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10:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tarkin Janeth

Physical Description:

Tarkin's appearance contrasts greatly with the joviality of his personality. He is thickset and heavy in stature with a wide back trunk like arms and legs made from oak, standing taller than many men (6'4) and grizzled in appearance. His features would be described as dark, with dark stubble that occasionally grows into a beard and tanned skin that shows some sign of weathering. Oddly, his eyes are blue and his long mane of unkept hair fades light into a sand blond colour. Though when casting a second glance, or taking time to get past the initial glance, his features are handsome in a severe and edged kind of way.

When amongst "the more civilised sort" (City people, court, etc.) he tends to wear airy cloaks with heavy woolled or leathered clothes underneath. It's rare for his body to be revealed, even at the arms. The colours he wears often are various shades of blue with white but he shuns no colour, preferring to revel in all of life's colour. While perhaps being odd on such a large man, his tailor has enough skill to pull off a fetching visage for any that care to look.

In size and stature he looks very much like this:

Counter to first impressions his Janeth's gait is far from lumbering, but it does have some roll to it often found in people that have spent time at sea. He moves with ease in all other respects.

Personality: Wishy washy, flippant to fault and generally lacking any seriousness. On the surface, at least, he seems unbothered by matters of urgency and import and treats life with a cavalier attitude that may grate on some of the more serious sorts of folk. Tarkin often wears a grin and is quick to laugh, joke and rib people and often does so with good grace. Occasionally his humour takes a rough edge, and has barbs.

His temper is slow to rise, and is more akin to the brewing of a storm. Some of his crew have endeared him with the name of Storm Lord. Once roused, it is fierce and some might say devastating, but very quick to pass.

The real reason for his position is that the man considers himself a master of "just getting things done". often preferring to let people think him a fop, he likes to create the illusion of idleness and get his work done outside of accolade or starlight, and without much show or complaint. In his actions he is very practical and rarely lets emotions get the better of him.

Despite his usual dismissal of emotional response Tarkin succumbs to pity all too easily and would rarely pass a situation that would lead to something he'd consider "tragic". Otherwise, he attempts to enjoy life to the fullest in spirit and body.