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12:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Samindi Ward

Full Name: Samindi Ward
Nickname: Sami
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student/Competitive Archer
Nationality: Indian, biracial (Indian/American)
Languages: English, Hindi

Samindi has moderate brown skin and dark brown eyes, a lighter tone than expected of her Indian hertiage due to her American father. Her hair is chocolate brown, bordering on black and cut rough around her shoulders. Her short, thin frame and big eyes show a girl possibly just into her adult years.
Sami is covered with an oversized, black waterproof jacket, under the jacket she wears a dark colored tracksuit, completing her outfit is a pair of thick wool socks under good quality, dark hiking boots. A black leather arm bracer is laced on her left arm, the sleeve of the tracksuit rolled up. A black, flat shoelace is looped and tied around her left forefinger, a bow sling which can be used at a moments notice.
A simple hunting knife and black, leather quiver are on a wide belt around her hips and a couple dozen or so arrows of various design fill the quiver. A light backpack is worn over her shoulders, from the way the backpack sags it doesn't look like she carries many possessions with her. She carries a recurve bow which has been modified by removing the stabilizer, V-bar and side rod, making the competition bow look more like a traditional bow, much lighter and easier to carry. The bow with black carbon limbs has a satin finished aluminium riser in yellow and is only a few inches shorter than Samindi at 4'8" long. Skinned Gray Squirrel tail is tied eight inches from each limb tip, helping to silence the bow. It is clearly important to her as she holds it close and handles it with great familiarity.

Height: 5'0"/152cm
Weight: 93lbs/42kg
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown/Black
Hair Style: Cut rough around shoulders
Complexion: Dusky
Body Shape: Slim

Basic Personality:
Sami was a bit of a joker before the outbreak and had a ready smile for anyone. While generally a happy girl she was very sheltered by her parents. Her schooling was done in the afternoons and evenings by correspondance as most of day was taken by archery practice. She never had much contact with other kids her own age and was fairly awkward in social settings.
Since settling in with the group Sami could best be described as devil-may-care; cheerful, carefree and a bit reckless. Within the security of the group and the safety of new friendships her youthful overconfidence and inquisitive nature have returned which can often get her in trouble. Flights of fancy take her and leave her quickly. She is learning responsibility and consideration of others since joining the group and is trying to limit her more impulsive urges.

Special Skills: Archery, perception, hunting, quick, stealthy

Sami was born on November 26th 1995 in Surat, on the West coast of India. Her father, Steve, was American who had moved to India after university to teach Engineering. Steve met Sami's mother, Amitha, in India and they were married in the country in a traditional Hindu ceremony. At the time of her birth Samindi had an older brother, Alexander, who was four years old. Sami's early years were spent in India, living and going to school in Surat. Her family weren't wealthy, with her father generating the only income for the household. She still remembers much of her early childhood years, of speaking Hindi at home, playing in the streets with the other children and of life being much simpler that her later years in America.
When Sami was six her father was retrenched as the university closed. Her family returned to America and settled in a small country town. Life was hard in America, her family had minimal savings and her father did odd jobs and repairs to make ends meet. However the family was happy and Sami remembers no sad times from her youth. Apart from school and church there was not much to pass the time with other children so Sami tagged along with her father while he was hunting and quickly took to handling a bow. She focused on this talent throughout her schooling and was always shooting practice targets or out with her father hunting wild game. As she grew older her family hired a coach and Sami entered into competitions, winning State Championships and competing nationally.

Living or Dead Family:
Father: Steve, missing, assumed alive
Mother: Amitha, missing, assumed dead
Brother: Alex, overseas, unknown

Recurve bow, hip quiver, 3 wooden field point arrows, 9 aluminium bullet point arrows, 4 Carbon Broadhead Arrows, 2 aluminium bullet arrowheads, light backpack, 2 recurve bow strings, tube of bowstring wax, archery multitool, carbon hunting knife, zippo lighter, waterproof blanket
Old brown parka, black singlet top, denim shorts, black leggings, underwear, woolen socks, hiking boots, archery bracer
Family Photos (Personal Item), Opal Necklace (Personal Item), Champion Trophy (Personal Item)