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Welcome to The Council of Ten: Espionage and Intrigue in Venice

11:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vittoria Loredan

Vittoria Loredan

Wife of Rafaello Loredan - Heir of Castello
Age: 24
| Height: 5'7" | Weight: 122 lbs
Hair: Brunette Auburn | Eyes: Pale Green

Standing at a quarter of an inch over five-foot-seven, Vittoria would be considered an imposing woman if not for the fact that she was also a woman of slender build and curves. Willowy, elegant, with a tucked waist ten inches smaller than her bust and hips, her hourglass figure unmarred by the ravages of pregnancy that should belong to a woman wed for ten years.

Her skin contains a healthy glow, the soft natural bronze of Mediterranian Italian unmarred by scars or wrinkles. A small beauty mark alights the angle of her left cheek, and another upon her chin, both natural and without need of cosmetic placement or patch.

Vittoria is considered a perfection of breeding, her pale eyes resulting in a hue of beach-glass green, a woman said to be blessed by the beauty of the sea itself. The brunette hair that graces her shoulders a texture of the softest sable, shimmering cinnamon in the light and the most luscious of chestnut in the shadows.

Her clothing is not only at the height of fashion but contributes to its trend. Despite her husband's absence, she is still considered the wife of a powerful man and carries that confidence with her like a crown upon her head. With the easiness of her allure, it is uncommon for her to be seen in public without an equally handsome companion.

Society Information

Previously of the Papafava house, Vittoria was married to her husband by proxy when she was fifteen. Their marriage was consummated shortly after she reached majority, though it was a messy, fast, and drunk affair on the part of her husband. The next morning he was gone, off to do whatever it was he did in order to keep himself as far from Venice, and his newly claimed wife, as possible.


Father: Enzo Papafava [Caposestire of Vendramin - Deceased]
Mother: Alegreza Papafava [47]

Brother: Nicholai Papafava [28]
Sister: Bianca Papafava [19] link to another game

Wife of Rafaello Loredan [31] link to another game
DIL to the Loredan household as well as their extended family.


Rising power in politics and the expansion of Loredan
Spending Rafaello's money while he is gone - perpetually

Not so Secret: Vittoria and Rafaello's marriage is horrible. Vittoria spends a lot of time in public with various artists. Painters, musicians, actors, all of them often in and out of her home at all times of the day and night. It is quite obvious that she has not been loyal to her husband, though the few times he returns to Venice, Rafaello's time has been spent under the roof of her father-in-law, Dario.


To say Vittoria is a vicious liar is to be tame. Her face to the public is quite contradictory. She can be charming all while she insults a mother and her children. She can be icy with her disdain and open with her haughtiness. The face that Vittoria presents to the world changes from event to event, though she is a consummate flirt when she desires something.

More often than not, her public desires are driven by spite and bitterness. Regardless of this, Vittoria is a cunning and perceptive woman. Well-educated, well-connected, and with more than one ally in her pocket spinning through the world of power and politics.


Practically before she was set within her birthing cradle, nearly within seconds of her first breath, Vittoria was promised and engaged to Loredan's eldest son, Rafaello. This, to his despair, was the young noble Laredan's burden to carry from the moment he was seven.

Every visit made between them did not go well. Firstly because Vittoria was a baby, then later because she was a little girl while he was a teen obtaining his first taste of blood and women, then later because she would become an anchor to his ankle for the rest of his life.

However, the Papafava only enjoy making money more than they enjoy spending it. The tight connections between themselves and Loredan would only increase that money on both sides. Vittoria was a transaction, and nothing more. This was blatantly obvious when she attended her wedding day, garbed in wealthy fabric and heavy veils, only to find herself greeted with a ledger book and a pen. From that day onward, Rafaello was the bane of her existence, just as she had been his. Whatever sweetness she might have brought to their marriage lay dead at the altar before the ink had even dried.

Their horrid consummation when she turned majority and moved into his house only exacerbated their relationship, her ears turning red and her heart green with every tale of exploit and harlot her husband made rounds with, before returning to the sea to play warmaker. In return, maliciousness for maliciousness, Vittoria took to her quasi-widowed status with the flare of a peacock's feathers, uncaring of who thought what about her.

Skills and Abilities

Vittoria's education is expansive. As well as knowing Italian, she is also versed in Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Besides this, she has been given the best education money could purchase for a young woman and the privileges that bestows.

She has a swift head for numbers, a calculating brain for strategy and puzzles, and a way with words that allows her to tell lies with truths. Vittoria is unerringly charismatic, though vicious beneath the veneer of of manoeuvrings. She has plans to join the Senetus, something she intends to attempt with or without her husband's permission.


This character will have had relations in the past with offscreen NPCs. She will flirt horribly without shame, even in front of her husband. She will never cheat or get into a romantic relationship with anyone else while in this game. Please respect that their marriage is going to be tumultuous and toxic, but unwavering.