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Welcome to Step Up: A Teen Supers Game

04:12, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Nenanero KurAisen

Hero Name: Envoy
Real Name: Nenanero Ven KurAisen/Juana Rey Corazon
Look: Woman, pale bluish green humanoid body, bizarre big dark red eyes, mismatched clothing, her station's costume (suit of ritual combat armour)
Abilities: Flight, toughness, alien (psi-active) weaponry, telepathy and mind blasts

Moment of Truth:
You embrace your home and call them for aid. They will answer your call—in force!—arriving exactly when you need them to turn the tide. They fight and serve you for the rest of the battle. Of course, when all is said and done... they’d probably like to take you home with them. You did, after all, just prove yourself worthy.

Team Moves:
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, take Influence over them if you show them meaningful affection, physical or emotional. They decide if it’s meaningful.

When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, they tell you what you should do to fit in more. Take +1 forward to do it, and mark potential if you do.

[X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Advances used:
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add +1 to a Label

Danger +2
Freak 0
Savior -1
Superior +2
Mundane +1

Afraid [], Angry [], Guilty [], Hopeless [], Insecure []


Where do you come from?

Velano, the original homeworld of the Anavan Stratocracy. I am one of the Anenaven - "superhumans" would be the closest equivalent in your language - genetically engineered psychic warriors who defend and rule our society for the greater good of all. Together with the others from the first batch, the KurAisen line has been fighting to protect the Anaven from all outside threats since the days of the rebellion against the invading Kataren. I was born and trained to follow in those footsteps.

Why did you come to Earth?

There comes a point in our training when we must strike out on our own and acquire experience beyond what we could learn from our masters, while also doing good for the Stratocracy or its allies. We have learned of Earth when one of your superheroes, Vigil, ended up on one of our worlds and helped my progenitor, Tanavero Zan KurAisen, expose a Kataran plot (which was the first we've heard of them in decades). All of the Ven cohort were informed that one of us should go to Earth to return the favour, and to learn more about humans. Many of us would have volunteered, but I was especially curious and restless, and I wanted it more. Seeing this, the others gave way. I arrived on Earth, declared myself and my intentions to an Earth authority, and followed their instructions in joining a host family and going to a school. If they wish to conceal my presence for some reason... well, it is their planet.

Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)?

I expected Earth to be different; more advanced and harmonious. In fact, it is extremely chaotic and confusing. So many of the biggest problems here appear to be caused directly or indirectly by the humans themselves. But humans are full of both good and bad surprises, and some of them appear to be very capable. And there is a lot to do here - much more than back home, at least for someone of my rank. So I intend to continue doing it: studying humans and keeping them safe, whether from each other or from dangers that are not of their own making.

Why do your people want you to come home?

Eventually, I will return and become a fully-fledged champion of the Anaven. This is the last part of my training as an Anenav. What is the point of leaving if I do not return, armed with more knowledge and experience which I could wield for the good of all and pass on to those who will come after me? That said, there is no definite limit on how long I can remain here. Unless there is a major crisis back home, I and my fellow trainees should not be recalled before we are ready to return ourselves.

Why do you care about the team?

They are all very unusual humans. Despite being aliens, many of them are uncannily relatable to me. Most of them are dutiful in a way that I have not observed in others of their species. Perhaps I could learn some things from them. In any case, they could certainly learn some things from me! Either way, this is what I am here for; that and guardianship, which the team is involved in as well.


You’ve been learning about Earth by spending time with Lady Liberty.

You have a crush on Paladin but you keep it under wraps.


Haughty: you think you’re better than them. Give no one Influence.

Giving influence to Abigail


Alien Ways: Whenever you openly disregard or undermine an important Earth custom in favor of one of your own people’s customs, shift Superior up and any other Label down.

The Best of Them: When you comfort or support someone by telling them how they exemplify the best parts of Earth, roll + Freak instead of + Mundane.

Not So Different After All: When you talk about your home, roll + Freak. On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one. During the conversation, you:
- confess a flaw of your home; add 1 Team to the pool
- mislead them about your home; take Influence over them
- describe the glories of your home; clear a condition

On a miss, you inadvertently reveal more about yourself than you planned; tell them a secret or vulnerability you haven’t shared with Earthlings before now.