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Welcome to Forgotten Realms 3.5: Legends Forged

03:33, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Just by looking at Zell, you can tell that he's a Half-elf. Standing around
5'7" and maybe 160 pounds, Zell has shoulder length black hair and blue eyes
that make the ladies smile. He also has an unusual scar right between his eyes
on his forehead. Dressed in dark clothing with a grey cloak, you might see a
short sword strapped to his hip, if you were paying attention. Always looking
over his shoulder, one might think Zell was in trouble with the law.

Background History

Zell was born in the Capital of Baldur's Gate in the seedy part of town. That's
because his father was a pirate. Captain Corvus Mellivor. He may not have been
the most notorious, but people knew who he was, especially the rich. His Mother
was a local wood elf who fell in love with the Captain's charms and went on
several sea voyages until she couldn't travel anymore due to child birth. So,
the generous Captain bought her a place in town and would visit her when he
snuck in to shore. When Zell could walk on his own, he and his mother went on
sea voyages with the good captain, but that ended pretty quickly when Zell
never got his sea legs. To this day he gets sick, even in a row boat tied to
the docks. So, Zell's life was on the streets. He went to school most of the
time until he hooked up with the local gang and started burglarizing homes. He
loved his father and wanted to be like him, so he figured that he'd be a pirate
on land, while his father was a pirate on the seas.

That changed when he was 17. While robbing a home in the middle of the night,
the owner caught him in the act. Zell tried to run, but was grabbed. He
struggled with the man, who grabbed a hot poker from the fireplace and jabbed
at Zell. One jab hit him right between the eyes on his forehead, scarring him
for life. Zell pulled out his dagger and started jabbing back. He managed to
break free and run, later hearing that he killed the man. Unfortunately for
Zell, the man was the Uncle of Commander Greystone, a known military official
in the Baldur's Gate army. His description was told to a house servant before
Lord Greystone died and now the military knows what Zell looks like. This also
spelled trouble in the Guilds, who thought an unauthorized assassination took
place. Fearing for his life, Zell was told by his mother to go to the port town
of Luskan, way in the North. Zell now hates himself for his failure and the
accidental murder of an innocent man over money. His father never murdered
anybody. He held them ransom and spread the coin with the crew, but never
murdered anyone. The ghost of the man would remain with Zell until the day he
died. This he knew to be true.

Zell has been in Luskan for several years now, under the watchful eye of the
guild there, hiding from the Military who periodically comes to town. He
constantly practices his skills, fearing failure again and trying to stay ahead
of his demons. He considers himself to be a Lady's man, flirting and doing
“other” things with merchant's wives while they are away working. But, to the
public, he's a Jeweler's Apprentice who's getting decent cutting gems from the
mines out of Mirabar. Zell is highly Perceptive and people who know him gave
him the nickname Eagle Eye, claiming that his scar on his forehead is a 3rd eye
granted by the gods.

Zell Tends to stay quiet and listens, while watching his surroundings. People
may think he's paranoid, but when you're a burglar, you get a bit paranoid at
times. He smiles at the ladies, even if he doesn't think they're attractive.
The ladies always remember a good looking man who smiles at them and that has
paid off in the past, thanks to their cheating husbands. He rarely talks about
himself, denying anything about looking like his father. He loves the man, but
not the trouble it brings.

Zell is afraid of undead, thinking they are Lord Greystone coming back to try
and get him. He's only seen zombies, but is convinced they call out his name.

Zell also is afraid of anyone looking like a military official, fearing they
are on his trail.

And lastly, Zell hates boats. He's practiced and practiced trying to get his
sea legs, but has always failed and barfed up his stomach until his butt came
out of his mouth.