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Welcome to Once Upon a Time in El Paso - [Adult Freeform Western]

13:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anais Gautier

Name: Anaïs Gautier
Occupation: French chorus girl
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Sexual Style: Flexible, depending on the situation 
Sexual Dislikes: None… probably?
Residence: (just arrived in town)

Description: Anaïs is a slender, curvy blonde, extremely agile and flexible after many years of demanding training for the stage. Although it's her dancer's legs she's the proudest of, it's usually her ample bosom what the gents tend to notice first.
Height: 5ft 7in
Weight: 110 lb
Hair: Blond curls, usually worn up.
Eyes: Blue.

Personality: A survivor no matter what, seductive, opportunistic and greedy, but with a sense of humor.

Skills: Dancing, Acrobatics, Guns, Swindling.

History/Background: Anaïs was born in Paris, daughter of a starving artist and his even more starving model. Her first jobs were selling candy and cigars around the less reputable theatres of the city, until she graduated to dancing on stage. During her years as a chorus girl, she “met” an American railroad tycoon on a tour of Europe. Seeing her opportunity to escape misery, she jumped into his bed and extracted a promise to take her to America and marry her. Naturally, it was a lie, and he dumped her as soon as the steamboat docked in New York.

Alone in a strange land, Anaïs fell in with Jack Roux, a small-time conman and thief, helping him pull off a few swindles – seducing rich idiots, getting herself hired as a maid in great houses to open the doors for her lover, and many other tricks of the trade. When the authorities finally caught up with them, they had to flee westwards, beyond the mountains. Drifting further and further to the west, they were close to death when they came across a band of outlaws roaming the frontier. They were allowed to join the gang, if only because Anaïs caught the eye of their leader, the half-Comanche Sacamantecas.

For the next few months, Anaïs travelled with the gang as they robbed and pillaged along the southern frontier. She grew sick and tired of their mindless violence, but she had no option but to endure. Jack had a shorter fuse and couldn’t stand the way Anaïs was being passed around so one day he pulled a gun on Sacamantecas. Never a gunslinger, he was quickly subdued, but Sacamantecas refused to kill him personally, giving Anaïs that “honor”. Knowing she’d be killed as well if she refused, Anaïs closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. ‘Now you really are one of us,’ the bandit told her, and off they rode, leaving the conman’s corpse for the coyotes.

Anaïs’ chance came only a few days ago. After a bloody raid on a ranch, Sacamantecas and his whole crew drank themselves into a stupor. Gathering her meagre possessions, she stole a horse and rode west as fast and long as she could.

After a few days of almost no rest or food, she arrives in El Paso, riding a half-dead horse and wearing dusty men’s clothes stolen from the bandits. Perhaps in this godforsaken town she can start anew...

The story so far

After arriving in El Paso, Anaïs bought a dress and some personal effects, had a bath and a meal and landed a job at the Off the Rails Hotel. After a night there with a cowboy named Billy Davies, she's ready for her new life.

The arrival (28th Oct 1880, Thu afternoon)
Current location: At Off the Rails Hotel