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Welcome to Port Washington

11:02, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tara Hase

General Information:

Name: Eostre Hase

Nickname: Tara Hase

Species: Former Demi-Goddess... or maybe simply a Delusional Wererabbit

Sexual Orientation: Hetero- Interested in Men


Physical information:

Gender: Female

Age: Looks 25... right around 2500 years- she stopped counting after the first millennia.

Human Hair Color: Usually some shade of pink either very light all the way up to Barbie's Dream House. (No matter how it is dyed, it will fade and then return to Barbie Pink)

Human Eye Color: Hazel

Human Distinguishing Marks:
Currently she has a Tattoo that says "Bite me" on her back right shoulder and a second tattoo saying in cursive "You know what they say about rabbits" in the sway of her lower back on the right side.  It's surrounded by flowers that were once red and black but have turned varying shades of fruity pebbles making the tattoo far to cutesy for her liking.  She has a third tattoo-  What once was a barbed wire ring around her ankle, turned in a matter of months into a daisy chain with lovely little blossoms.  It is beginning to fade.

Human Description of General Appearance:
She's not bad... but when the Universe deems it fit to create a Goddess of fertility and Springtime twitterpation, it tends to go with the classics.  She could be sultry if she didn't try so hard to avoid it.  The elements of creation had gifted her with a curving hourglass form, slender waist with just enough bosom to give the air of innocence while still being a fully formed woman.  Even in the ripped jeans and baggy sweatshirts she tends to wear to provide a bit of camouflage her silhouette is attractive.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Tara is the hair... from pink bubblegum to soft cotton candy blue, or shades of turquoise- Tara has only seen herself with somber hair once.  On a spree- perhaps a little rebellious, she had purchased auburn hair dye and coated her hair with it.  The brunette waves had delighted her... until it melted like chocolate coating over malted milk.  The most normal shade she can muster is a pale blonde that will fade throughout the day until it turns a pale lemon drop yellow.  Tara was delighted when the current trend of hair color came into fad, and has let her hair free up a bit since then; however even then it will always revert to pink- growing brighter and brighter until she looks like Barbie's Dreamhouse.  That array of cascading tresses in a pastel rainbow of colors frames a cupid like face- long lashes and bubblegum lips that no neutral lipstick can hide.  Ironically Tara will spend hours in the bathroom in de-pinking herself.

She regularly gets tattoos to edge up her appearance- they fade within a year. She's learned to appreciate the artistry.  Piercings, like tattoos, tend to heal faster than average making it almost impossible to keep them in.  Her wardrobe too has a nasty way of changing if she's not keeping an eye on it.  Shirts and sweaters that are edgy and angry will...regularly turn into cute kittens with butterflies.    It's a trial.

Alternate Appearance: (If applicable)
Tara can transform into a white rabbit. Contrary to popular belief she doesn't actually do her work in rabbit form.  It's more of a "If you happen to get spotted" plan.  Besides she's faster as a bunny.

Society Information:

Tara is a Chocolatier and pastry chef.  She plans to open a small dessert shop for the season, and maybe longer if she likes the community.

And there's that other thing...  But it's only a once a year gig.. in April.

What brought you to Port Washington? Tara saw the ad in the newspaper and like everyone else she thought it was a joke.  It was on her day of working that she snuck in and saw the place for herself under the guise of her official duties.  The next morning, when she finally got herself moving, there was a email from the Mayor.  Not long after she moved to Port Washington.  What was talked about between her and the Mayor has never been revealed.

How long has your character been here? One year

Personality Details:

Tara tries to be edgy.  She tries to be emo and disconnected... she tries, and it is about as successful as a Disney Princess doing black and white jean ads for Calvin Klein.  That's not to say that she isn't irritable.  Going your whole life with eggs turning to chocolate gets old after a while.  Sure, pastels have their season- but just once she'd like to wear something that didn't go perfectly with a baby's bedroom. All that aside, Tara doesn't have it in her to be rude to people.  She has a tendency to talk under her breath and be sarcastic, but outright rude?  She can't and if she manages it- it messes with her for days.

Mostly she is a bit of a goofball, which tends to lead people to believe she's simply a delusional wererabbit. The general notion among the supernatural community that she was a simply a crazy shifter appealed to Tara.  She wasn't sure why- but it just felt nice to be dismissed rather than worshiped.  Most times when she travels, she sits with the wererabbit vibe and enjoys the anonymity. Of course, from time to time the whole chocolate thing- or the occasional power misfire in spring will give her away, but for the most part she's lived a pretty normal life for a defunct goddess.

