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20:12, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hirdan Greyhand

Clan is everything to a Dwarf. For the young man known as Hirdan Greyhand, he was privileged enough to be born into Clan Hardhammer of Mirabar. While the more prestigious members of the Clan actually sat upon the Council of Sparkling Stones, Hirdan's parents were not so prestigious. They were simple, hard working people. His mother was a miner, and his father was a cooper. Though he was from such humble beginnings, Hirdan grew up in a loving family. Perhaps because his parents were such string willed, independent people, he found himself trying to please both of them during his formative years. He tried to learn both the trades of his parents, as though he could follow both of their footsteps simultaneously. From his mother he learned tenacity and the joy of honest labor, and from his father he learned how to focus completely upon one task, and how to problem solve creative solutions. He did not know it at the time, but these skills would serve him well later in life.

Perhaps the youthful indulgence of his parents careers eventually lead to the rift that developed between his parents. As he reached the age of adulthood, his parents began to pressure him to choose a path, which eventually lead to fights between all three on an almost daily basis. In order to delay his choice, as well as just to get out of the house for a time, Hirdan volunteered to serve in the Axe of Mirabar. This was an honorable choice, and good work for a young Dwarf, and so his parents did not object at first. For four years he served the Axe, patrolling the depths of the mines for all manner of monsters, and protecting the trading interests of the city when protecting their surface domains. Due to being a Dwarf, and having familiarity with the mines, Hirdan often served as an advanced scout for the rest of his platoon. However, Hirdan was a proactive soul. He didn't just spot the enemy and report back. He often took care of potential dangers on his own, if he was able. His reasoning was that he had the ability to save other lives with his actions, and so he had a duty to do so.

He was a victim of his own success.

The Council of Sparkling Stones saw potential for a useful agent when examining his after-action reports. Agrathan Hardhammer himself approached Hirdan, and convinced him to leave the Axe and serve a much more vital role in the defense of Mirabar. For Hirdan acts as the eyes and ears of the city. Ferreting out threats that might befall Mirabar or the wider Sword Coast before they have a chance to grow. To that end, he simply reports on the goings on of the wider world, or takes it upon himself to troubleshoot threats while they are still nascent. For example if he notices that a Orc bandit chief might be gathering enough fame and support to potentially become a Warlord, it is up to Hirdan to make sure that the Orc has an unfortunate "accident." Hirdan has earned the surname Greyhand for his shadowy work, much to the chagrin of his parents, as they feel it is almost an insult to their name.

Despite the sometimes grim work, Hirdan accepts his role, and does not think he will retire anytime soon. For this is a calling that he did not know he wanted, but he cannot see himself stopping anytime soon. Adventure is in his blood now. The independence afforded him, as well as the solemn responsibility given to him, isn't something that one can just turn off. And so the Greyhand wanders the Sword Coast, searching in dark places for seeds that would grow to threaten his homeland. It isn't a glamorous life, but it is his life.