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Welcome to The Kingdom of Corzoconia

11:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Baerendd Darkhammer

Name: Baerendd Darkhammer, son of Haldor Lofisson (Clan Brightanvil), & Dagnal Ironhammer (Clan Ironfist)
Race: Mountain Dwarf; Height: 4'-feet tall. Weight: 165lbs. Age: 89-Winters.
11th Level (1st Slave-Laborer/ 6th Rogue/ 1st FTR/ 4th Blacksmith)
Align: NG
STR-17 (+3); INT-13 (+1); WIS-14 (+2); DEX-16 (+3); CON-15 (+2); CHA-15 (+2)

HP: 90; Speed: 25-feet.

Skills & Proficiencies:
  1. (Slave-Laborer)-Survival (4)/ +2 WIS = +6 total
  2. (Slave laborer)-Nature (4)/ +1 INT = +5 total
  3. (Armorer Smith)-Tool kit
  4. (Armorer Smith)-Insight (4)/ +2 WIS = +6 total
  5. (Armorer Smith)-Persuasion (4)/ +2 CHA = +6 total.
  6. (FTR)-All Armors & all shields; All Simple & Martial Weapons.
  7. (FTR)-Animal Handling (4)/ +2 WIS = +6 total
  8. (FTR)-History (4)/ +1 INT = +5 total
  9. (Rogue)-All Light Armors & Proficiency All simple weapons, and Longswords, Rapiers, Shortswords, & Hand crossbows.
  10. (Rogue w/ Expertise*)-Stealth (8)/ +3 DEX = +11 total.
  11. (Rogue w/ Expertise*)-Sleight of Hand (8)/ +3 DEX = +11 total.
  12. (Rogue w/ Expertise*)-Performance [Storytelling] (8)/ +2 CHA = +10 total.
  13. (Rogue w/ Expertise*)-Perception (8)/ +2 WIS = +10/ Passive: +20 total.
  14. (Rogue-Skilled)-Intimidation (4)/ +2 CHA = +6 total.
  15. (Rogue-Skilled)-Investigation (4)/ +1 INT = +5/ Passive: +15 total.
  16. Dwarven Armor training: Has proficiencies in all Light & Medium Armors.
  17. Dwarven Combat Training: Has proficiencies in Battle-axe, Hand-axes, War hammers, & Throwing hammers.

Feats & Abilities:
  1. Languages spoken/ written-- Dwarvish, Common, Thieves cant*, Gnomish, Elvish, & Halfling
  2. Stone-cunning: (8) +1 INT = +9 total; upon making successful History check, he can determine the age & origin of stonework observed.
  3. Darkvision: Can see up to 60-feet in dim or low light conditions.
  4. Dwarvish resilience: Has advantage on all saves vs poison.
  5. (At 4th, 8th & 10th Lvl) Ability increases of +2 DEX, +2 WIS, & +2 CHA
  6. (at 5th Lvl) Skilled Feat: Baerendd acquired Investigation, Intimidation, & a Thieves toolkit during his slavery in lieu of "Uncanny Dodge".
  7. (at 7th Lvl) Linguist-feat: Baerendd is fluent in three additional languages! (+1 INT) This was gained in slavery. He can write in ciphers (DC13) in any of his known languages.

Description: Baerendd stands EXACTLY 4-feet tall (without boots), weighs 165lbs (very muscled), and has thick brown hair and beard with dark brown eyes and a prominent nose above a daily smile. He does bear scars on wrist, ankles and neck from his 30-years of captivity's shackles, but seldom speak of them if noticed. Unusually he is very quick to make friends, unlike a great many other Dwarves.

Background: Baerendd was orphaned & captured by Slave-raiding Norsemen in his youth, and was adopted by older Dwarves Haldor & Dagnal (also enslaved) in their 30-year captivity. By the time of their liberation, amidst the slaves, Baerendd was a first rate scrounger, and thief of things from their masters. Since coming to Corzoconia however, he has entered the family trade as a Smith (Armorer) in the local Guild of Metal Smiths. Recently, he served ten years in the Great War--albeit as an armorer, and was kept in the Army's baggage trains, seeing very little actual battles. He is now contemplating his next moves with his elder sister Delwyndra Smitesmyth's upcoming wedding in the family business of selling copper, brass, lead, tin, bronze, antimony ingots from the Clan's mines in Coffeeville, as well as his erstwhile street gang of child helpers he has been fostering...

Personality: Baerendd is very outgoing and gregarious--whether in his cups, or at work, or encountered on the streets. Baerendd is familiar with a great many people in the Metal's Trade-guilds, and a great many of the merchants of the city Market Square (Anyone who sells food, clothing articles-accessories, and anything using metal), and except for those making hard-nosed profits in the post Great War era, likes most folks.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
On the down-low/ In the dark of things: Many of the dozen or so misfits and street urchins employed/ fed/ fostered by Baerendd are beggar children, petty thieves, and 3rd or 4th children of single parents. Half of them are orphans. He does not employ them as a filching ring to set upon people with, Nay. Rather he employs them as his couriers and lookouts for things he keeps his eyes sharp about--like troublemakers, blatant robber gangs, and those who abuse children for instance. He reports things of such interests discreetly to Grandmother-West via one of his kids, when this occurs. Baerendd strongly suspects (but keeps himself deliberately ignorant) his Innkeeper of the identity of "The Cutter", an urban legend vigilante. Rather, he deflects off such rumors as, "mere tales of the wags", and claims disinterest honestly & openly.