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Welcome to The Argentos Traveling Show

07:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


<img src=""align="left">
Age   :  16
Height:  5'2"
Weight:  111 lbs
Hair  :  Black
Eyes  :  Blue

Sixteen years ago The Argentos Traveling Show happened upon a terrible sight as they returned from Belfort to the west. They had just completed a successful season, culminating in a performance for King Gundobad himself, and were destined for Basilea and a respite from the coming winter. To their dismay, the troupe came across a shattered and burnt caravan smoldering in the morning cold. Bodies lay scattered, slashed and torn by orcish butchery, the presence of carrion birds testament to the slaughter. A quick search confirmed their worse fears; all were dead and anything of value taken.

On the verge of leaving, a single cry rose above the carnage. It was faint and had the wind not been carrying it, the sound probably would have been lost among the show's array of myriad noises. A young seamstress by the name of Amalia was the first to hear it and as it rose in intensity and frequency, she pinpointed its location. Stashed beneath an overturned wagon, charred except for a small portion near the front, was where she found an infant child swaddled against the cold and hidden.

The baby girl was obviously hungry and frightened. Amalia didn't think she was long for the world, but when the pale infant looked at her with her mesmerizing eyes, a soaring blue that scintillated with the primordial essence of the heavens themselves, the seamstress swore that the child would live. Amalia proclaimed that she would care for the child and took the baby for her own. Thus began Aria's life among the eccentric Argentos Traveling Show.

Aria grew up among the hustle and bustle of a traveling show. Though she called Amalia mother, in truth the entirety of the Argentos' performers and auxiliary were her parents. Bright and possessing an almost otherwordly beauty, she was a quick learner. In a support role most of her life, she has recently come of age in the eyes of Phileas and Hylensia. Her beauty and her enchanting voice has made her an interesting new act for the upcoming season. She still helps out in anyway she can, however, despite her recent promotion.