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Welcome to Elswin School for the Exceptional

15:03, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tiffany Ferguson

Name:  Tiffany Ferguson
Alias:  Bee-Keeper
Age & Gender:  23 year old Female
School Position:  Student (for now)
Education Level Before Entering the School:  College (facility schooled)
Basic Description of Powers:  Nanite Manipulation.  She can turn inorganic metals into 'bee' drones (of varying sizes) and direct them to perform tasks... plus some other abilities (see the Mechanics section).

The Looks
Looks & Personality:  Tiffany cuts a small, but stylish figure... with a pretty face and a demure demeanor.  Soft spoken, calm, and quiet best describe her.  Adding to her weirdness is an aversion to medical attire and Tiffany is often distracted by things only she can see/hear.  But if one can accept her little idiosyncrasies, Tiffany is a people person and a good friend.
Height, Weight, Eye color, Hair color:  5'6, 55kg, Brown, & Black (straight or wavy as the mood takes her)
Skin Tone, Body Build, Blood Type:  Caucasian, Slim, B positive (the irony)
Common Outfit Choices:  Dresses, hosiery & heels.
Common Outfit Colors:  Blacks, golds, & occasionally other hues.
Notable Physical Alterations, Markings/Scars, Tattoos/Piercings: none (save earrings)
Alternative Form:  Tiffany grows a pair of nanite antennae.

The Mechanics
What Are Your Abilities?  Tiffany produces nanites which she can deploy by breath/touch... allowing her to rapidly animate metals into drones... swarms of tiny bees, a dozen bird sized soldier bee drones, or a single horse sized bee drone (carries 3 people).  The drones follow verbal commands and can fight, build/manipulate objects, and spy.  If Tiffany deploys her nanite antennae... she can issue telepathic commands and receive drone information (sight & sound).
What is their Average Limits?  Drones cannot leave her area (unless she deploys her nanite antennae... then its a few miles).  Drones can be damaged/destroyed with sufficient force or weapons.  Drones cannot penetrate metal or thick stone.  Nanites exhaust themselves after 24 hours.
What Is The Furthest You Have Pushed Your Abilities?  During her escape from the facility, Tiffany overcame doors by way of using tiny drones to internally 'pick locks'.  She also used drones to sabotage systems, trigger false alarms, and harass guards.  Finally she made her riding drone to escape the grounds.  All of this involved working different metal types, under time constraints and stress.
What Is The Drawbacks of Your Abilities?  Getting distracted by multitasking.  Her nanites are not toxic to others and require metal to animate.  EMP effects will stun the nanites.  Finally she can run out of nanites.
What Other Skills Do You Have?  amateur spycraft, well read on Metallurgy, some practice with cosmetics.
How Do Your Abilities make You Feel?  Whole.  Powerful.  Safe.