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21:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The warrior known as Scorpion (a name given him by non-kreen; his real name is Kyorkcha, or Avenging Killer) is unusual in appearance for a mantis-warrior, a thri-kreen.  He has the usual insect-like appearance, with a red-colored carapace, telepathy, and ability to blend into hia surroundings, and stands about seven feet tall when not crouching (his usual posture), abd weighs about 250#.  But, then, the differences begin.   Instead of having two extra arms, he has a scorpion-like segmented tail with a telson, or stinger, at the end that can deliver a potent venom.  He also seems stronger than average, and can climb sheer surfaces.
His gear is made of leather, but from what kinds of creatures is unknown.  His weapons, though made of stone with blades of crystal, are as strong as steel.  His primary weapon is a double-bladed spear, but he also has five curved daggers, five javelins in a quiver on his back, and ten darts kept in leather vambraces on his wrists.  He sometimes coats the blades with his venom.
Like other kreen, he eschews armor, and wears a belt and two crossed bandoleers as his only clothing.
Scorpion is not actually a thri-kreen.  He is the same species, but "thri-kreen" in the audible portion of their language of buzzes, clicks, grinding sounds, means "nomadic people".  He is from a kreen city on his home world of Athas, the home of the tohr-kreen (settled people).  To further separate him from his kind, the leaders of his city created him as a zik-trin (altered near-person), a super warrior that frightens even other kreen, intended for use as an assassin against the Sorceror-kings of the draj/dras (sleeper near-people).