She is amazing with children and animals.  Most crying babies settle down when she's around and generally the animal life tends to like her, which comes with its own set of problems.  You think deer are cute?  Wait until they come into your house and leave dropping on the floor. Chipmunks, foxes, rabbits let's not get started on the birds- they all leave their calling cards to clean up.  Thus Tara as made an art at keeping them at arm's distance.  They're cute... over there... in the forest... where they can poop on mother nature's carpet.

Tara has a creative mind.  She loves making chocolates, pastries, cookies, cakes, and ice cream.  Since she can't get away from candy, she focuses her energies into creating new and exciting combinations.  She's a little persnickety about her candy finding most mass produced chocolate an abomination.


Tara can be distractible and skittish at times, which is more of a reflection of the rabbit in her than the woman.  She has lived a very long time and one would think that makes a person very wise- Tara has found the opposite.  When there is so much information in your head, it is distracting, so she comes off as a flibbertigibbet.

If you were to ask Tara pretty much every aspect of her "magic" is actually a weakness.  She

Samhain is her one fear and it is so ingrained in her, she goes deep into hiding every fall when he is at his most powerful.

Being the icon for children, springtime, rebirth, and sex was a lot of fun for the first five hundred years. She could even handle the Roman Gods when they crashed the party- they were cool, but then the Christians had to come and ruin it all.  One by one she watched each of her fellow Gods fall, fade, and die.  But the damn Christians kept her holiday and were intent on 'using' it.  Bunnies, Baskets, Eggs, and Chocolate... but the Goddess was forgotten.  She and Samhain were the remaining two- Yin and Yang caught in their eternal struggle of Children, Chocolate, and Seasonal turns.

It took a couple centuries for Tara to realize that she'd been given freedom.  Without the call of worshipers, she was given a life.  The more the Christian Religion grew, the more she seemed to solidify.  It was odd being celebrated and yet completely forgotten at the same time.  Once she realized she wasn't going to fade away, she enjoyed her existence.  Sure the hair was difficult to manage and the Dark Age were a bummer, but in general her life was fun.

Over the course of the last Millennia, Tara has existed with humanity. She's watched their struggles and successes.  Around 1600 AD Tara started hanging on to things.  Furniture, paintings, silverware, and coins.  Generally their sale bit by bit keeps her bank account flush enough that she can live comfortably.  Tara moved to the United States at the turn of the last Century and has only returned to the land of her origin a few times since.  There always seems to be a neo-druid or some such roaming about that recognizes her back home.  The US is much more interesting and the population is so... distracted.  An egg turning into chocolate is a cool practical joke here- not a sign that a goddess is passing through.

Skills and Abilities:

Tara does not have a formal education and being around college students... they are too aware.   She'd be outed.  Instead she reads a lot.  Because of that and her long lifespan, she's quite knowledgeable especially about history, travel, and art.  But she doesn't know a thing about anything sciency. She does have the added advantage of knowing the languages of her worshipers- though they come and go depending on whether anyone from that country is celebrating her holiday.

Non-Educational Skills:
Carpentry and building.
Painting (And not just eggs)

Tara has picked up a few hobbies over the years, but currently her favorite past time is doing wood work.  She enjoys painting and building things.

She is an avid movie fan, preferring films prior to 1960 over modern day films.  Having watched the evolution of cinema, she simply adores the old accomplishments.  CGI is troublesome for her- being a product of pure technology it... doesn't look real to her no matter how amazing the quality.  The same goes for digital music and more recently television- which she misses greatly.  When everything went HD- she stopped being able to watch it.  So she reads now.

Hiking is her other way of getting out of her head.  She doesn't run- running is for her rabbit form.  She enjoys a good hike finding new places and listening to nature.


At one time Tara was able to heal the sick and infirm, protect pregnant mothers, and bring those who were on the edge of death back to life- (sigh) not any more. Now, She is forced to be satisfied with healing a minor cut or two if it happens to be in the months February through May- otherwise, her healing seems to be localized to herself and even then it is quite minimal simply halving healing time for any injury or wound.

Generally, Tara's only major power seems to be transforming into a white rabbit. Thus the general belief that she is simply a warerabbit that has 'cracked' and lost her mind (just a little.)  In the Fall and Winter months she sort of encourages this general belief.  It's easier to hide from Samhain who chases her around the calendar- and is her balance.  Likewise he tends to seek her out in the world as the ultimate hunter after the darting rabbit.

Other than that she can sometimes eek out enough power to make flowers bloom or on the odd chance talk to an animal if any of them have something interesting to say.  Whatever transformation powers that she once had to effect animals seems to have dried up- though in the spring it seems to be a little more accessible.  Back when she was a goddess she could pretty much change any animal into another animal.  Now... she can do this thing with house flies turning into butterflies.

