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Welcome to The Mysteries of Magic

23:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Fiona Li

Name: Fiona Li
Home: Honolulu, Hawaii
Height: 5’7’’
Weight: ~135 lbs
Activities: Surfing, swimming, canoeing and kayaking, hiking, amateur photography, reading trashy novels, partying and hanging out with friends, playing video games with her little brother.

Quote: “Life is short. If you’re not having fun, what’s the point?”


Nora Li – Fiona’s mom. Mild-mannered and bespectacled, of Dutch ancestry with blonde hair and blue eyes, at first glance Nora appears to have very little in common with her daughter. Born in conservative rural Michigan, she suffered a troubled home life rife with dysfunction and abuse. At sixteen, she left home and never looked back, moving first to California where she married and divorced her first husband before meeting Fiona’s dad, Peter, an American man of Chinese descent. Now she’s happily settled down in Honolulu with two kids, as far away from her frigid, Midwestern roots as she could possibly be, comfortably employed at a local public library.

Robby Li – Fiona’s little brother. A sweet-faced, studious kid and the only reason Fiona knows anything about video games. Growing up, he’d always been a bit on the soft and pudgy side, though after joining the swim team, he’s finally started to lose some of that baby fat. Fiona likes to tease him sometimes for being such a nerd, but all in good fun and never in a cruel way. They both know he’s the smart one, and probably the favorite, too...

Cate Benson – Fiona’s ex-girlfriend, a botany grad student from Columbia University. She met Fiona while doing fieldwork on the island and the two tumbled into a love affair so intense that Fiona felt compelled to uproot herself and fly thousands of miles to the mainland to be with her. In the end, however, it turned out Fiona was just another one of her experiments...

Description: Energetic and fit, Fiona comes off as a confident young woman at home in her own skin, with wavy dark hair, warm, expressive brown eyes and a mischievous smile. Born and raised in Hawaii, Fiona’s tanned, sun-kissed complexion testifies to a childhood spent largely outdoors - surfing, swimming, kayaking and generally living island life to the fullest. Though a chaotic half-year in New York City has drained some of that sunshine out of her, she still radiates a kind of chill, beach-bum aesthetic, both in looks and attitude.

Personality: Fiona is an impulsive young woman who, like so many others before her, came to New York City to chase her dreams...Or, to be precise, her dream girl - an alluring, red-headed botany student she met waiting tables at her auntie's restaurant in Honolulu. Her name was Cate. She was five years older than her and exuded big-city sophistication. She was also engaged to a dude...which probably should have been Fiona's first clue that things weren't going to work out between them...But love being what it was, Fiona jumped on a plane anyway and made for the Big Apple, drunk on promises which Cate promptly broke within three months of returning to New York, to no one’s surprise, except of course, Fiona's...

Heartbroken, Fiona suddenly found herself alone on the mainland in a city where she had nothing and knew no one. Too embarrassed to return home and face the chorus of I-told-you-so’s which no doubt awaited her, she bummed around for a while, scraping by on odd jobs and couch-surfing with sympathetic co-workers. It was her first time living alone, far from home and away from her family. It was scary, but also exhilarating in its own way. Once she got over her funk from the breakup, the world would feel big again, and full of possibilities. So what if she had no money, or a fancy degree, or any real, marketable skills that mattered in this place? Whatever. She was young and hot, and that had to count for something, right? She’d figure things out as she went along. She always did...

History: Part ethnic Chinese and Filipino on her dad’s side, Fiona grew up in a bilingual and multi-cultural household. Anywhere else, she probably would have felt like an oddity, but she was fortunate enough to have been born in Honolulu where there were a lot of kids like her from all different backgrounds, and being "hapa" was no big deal. Blessed with a caring family and a small, but tight-knit group of friends, she grew up feeling free to be herself in every way, and was rarely made to feel abnormal, or less-than.

Growing up surrounded by the island's wild beauty, Fiona developed a natural affinity for the outdoors, and especially the ocean. She'd probably be in college on her way to becoming a marine biologist or something, if she’d had the grades for it. Unfortunately, she’d been a fairly mediocre student, having whiled away much of her teenage years in the sun and surf. Her cavalier attitude towards school had been one of the few real sources of tension between Fiona and her parents, but they realized a long time ago that they could only push her so far, and that forcing the issue would only drive them apart. She was old enough to make her own decisions and find her own way, secure in the knowledge that her family would always be there for her if she ever found herself in real trouble. At least she liked to read...The one intellectual pursuit Nora did manage to pass on to her daughter, thankfully.

Strengths/Virtues: Adventurous and self-assured, Fiona craves experience and is rarely afraid to try something new. While that can sometimes get her into trouble, it can also open doors. She’s not afraid to make mistakes and has made her fair share of them in her short life - but while she feels the pain of her setbacks as intensely as anyone, she is relatively quick to bounce back from them. Athletic and robust, Fiona is comfortable in her body and is happiest when she’s doing something physical, like riding her bike or swimming.

Faults/Weaknesses: Often lacking in direction and discipline, and can be impetuous at times. While she's not incurious, she’s hardly the most academically-inclined person and would rather hang out on the beach than sit in a lecture hall. Somewhat ignorant about the world outside of her beloved island home, she can be far too trusting and open with the wrong people.

Fiona can sense and commune with small, invisible kami-like beings that inhabit mostly natural phenomena like plants, rocks and vapors.