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Welcome to Port Washington

10:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Violet Holt

Name: Violet Holt

Original Name: - Acanthaceae
Nickname: Vi / Vivi
Species: Anthousai
Sexual Orientation: Hetero


Physical Information:

Gender: Female

Age: Appears Mid-20's

Human Hair Color: Brunette

Human Eye Color: Blue

Distinguishing Feature: Violet always smells like sweet wisteria. This never goes away, regardless of what she might have bathed in, perfumed in, or is doused in. It always lingers right below the surface, permeating her skin and hair.

Human Description: Violet is not really a modern girl. Her personal style reflects free and flowing movement. She prefers clothing that echo that, often wearing skirts or dresses. Truth be, she would simply gallivant naked if society allowed, and will strip to the bare minimum of decent if not checked. Her hair is often loose, flowing in simple waves to her hips. Everything about her appearance is delicate and fragile.

As a Anthousi, she is much the same, pale skin and bright eyes that track a bit more indigo than blue. Her hair is the largest difference, becoming brilliant hues of mauve and pink. Small petals appear interwoven with the locks, though they grow from her and are not merely decoration.

Society Information:

Occupation: None / Miscellaneous. When she is in town, she will often pick up odd jobs just to keep herself busy.

What Brought You to Port Washington? Violet comes and goes, seemingly at random and without any reason. Sometimes in the spring, sometimes in the winter. Sometimes weeks pass, sometimes years. It is never consistent, though it always has to do with the blooming vines of wisteria deep in the woods.

Each time she appears, it is if she had only been gone mere minutes, but for those that have been in Port Washington a long time, it seems ages. If asked, she only knows that she is drawn to the tree her flowers hang from, and a blink goes before she awakens once more at the roots. It is only in recent years, with the population turning toward supernatural, that she has left the woods to venture into the town, where her never-aging face does not cause as much concern or question.

How Long Has Your Character Been Here? Violet first awoke in Port Washington in 1982, far from her original grove of trees. How she went from here to there, she isn't sure, but she suspects someone might have simply dug her up when she was asleep, and meant to place her in a garden.

Personality Details:

Personality: Much like her flower, Violet is deceptively tenacious. Once she gets an idea, she is rather stubborn about follow through. This also means that she is unerringly true to her word. Generally more friendly than not, she is not shy with strangers and basks in attention. She also tends to be a bit tounge-in-cheek, her humor straightforward and bright.

Strengths: Violet is a great diffuser of conflict. Something about her seems to be warm and calming. She tries to find the good in everyone and draw out their lighter, playful sides.

Weaknesses: She would not win at a physical competition. Though she is fit and abnormally dexterous, she cannot lift heavy things, and often struggles with tasks of that nature. Tied to her plant, she also cannot travel far from it without dire repercussions.

Fears: Her biggest fear is fade to not return. Why she comes and goes is a mystery, and it hurts when she reappears once more to aged or missing faces.

Background/History: Once called Acanthaceae, her home was in a grove on a far distant continent. Her origin forgotten to time in her own memory, she was like many of her sisters and spent her days doing nothing but merry play to pass the centuries. But time changed, humans progressed, and nymphs faded. Either captured as brides, cursed by gods, or their groves destroyed, one by one they faded to obscurity. It was in 1448 that she finally fell asleep for the first time in her flowers, the age of lesser gods and goddesses passing toward man's bronze.

Slumbering for years, she awoke for the first time a century later, spawning faerie stories of a maiden in the woods. For many years after that, she mostly kept to herself, interacting with those that were brave enough to come. Religion changed, and fear was sparked, men returning with violence and torches. Stepping into her flowers, she slept again and time moved on. Over the centuries she would occasionally waken, learn about the progress of men, interact as safely as she could, then return to her vine. It was a pattern that made sense until one day it didn't. Uprooted in a strange place, at the mercy of whatever drug her back and forth, no longer able to control when she was awake and asleep.


Skills and Abilities:

Educational Skills: Violet is not educated in the classical sense. She knows how to play string instruments such as a harp or lyre, but little more. Her reading is only in basic English, though she can speak Ancient Greek. Math is not a strong skill, rudimentary and fundamental skills only, though she does delight in knowing how to count.

Non-Educational Skills: Like all Nymphs, she is a personification of her nature. She knows plants, when they are ill, and what is required to bring them back. Though she has this knowledge, she prefers her time awake to be used as leisure instead of work, and often does just that.


+ Immortal -  As an original Anthusae, Violet has been gifted with fragile immortality and agelessness. Her form cannot be entirely killed unless her wisteria is destroyed. On a counter, her flowers could be killed and she would have no way to stop them if the distance is too far. She cannot travel far from her vines, or otherwise she becomes weakened. Removing her from them may also kill her, but she is not foolish enough to gamble. If a creature were to uproot where she lies and take control of her plants, she would also potentially be at their mercy. As such, she guards the location of her plant fiercely.

+ Photosynthetic - Violet enjoys the taste of food, but does not require it to survive. Sunlight and water will provide enough. As such, she could also starve to death if deprived of both.

+ Calming Scent - the light fragrance that belongs to her skin can be unnaturally soothing. There is something about her that induces calm in a panicked situation.

+ Forest Sense - Deep and long roots allow her some sensation of what the conditions in the forest are at all times. It is a tap into a sense, like taste and touch, alerting her to changes or impending danger. Though she may not be able to stop what is happening near her vines, she will know it is there.


Writing Sample

The sun was lazy today, as much as one could call the sun lazy. Perhaps not lazy, so much, as the wind was warm and gentle. The leaves were jewels of emerald that glistened and danced in the breeze, the sound of crickets and frogs building a peaceful symphony that made the day, well, lazy.

Puffing white clouds chugged overhead, drifting through the sky in no particular hurry. It was a perfect day to just lounge and wait, to enjoy the feeling of grass beneath her tickling at her bare skin. Lashes fluttered open, sooty and wide as a drop of rain dared to fall and plonk her right on the head. A pouting frown pulled her lips tight, as Violet searched the sky for the offending cause. There was nothing, as the blue cheerily stared back at her, void of any darkness that would foreshadow a storm.

Of course, just because one couldn't see the storm on its way, did not mean it was not coming. With a sigh, she pushed herself to her elbows, spilling her waves of earth-rich hair over her shoulders. Violet did not wish to move, just as lazy as the puff-filled sky. Another drop came, and a tingle began in the back of her neck. Something was there, and not quite right. A change that she could not see so much as sense. It was like a haze, a disconnection between her awareness and reality. The hearkening of her time ended until the next time began. She did not wish to go. She never wished to go. But something had her ensnared and time trundled onward. Whom or what pushed and pulled her forward, she didn't know, just that she was always on the path that lead forward but never back. With a final lingering gaze to the warmth of the sun, she dug her bare toes into the grass and began the walk back into the forest.