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Welcome to LitRPG Test

04:47, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Will is a farmer's son and has spent most of his life tending animals, tilling fields, and reaping the fruits of such labor. He is the oldest of a large farm family. His parents are good, honest folk. Will helps them look after the other kids. His family had always lived in the shadows of the forest, though, and he has always stared dreamily into its depths. Stories of foreign lands and wild adventures get his blood going no matter how hard his parents talk about finding a good wife and a patch of land for himself.

But that's all dreams and fluff, right? Chores need to be done, fields tended, and livestock watched. Will has been find less and less time for daydreams recently.

Description: Will is a tall boy in his late teens. Somewhere between a boy and a man but leaning toward manhood. He's got the first blush of true whiskers rather than boyish fuzz. Curly blonde hair and sky blue eyes make his features slightly more than attractive when he's cleaned up, which is not often. His frame is thick and bears the weight of a life of hard labor. A solid torso, sturdy legs, and thick arms combine with the last vestiges of boyhood fat to make him look a bit more like a particularly lumpy sack of potatoes than a warrior. Still, the hint of the possibility is there of the man he might evolve into.