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Welcome to Corsair's Haven (Pirate, Guided Freeform) - ON HOLD/SHELVED

00:32, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Yulla Chaltaq

Gear of Note

+1/+1 - Colorful Sarongs and Sashes

Full Name: Yulla Chaltaq
Nickname: Princess
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Entertainer at The Black Pearl Rum Bar
Nationality: Mixed
Current status: Employed/Single
Current Residence: House in town with Bijoux (mother)

Height: 5’6”
Body shape: Soft curves over fencers muscle
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair Style:Smooth and loose
Complexion: Milk chocolate brown
Distinguishing Marks: Small scar on her lower back, tattoo on her upper right arm depicting crossed swords over a ship
Clothing: As little as possible. When performing, she wears layers of sheer scarves tucked into a dancer’s outfit, allowing her to disrobe piece by piece. Though it is quite rare for anything to truly be revealed. When not working, she opts for split skirts and short tops, enjoying the feel of the sun and salty air on her skin. She enjoys color and rarely wears jewelry, her mother having instilled the idea that unless she earned it, it was wasteful. Though she does have a small pendant that she has worn since the age of fifteen, she refuses to tell anyone where she got it or the meaning to her.

Basic Personality: Yulla is as far from her mother in personality as is possible. She is an insatiable gossip and flirt. Though she rarely follows through with any of her flirting, thanks to her mother’s reputation. She loves the attention her performances give her, as well as being well known thanks to her own talents and her mother. However she isn’t always the smiling, mindless flirt some consider her. She feels trapped by the island and her mother, often leading to bouts of melancholy and at times risky behavior such as trying to sneak aboard a ship heading to the North.

Special Skills: Singing, Dancing, Flirting, Gossip, Swordswoman

Yulla doesn’t remember much from her time aboard her mother’s ship. She has always been surrounded by the men and women of her mother’s crew, even after retirement, they are like an extended family. But the memory of the time on the ship is nothing except a moment of pain in her back. During.a nasty ship to ship battle, a cannonball tore through the ship and she was hit with the wooden shrapnel. It lodged so deeply the doctors didn’t dare try to pull it out and she still deals with occasional pain to this day.

She has grown with the island, from rough port town to a thriving center, from scared little girl to far too confident for her own good. While she does not ascribe to the thought that the island is hers by birthright, she does feel as though the town itself is hers. She is far too quick to saunter into any establishment and speak with any inhabitant or visitor without any sense of self-preservation.

As a child and now as a young adult, it was not uncommon to see her simply climb aboard a ship of her choosing to talk to the pirates and traders. It was a relief for many when she became old enough to navigate the town on her own, the locals and the visitors no longer having to act as guides to ensure she made it home safely. She still loves talking to the visitors, especially those from the North, loving the stories of the various cultures and theaters. She wants nothing more than to sing in an Embrian theater. Her mother brought tutors from the North to the island, ensuring Yulla had a well-rounded education and speech as befitting her heritage.

She has been singing at The Black Pearl since she was twelve, the sea shanties not always making sense at the time. She continues to sing but has also taken over the role of a dancer, her predecessor fell in love with a trader and decided to settle down. Her shows combine the sea shanties and a scarf dance. On the rare days when her mother isn’t in the bar, sometimes the scarves are completely removed, revealing naked flesh beneath. It is because of this, her mother has taken to spending more time at the bar than Yulla would prefer.

Mother: Bijoux Chaltaq
Father: Unknown