Tara does have the odd side effect of any birds or rabbits- that she has been around for a serious length of time- laying brightly colored chocolate eggs- an old enchantment that has clung to her since the old age.  What once was a frivolous miracle that made some children laugh, has followed her like a shadow. She finds a little irritating actually.  The chocolate is wonderful and rich- ranging from white chocolate to the richest dark chocolate.  This only effects actual eggs laid in her general vicinity- store bought eggs and those laid when she's not around are normal.

She has a talking pet 'rabbit', Jistu- (Jis for short), that is as old as she is- who can turn into a bird or a rabbit depending on his mood- (not will). When he is content- he is a rabbit- when his adrenaline spikes he turns in to a bird.  He is the source of her chocolate enchantment problem- and he does lay chocolate eggs- which bothers him immensely.  (Milk chocolate as a bird and Dark Chocolate as a bunny)  Sometimes Jis protest that he's the trickster spirit of the Cherokee, and he is horribly jealous of the Hare God of the East- that he claims are rivals.  Tara and Jis are trying to work the whole bird-rabbit thing out, but after almost 1500 years they're not really expecting any progress.


Writing Sample

"See here's another one, Unut, Hare Goddess to the Egyptians," the brown and white harlequin rabbit moved the mouse with his nose and tapped the button with his snout. "The Opener..." Jis mused giving a little growling sound.  "Look at those curves..."

"You know, you were a bird before I changed you into a rabbit," Tara glanced at the laptop screen which was now filled with the overly stylized white rabbit that had more human figure proportions than rabbit.

"I know," Jis muttered, "But I really do like this form.  Everything is more..." he let out another growling sound, "...fluffy."

"Pervert."  With a press of her fingers she snapped the lid of the laptop down and eyed the rabbit.  "I'm not shifting into a rabbit around you anymore."

"As if I'd look," the rabbit's nose lifted slightly.

Tara eyed him and then tilted her head.  "Are your paws crossed?" she snarled and made a swipe.

In an instant there was a flurry of fur and feathers and a lark swept up to the rafters. "I am not a pervert," The bird squawked at her in a slightly more tinny pitch.  "Can I help it if you are a goddess of lusssst."

For an instant, Tara considered grabbing the broom from the kitchen.  Instead she pointed at the bird.  "You'd better stay up there for a good long time Mister."

There was a rustle of feathers from above and Tara's eyes dropped as a little splatter of white and black struck the coffee table.

"Death," she glared at the bird.

"If looks could kill there would be no one left on the planet," Jis squawked and hopped to the next section of the light fixture with and unrestrained cheep.  "Excuse me," he said, excusing himself.  "Now back to Unut.  I don't see why she gets to be a God and I don't.  She's a talking magical rabbit, I'm a talking magical rabbit.  We could give me some sort of flashy title and Ta-da!"

"You're a bird." Tara swept the mess off of the coffee table with a paper towel a look of distaste on her features.  She frowned at what was left on the paper cloth.  "One that really needs to look into his diet.  What have you been eating?"

"Carrots, celery, there was some lovely Swiss chard last night... you know..."

"Rabbit food- the stuff I told you will make you sick.  You need to eat alfalfa if you're going to stay a rabbit." Tara looked up at the bird hopping to the third section of the light.

"Well," Jis tilted his head looking at her with his right eye.  "That's hardly befitting a Rabbit God, crazy girl," he said head jerking back and forth with each word giving him a know it all quality.

Pointing a finger up at the bird, Tara shook it.  "No more internet for you."

The bird looked positively wounded.  "Ohhh... Tara," he peeped. "Tara, Tara... I was only joking..." His voice wheedled and there was a flurry of feathers as he swept out through the open window.  A second later he returned with a delicate buttercup in his beak.   Tara turned stepping away from the feathered supplicant.  She returned to the kitchen and tossed the bird mess into the trash and banged the lid closed.  Jis followed, the flower bobbing against his beak.  "Pleeeeassse..." he said his words somewhat squished around the stem.  Finally he dropped the flower at her feet and hopped back.  "The Bachelor ends tonight and you've given up cable... I'll work on the garden for you..." he sang.

"Weeding not eating," Tara glowered.  "I see one nibbled leaf and I'm cutting off the internet too."

The bird fell back.  "You wouldn't dare..." he breathed.  A little blue egg popped out onto the kitchen floor.

Leaning in Tara stared down her little companion.  "Try me," she returned, her eyes narrowing.

Silence filled the kitchen as the woman stared down the bird.  It was only broken when a knock came to the door only a few paces away.  The first two raps were quick, the third and fourth a little more trepidatious.   Both the bird and woman looked at the door in unison and Tara stood back to her full height.

"Mary!" she said to the woman looking like she had just eaten a bug on the other side of the window.