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Welcome to [Greyhawk] Coin and Key

13:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hern Falkior

Hern is a big man, thickly muscled with a gruff exterior. His face is twisted into a permanent scowl and his skin is weathered and leathery from many years working out doors. He wears his hair and beard long and unkempt, often wearing a headband or bandana to keep his hair out of his face and he carries with him the musk of a hard working man. The only weapons on his person are a handful of daggers.

By his side trots a grizzled mastiff who is missing its left ear. The dog’s face and side are scarred and it walks with a slight limp. The dog is as gruff as it’s master and equally dispositioned.

Hern is not overly religious, but like many Oeridian's maintains reverence to many gods. Chiefly, he has a shrine to Heironeous in his home, the god of honor. But he prays to Procan for good weather, to Zlichus for good deals, Fharlaghn for good travels, and the like.

Hern's deepest secret is his family. He keeps their existence unknown from the thieves and criminals he's been forced to parlay with, for fear they would be used as leverage against him. It was, in fact, a drawing of his daughter, Veilela, presented by Tomas, that swayed Hern to join his cause. His wife, Veinera, has a terrible wasting disease. She's infirm and mostly stays in bed, leaving Hern to tend to things as best he can. Veilela is 6, and starting to make some connections Hern would prefer she didn't about their station and situation.

The man has made good use of his carpentry skills to make an old burned out fish factory in the river district a passable home. Hern made a deal with the building owner that he and his family could live there in exchange for repairs to the structure. Hern drags his feet, but spends his free time doing the side work to ensure they have a roof over their heads. The place smells like rotten fish and sewage, but it is home for the time being.