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Welcome to The Council of Ten: Espionage and Intrigue in Venice

17:20, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lucrezia Zulian

General Information:

Name: Lucrezia Zulian

Nickname: Luce, Tesorina (Little Treasure), The Treasure of Zulian

Level in Society: Noble - Zulian Nobility, heir to the Caposestiere

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Physical information:

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Hair Color: Dark Caramel Blonde

Eye Color: Gray

Distinguishing Marks:
・A beauty mark on the middle knuckle of her left ring finger and a neighboring one on her little finger.
・A small scar under her left knee.
・Has worn black mourning clothes and veils for more than a year.

Description of General Appearance:
Lucrezia is known as the Treasure of Zulian for her beauty which is said to rival the house's finest gems and jewelry. She did not inherit Antonio's more prominent nose, but the small, dainty button of her mother. Her caramel blonde hair falls in thick, exquisite waves down to her waist, accentuated by her hourglass body shape. Her skin is soft and flawless except for the one scar on her knee, which is kept out of sight. Her gray eyes are light enough to appear as if touched by silver. Her eyebrows and lashes are naturally dark and flawlessly shaped. Her lips are full and inviting. Her jaw, chin, and cheekbones are all elegant with soft angles.

Slim and of average height, she boasts no physical strength or dexterity to speak of. There is a certain frailty to her that her time of mourning has accentuated, though the Zulian intellect shines through in the timid yet contemplative expressions she usually wears. Add to her fine features the luxurious clothes of the latest fashion and an ingrained softness to her demeanor, and Lucrezia looks every bit the precious and protected daughter of the house that she is.

The only fault anyone has taken with Lucrezia's appearance since she has reached maturity is that no one has seen it properly in over a year. After losing two brothers at once the previous year, the young lady has been wearing nothing but mourning clothes since and her face has been hidden beneath finely embroidered veils.

Society Information:

Family: Zulian
Father: Antonio - Deceased at 59, murdered during the Night of Blood.
Mother: Ludovica - Deceased at 46, 13 years ago, died giving birth to Mattea and Matteo.
Step-Mother: Agnese - Age 38, mother of Zanobi and Antonia.
Sister: Diamante - Age 41, married to another family.
Sister: Mariella - Age 40, married to another family.
Brother: Augusto - Recently deceased at 38, killed in a mugging, stabbed.
Brother: Emidio - Deceased at 35, 1 year ago, lost at sea when a trading vessel sank.
Brother: Arduino - Deceased at 33, 1 year ago, lost at sea when a trading vessel sank.
Sister: Giada - Age 27, married to another family.
Self: Lucrezia - Age 24.
Sister: Mattea - Age 13, Matteo's twin.
Brother: Matteo - Age 13, Mattea's twin.
Brother: Zanobi - Age 11.
Sister: Antonia - Age 6.
Want to be part of the Zulian House?:
Hey, you! Want to be a younger sibling or a cousin? We can work that out! The family tree above can be edited to accommodate any players wishing to join House Zulian. The only thing that will not be relinquished is the seat of the heir ;)

Occupation: Heir to the Caposestiere of House Zulian.

Political Goals:
・Stabilize Zulian's power after their continued losses.
・Reaffirm ongoing alliances and make connections as the new head of the household.
・Help find out who's behind the Night of Blood.
・Find a suitable husband who won't take over her seat but can act as a shield.

Personality Details:

Lucrezia has been groomed and primed to be the perfect wife from a young age, like the rest of the women in her family. She doesn't often speak out of turn, but one would do well to pay attention when she does. Highly intelligent and with a keen eye for detail, she usually offers sound and kind advice. Her temperament is very mild, and no one has seen her angry for years as she tends toward sadness in the face of adversity instead. This has especially been the case since the death of Emidio, though the past few months have seen her finally emerge from her melancholy. It used to be that she cried easily, but an overload of grief seems to have dried up her tears.

Her soft-spoken demeanor might trick others into thinking she's easy to strong-arm, but Lucrezia can prove to be quite stubborn and has inherited much of her father's quick wit and shrewdness. She knows when people are underestimating or attempting to bully her, and even if her temper doesn't rise, it rarely ends the way the opponent thinks it will. She is just as adept at holding onto her coin and bargaining as the rest of her family. As a strong bargaining chip for future alliances, Lucrezia has had the same thorough education as all other scions of the Zulian household and been instilled the same sense of business and value of things, people and objects alike.

Currently, the loss of three brothers within a year and her sudden rise to the position of heir have her feeling obviously nervous and insecure, but she tries her best to hide her uncertainty to live up to her father's reputation. Add to that the Night of Blood, and Lucrezia struggles with bouts of paranoia and anxiety.

Seventh child of Antonio and Ludovica Zulian, as well as the fourth daughter, Lucrezia has never had to think much about the path before her. All decisions about her future belonged to that of her family, and once it became clear that her beauty was a rarity even among the well-bred Zulians, her choices became even more limited. Treated like a commodity at worst and a charming little sister whose only merit was her looks at best, most of her family severely overlooked or disregarded her keen mind in favor of keeping her sheltered and pampered. That is not to say her life has been hard, however.

Other than her role in the Zulian grand scheme of things, there has hardly been anything she has been denied and she has lived a life of luxury. Her second oldest brother, Emidio, was her light and companion whenever her reality felt stifling, furthering her education by sharing his knowledge and bringing her along for business meetings, and his loss left her absolutely heartbroken. He had been overseeing trade connections with her third brother, Arduino, when the ship they were on was lost to a storm at sea. Sick with grief and wasting away, Lucrezia was allowed to hide behind mourning clothes and veils so as to not lower her value and appeal to potential suitors with her pious and faithful nature as well.

The veils let Lucrezia taste a freedom she hadn't known since her early teens, when her beauty first began blooming. For the first time, she fought the pressure of her family and continued to wear mourning clothes even after the six-month period was over, insisting that since she had lost two brothers at once, she would double her grieving period. As she had still not fully recovered physically from her illness and was prone to melancholy, Antonio allowed this. Nearing the first anniversary of Emidio and Arduino's deaths, her agreement with her father was just about to come to an end when news of Augusto's passing wreaked havoc on the house once more. He had been killed in a mugging while on his way home one night, and while the thief was quickly found and executed, it left no other adult male heirs to take over Antonio's position, the role of the heir falling instead to Lucrezia.

Distraught and fearing some sort of divine retribution or curse, Lucrezia has continued to wear her black garbs to the present day, crying silent tears for her family's misfortune until there were no more tears to spill.

Skills and Abilities:

・Literate and highly educated within Zulian tradition and some academia furthered by Emidio, but never outside of the home and tutoring.

・Highly skilled in all things trade.
・Trained to run a household and all other matrimonial duties.
・Numeracy and mathematics.
・Bargaining and negotiating.
・Analysis (Market and political climate).
・Chess player.
