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Welcome to Tales of Two: New Beginnings

22:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Evelyn Stroud

Evelyn Stroud was born into the prestigious Stroud family, a small but influencial noble family. From an early age, Evelyn displayed a sharp mind and a keen sense of curiosity. Unlike other girls of her status, who were mostly concerned with balls and potential suitors, Evelyn found solace in the expansive library of her family's estate, her mind intrigued by the complexities of the world beyond her gilded cage.

Her father, Lord Reginald Stroud, despite his initial apprehension, allowed Evelyn to indulge in her academic pursuits. This was partly due to the influence of her mother, Lady Constance Stroud, who believed in the importance of knowledge and learning beyond what was expected of women in their society. It was Lady Constance who introduced Evelyn to the world of medicinal arts.

Evelyn's world was shaken when her mother fell gravely ill. Despite all the money poured on physicians and healers, no one could determine the cause of Lady Constance's ailment, and she passed away when Evelyn was fourteen. This loss profoundly affected Evelyn, who vowed to expand her knowledge of medicine to prevent anyone else from suffering the same fate as her mother.

In the following years, she immersed herself in her studies. Her unique talents didn't go unnoticed; she quickly gained a reputation as a woman of intellect and skill, albeit a bit unconventional for her status. Her abilities, however, were not enough to shield her from the realities of her world - her father, with his power and influence waning, started to plan an arranged marriage for her and she knew that her days as a free woman were numbered.

Recently, a distant cousin from a far-off land was getting married. Due to political tensions, most of her family was hesitant to attend, so Evelyn was sent to represent the Stroud family at the wedding. It was on the way back that her ship was attacked by the Shiloh.

Evelyn stands at 5’7” with an aura of innate elegance that speaks to her noble upbringing. Her naturally wavy chestnut hair falls past her shoulders, often tied in a loose chignon to keep it out of her face as she pours over books or works on her medicinal concoctions. Her wide, green eyes are framed by long, dark lashes, and she has a fair complexion that bears the faintest trace of freckles across the bridge of her nose - a testament to the hours spent in her herbal garden under the sun.