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Welcome to Step Up: A Teen Supers Game

04:28, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


"Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready."
- Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Playbook       The Protege
Hero Name   Broadside
Real Name   Fatima Sadiq
Look    Woman, Middle Eastern, Compact Body, School Uniform, Protective Wear
Abilities Detective Skills, Supernatural Luck.
Mentor's Abilities Detective Skills, Intimidation and Fear.

Homecoming Dress



Afraid [ ]
Angry [ ]
Guilty [ ]
Hopeless [ ]
Insecure [X]

Potential: [X][X][X][X][ ]
Embodies Superior
Denies Danger
Provided Resources A Hidden Base (Abandoned Newspaper Publisher),
Badges of Authority, A Weapon of Last Resort.
Been reading the files:   You’ve learned about the superhuman world through your mentor’s resources. When you first encounter an important superpowered phenomenon (your call), roll   + Superior. On a hit, tell the team one important detail you’ve learned from your studies. The GM will tell you what, if anything, seems different from what you remember. On a 10+, ask the GM a follow-up question; they will answer it honestly. On a miss, the situation is well outside your base of knowledge; the GM will tell you why.

Fireside chat:   When you seek advice from your mentor, roll + the Label they embody. On a hit they will tell you what to do. On a 10+, mark potential if you follow their advice, and take +1 ongoing to follow through. On a 7-9, you get +1 forward to see it through if you do it their way. On a miss, they don’t have time for you because something big has gone down; mark a condition, GM’s choice.

Be mindful of your surroundings:   When you assess the situation  before entering into a fight, you may ask one additional question, even on a miss.
How did you first meet your mentor? She met Councilman Alexander Adderley on a school trip to the city council building and like most, fell for his charm. He was born into an impoverished family and became an activist then councilman. He seems to stop at nothing to keep the city safe and to put funds into improving the at-risk communities. He really seemed interested in helping her to achieve her goal of becoming a investigative journalist one day. She failed to see how far he would go in pursuit of his "lofty goals".
When and why did you choose to train with them? After their first meeting she applied for an afterschool internship and he sort of took her under his wing. He pushed her education and taught her the investigative and reasoning skills that got him where he is. She discovered she may have powers and Councilman Adderley let her in on his plan to push forward a required "super" registration. In pursuit of this goal he has constructed a database with as much information on heroes and villians as he can gather. She sees the need for more rules governing superheroics and agrees that someone needs to know how to defeat them should they shift sides.
Why did they agree to train you? Councilman Adderley chooses his words and actions carefully and sees those around him as building blocks to construct the world he believes should exist. He has leverage on most of the city council ans though backroom intimidation and cultivated connections he has ways to discover secrets. He wanted to hone her skills, making her into the tool he believes will shape that section of the city. When he discovered she might have powers, all the better to have access to even more secrets of the supers.
Who else, outside of the team, knows about your training? The only person she feels she can tell anything to is her older sister, Maryam. She has agreed not to divulge her secrets but is unsure he she feels about it.
Why do you care about the team?
Heroes are needed, that will always be true. Even if she doesn't always agree with their methods, she thinks the world is better with them. Maybe even her life is better with them in it, she didn't have many real friends before. They also provide some much needed heavy-hitting when her lighter touch won't do.
When our team first came together...
We stuck together after all was said and done. Why? How’d we keep in contact? We had more in common than we had differences. We had something to offer each other that we couldn't get on our own. Adderley made sure that everyone recieved badges and a form of sponsorship, he wouldn't want his protege and her teammates to be far out of his grasp.
You and Rook teamed up a few times before the rest of you came together.
Your mentor is cautious; they asked you to keep an eye on Lady Liberty.
