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Welcome to The Mysteries of Magic

20:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hannah McKenzie

Name: Hannah McKenzie
Home: Toronto, ON, Canada
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Age:  18, birthdate October 31st
Activities: Music (piano, voice, oboe, English Horn), cards, reading, baking, horseback riding
Quote: "Music will never let you down."

Relationships: Hannah’s best friend is a boy she grew up knowing, the typical boy next door.  Julius Stern was always there to talk to, as their bedroom windows faced each other.  He was her first kiss – that ended in giggling as both realized that it was like kissing a sibling – and her semi-formal date when no one else wanted to take her.

At the stables, Megan was her trainer and taught her not only the basics of riding when Hannah first began, but got her through dressage, jumping and even into her first competition.  Megan is an older woman in her mid fifties, grey haired and no-nonsense.

Description: Hannah is short, 5’3”, with a round face, chin length dark blonde hair and blue eyes.  She is plump, and tries to mask this with baggy shirts that hang low past her bottom and stomach.  Given a preference, she wears jeans and the above mentioned baggy shirts, usually in bright colours.

Personality: Not shy, Hannah has no problem speaking up or talking to people.  She has a ready smile and is always willing to wax exuberant about her favourite things.  She doesn’t tend to show a lot of emotion other than happiness.

History: Born to an upper middle-class family in Toronto, Hannah has always had her needs well met and a lot of her wants as well.  Music lessons, riding lessons, camp every summer – she lacked for nothing.  Except perhaps physical affection from her parents.  She was adopted, her older brother natural and while she didn’t think it made a difference, she could never quite be sure.  She attended public school and did well, high school was a bit more challenging, but the one she attended allowed her to play music in both their band and orchestra, so that made her happy.  She was even chosen in her Grade 11 year at the age of 16 to go on tour over the summer with an Ontario Youth Band that played concerts throughout England and parts of Europe, including a performance for the royal family at Buckingham Palace.

After graduating high school at 17, she was accepted to University to study music and went off with her hopes high.  Her first year was a dismal failure and she was asked not to return.  Upset and unwilling to go home, she isn’t sure what the future is going to hold for her.

Strengths/Virtues: Hannah is outspoken and comfortable speaking with strangers.  Never shy, she has no problem with crowds or standing up for herself.

Faults/Weaknesses: Her ego took a blow when she flunked out of University and it has caused her to be hesitant to try new things.  She will often wait for someone else to try a new activity first and will practice in private until she can do something.


Music of the Oergir

Within the dusty tome about the secrets of the sacred Leikon was a small section
detailing the Oergir, a mystical sect who could access the healing energies of the Mazrimdyrian plane through the aid of music.

Frequency: Continuous
Range: Self

Effect: Hannah may discern the health of creatures she can touch, gaining her
spell bonus to Insight Tests regarding their health.

Healing Touch
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Cost: One 1st level slot

Effect: By channeling Mazrimdyrian energies, Hannah may heal another creature for hit points equal to 1d8 plus her spellcasting bonus.

Comprehend Languages
Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M
Range: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Cost: One 1st level slot

Effect: Hannah understands the literal meaning of any spoken language that she
can hear. She can also understand any written language she can see, provided that she is touching the surface upon which the words are written.