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Welcome to Tales of Two: New Beginnings

13:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

-Writer 766

About Me:
I have been role playing for many, many years. Got hooked back in the mid-90s when I started playing in a Vampire the Masquerade LARP in San Diego. I love playing vampires. I do dabble in werewolves and pirates, and am even trying my hand at a mutant storyline but my favorite subject is vampires. I like to write in third person, past tense. I like to post at least once a week, but would love to post as often as my writing partner will. I play a few post by email stories with a person and well, they have slowed down tremendously and I get tired of waiting on them. I am good with writing romantic scenes and some erotica, but don't like smut.

Preferred Partner:
I am simply looking for a writing partner who can write, likes to use punctuation, writes in third person. If they want to write in present tense, that is fine, I can adjust. Someone who is versatile in the characters they write, if you are a female and like to play male characters and vice versa, go for it. I know that I do. I would like someone who doesn't leave me hanging for two or three weeks waiting on a post.

Character Pairings:
I am opened to male/female or female/female pairings. Vampire to vampire/human/werewolf; pirate to wench or captive slave. Or a fun-filled short story fling between two regular people. But I do know that I play a lot of male characters in many games and would like to play more female characters.

Story Ideas:
Below is my character Kent Michaels. I would like to explore the side of his background with his maker. I am looking for a writer who has seen or is aware of The Vampire Diaries and the spin off, The Originals since that is what my vampire is based off of. Kent's representation is the actor who played Marcel on The Originals. Okay let me know if this interests you.

Name: Kent Michaels
Race: Vampire
Age: Born in 1300. Turned age 25. Actual age 698.
Gender: Male

Height: 6’
Weight: 190 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Complexion: Smooth dark skin. Wears a nicely trimmed mustache.
Markings: Has a brand on his left peck of a dagger pointing upward that is wrapped with a rose.
Physical Appearance: African-American.

Personality: A charmer. He is able to talk himself out of situations that might lead to his demise. Considers himself a ladies’ man. When it comes to his family, he will protect them fiercely.
Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Likes: The serenity of a peaceful night. Enjoys the feeling of a warm lady in his arms. Spending time with his family.
Dislikes: The arrogance of newly turned vampires.
Flaws & Weaknesses: If he isn’t wearing his enchanted daylight ring, direct sunlight will destroy him. Must feed at least every other day on human blood or he will weaken quickly due to his age.

Kent was born at the turn of a new decade in France. His parents were part of the royal courts. His mother was a lady in waiting for the Queen and his father was part of the King’s army. He grew up not wanting for anything and like all male children was promised to the royal family to join their military upon turning 18.

Kent enjoyed his younger life and looks back on it fondly. Then when he turned 18, he reluctantly joined the King’s army. He had many reasons why he didn’t want to follow through with the promise his parents had made, but in the end none of them made a difference to the king.
When he turned 25, Kent’s world changed suddenly. Wars were on the horizon and Kent was swept up with the rest of the military and sent off into battles in distant lands. It was in one of these lands where Kent was attacked in the late of night while on patrol. He had wandered a little too far from his post when he was face to face with who he thought was an enemy.

She drew him into the woods with a smile and a whisper of more to come. He followed willingly. It wasn’t his first time with a lady, but this one seemed different then others. She almost seemed unreal. Before he knew what had happened he was waking the next night in a strange room over a pub. The lady was gone, but left him word of where to go for what was needed next and all would be revealed.

He never saw his maker again, but had heard words of her on the wind over the decades. He met many others of his kind and has traveled from old world to the new as times changed. Now he is settled in New Orleans with his “family”. They live in the French Quarter in a large home called the Luna Estate. He has two brothers and three sisters. They run the vampire underworld of New Orleans and are always looking for newly turned vampires who may have lost their way while doing their best to maintain the secret world of the supernatural that exists among the human world.