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Welcome to The Mysteries of Magic

20:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dean MacMillan

Name: Dean MacMillan
Home: Billings, MT, USA
Age: 19
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 220lbs
Activities: Napping, Fishing, Hunting, FFA
Quote: "I suppose I just count myself lucky to be here."


Jacob Barnhart: Dean's employer for the last six years, and foreman of a ranch dealing in turkey, cattle and some farming. Jacob is gruff, demanding and a little domineering, but he is also fair and with a strong moral compass. Immensely strong, but with a ponderous body and a chest length beard, he expects Dean to put in long days of labor without complaint.

Nina Dauphin: One of Dean's few friends and the daughter of another ranch hand, Nina spent part of her childhood on the Crow Reservation with her mother. Like Dean's family she has struggled with the small local school and with general poverty. Her father is quite protective of her and is distrustful of Dean. She hopes to go into healthcare, but has very limited prospects for affording the necessary education.

Nick Burns: General troublemaker and Dean's only other friend, the two grew up together for the most part, where he proved to be a bad influence as the two got older. Good with cars, bad with money, he has been in and out of jail throughout his teenage years. Dean has been slowly extricating himself from the friendship, but still holds some sense of loyalty towards his wayward childhood companion.

Description: Dean is generally considered quite handsome, which is good as it is one of the few things the young man actually has going for him. Tall and heavily muscled from manual labor, he has developed a "farmers tanned" complexion from working out of doors. Possessed of rugged good looks and an easy smile, he has wavy blond hair and kind blue eyes.

Personality: Dean is a remarkably humble young man, quiet and polite to a fault, he is not one to stand out or to take the initiative. Generally agreeable, he is not one to make a fuss or to complain about much of anything unless the situation really warrants it. Reliable and a hard worker, he sometimes hums or sings quietly to himself as he goes about his day.

History: Dean comes from a small family who has struggled financially since well before his birth. The young man barely graduated high school and even then finished with poor marks as he spent a lot of his available time working to help his family pay bills. Since that time he has worked long hours trying to save money and help his parents where he can, but has made little headway and now feels himself sliding headlong into poverty, obscurity and a bleak looking future.

Strengths/Virtues: Dean is a large and physically strong young man, able to do arduous physical labor for long periods of time. He is also considered very attractive, although he seems fairly oblivious, or perhaps just innocent around girls his age. He has a humble demeanor and possesses small town values.

Faults/Weaknesses: Dean is generally considered naïve, and is not thought to be especially bright. Not known to be inquisitive or well travelled, he has barely seen the world outside the borders of the small county where he grew up. He is also very poor, and has no real resources to call upon other than the strength of his own back, this has held him back and has led to some trouble as he scrapes along from paycheck to paycheck.

Powers: None