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14:19, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Frederick William Rowe

Name: Mr. Frederick William Rowe
Nickname/Title: Freddie (to his sisters). Fred (to his close acquaintances)
Age: 30
Birthplace: Ashburton, England
Sexuality: None of your damned business
Play-By: Richard Armitage
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Physical Description: 5'11, Average build. Dark brown hair, blue eyes. Always well turned out. Usually clean shaven with neatly trimmed sideburns. While handsome he has quite a hard look about him that might be discouraging to some.

Distinguishing Features:
Quite severe looking.

Personality Description:
Naturally thoughtful and considered, Mr Rowe attempts at all times to be proper in his manner. With his friends and family he is rather more good natured and prone to laugh, whereas with those he does not know -particularly those who consider themselves his betters- he is much more reserved and careful in his approach. His visage can be off putting to some who do not know the man, for the features of his face are fine but quite hard and he is given to frowning when in thought, generating a false fierceness about the man.
He is enthused by his work and enjoys it rather a lot, spending a great deal of time in his study, designing and calculating for various projects both commissioned and personal. Though he would not say so out loud, his is proud of his works, particularly those that might work for the betterment of all layers of society. On his person he always carries at least a small notebook and pencil, with which to take notes or make sketches of things that inspire. He is a talented draughtsman and has a keen mind for geometry and mathematics, all which serve his occupation as an Engineer very well. A little eccentric, Mr Rowe enjoys dabbling in the latest gadget and has recently purchased a velocipede and makes use of it when traversing town.
Whilst unmarried, Mr. Rowe considers himself a family man, in that he has his two younger sisters and his widowed mother to maintain. He is much determined to ensure they are well looked after an happy, a duty he has undertaken since his father passed on. He maintains a cordial, if slightly detached, relationship with his brother Gideon, who has taken up the Cloth and continues to reside in Devon. He finds his male sibling to be rather tiresome due to his constant need for proselytisation.  Frederick is a rational man, and though he is certainly a Christian, he takes a rather less dogmatic view upon religious affairs, as opposed to his brother.
Between his work and family duties, Mr. Rowe has very little time for himself and rarely takes time for relaxation, except for when his mother or one of his sisters insists upon it.

Characters History:
Father: William James Rowe - Deceased
Mother: Eleanor Rebecca Rowe, née Hewitt
Brother: Gideon Arthur Rowe -  Rector at All Saints Church, Highweek
Sister: Emilina Rose (Emma)
Sister: Henriette Katherine (Hetty)
Housemaid: Kirstie Lewis

Frederick is the eldest child to William and Eleanor Rowe and was born in a small village, nestling the bleak moorland that occupies much of rural Devon. His father was a carpenter and craftsman and made a simple living but the family were never really wanting for much, such was the less-baubled way of things in the country. Often, as with many people in the area, he was draughted to assist in farming chores, particularly at Harvest time. During this time of his childhood the railways were blooming in popularity, bringing much more trade and opportunity to the simpler folk as well as slew of tourists to visit the regions beaches.
Through the connections of a more affluent uncle, Frederick and his brother Gideon were both sent away to a school in West Sussex that took boys of lower income families by way of scholarships. Frederick did well at his tutelage, studying away from home from the ages of 8 until they were 14, excelling in mathematics and mechanics in particular.
Upon returning to the West Country, Frederick undertook a job as a clerk at the South Devon Railway Company, and from there gained an apprenticeship beneath the tutelage of Mr. Edmund Shaw, an Engineer who worked on the Great Western Railway. Through training and guidance, Frederick grew into a skilled and resourceful designer and manager, working on several projects of various scales.
He has recently taken a position as an Engineer at the Metropolitan Railway Company, with prospects for working on many of the industrious projects in the city. His work involves the construction of a new manner of subterranean transportation which is being built in effort to reduce the increasing congestion of the city at large.

Goals: To become a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, to ensure the comfort of his sisters and mother, to enable the betterment of society through great works.
Likes: Designing, experimenting. Taking apart new inventions. Putting back together previously taken apart things. Riding his velocipede
Dislikes: Not knowing quite how to behave in more strict social engagements. Being proselytised to. Violence in general