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Welcome to Europa: 513 AD

16:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Appearance: Stunning. She has long dark red hair, plump lips, and a flawless complexion. Her body too seems built for sin. She has long strong legs, full round hips, a synced waist, full firm breasts, and a perfect heart shaped behind. Her most striking feature are her eyes - they while and dance with facets of colors that are always changing. Her eyes mark the chaos in her soul. She moves like she is made of water, but she has the coordination and grace of a practiced dancer. Men have fought over her, painted masterpieces with her as the subject, written her works of poetic art...all for the opportunity to have but a taste of her. Being hedonistic, she is not difficult to get sexual favors from, but she does demand a certain amount of effort.

Bryon does not follow fashion trends, she sets them. She rarely wears the same things twice, but very often other woman flock to acquire whatever outfit she has worn recently. She currently favors silk sarongs in bright colors, especially green and yellow. Her jewelry is impeccably tailored for each outfit. If she is with someone who has given her a gift she will often wear or keep it on her person as a means of flattery. Fashion designers have noted the trend and are beginning to bring her their newest creations early to find out if they will sell.

Personality: On the surface she is a "party girl," and that is a no facade. Ultimately she is a hedonist who enjoys indulging herself in the finest things, the best lovers, and the most over the top means available. She sees people - especially men - as playthings. Her favorites she keeps around but those she gets bored with or does not like to being with get tossed aside. There is a string of broken hearts in her wake, and she likes it!

She expects to be treated with chivalry and respect and can be very testy if she is not. More than one fellow traveler has earned her ire by not standing when she entered a room, not pulling out her chair, etc. She expects this, and when her expectations are not met she shows a very fiery temper.

Lapis Lazul pendant on gold chain

Bryon's new familiar is an owl named Thisbrand Calryle Grumactus the First, but he is called Carl. Pic coming soon!