues. When relaxing, just about anything goes.

Wanda is aware of how her posture and activity affect those around her. She has knack for putting others at ease, and uses that knack to remove tension from most situations. When in charge, she is matter-of-fact and even-handed.

Wanda's diction is generally precise, though again depends on the situation. When around friends, she will devolve into low speech laced with profanity. Among clients and trading partners, her vocabulary is decidedly appropriate for the situation.