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Welcome to Corsair's Haven (Pirate, Guided Freeform) - ON HOLD/SHELVED

23:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Abigail Montgomery

Full Name: Medicine Woman Abigail Montgomery
Nickname: Abby
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Occupation: Medicine Woman/ Pirate
Nationality: North
Current status: Single, contract healer and Pirate.
Current Residence: Her small and clean clinic, there is an apartment above her clinic.

Height: 5'8"
Body shape: Hourglass (but top heavy)
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair color: Red
Hair Style: very long and wavy
Complexion: Tanned
Distinguishing Marks: She has a scar that goes up and down across her right eye. (Her father accidently gave it to her during training)
Clothing: Very nice and fine clothes for around town, old dresses for working with patients, and a leather pirate outfit for when she goes out for fun or house calls.

 Picture of Abby:

 Picture of Abby in her favorite Purate outfit:

Basic Personality:  Abby is very smart, caring and loves to help people, but she is also a pirate as well. She is a dedicated medicine woman and healer and works hard at being the best healer she can be. She also has a rough side, she can carry her drink, pretty good in fight and was trained by her father to sword fight. Medicine and healing always comes first, she loves life and wants to have fun, enjoy life and save lives. She definitely loves an adventure and loves enjoying life.

Special Skills: Medicine woman, period medical skills, herbalist, Holistic medicine, very skilled with a Rapier, and is a decent shot with a rifle. Reading, writing, she is a very educated woman as well. She is a very good drinker; she is a happy horny drunk.

History: Abby was raised by her strict Mother who happened to be the wife of a very powerful, and wealthy man. That man is not Abby's father though, Abby's Father was a Pirate who met her mother seduced and gave her a child, Abby. Abby's life growing up was hard, she studied, worked and her mother got her the finest education she could. At a young age Abby loved to rebel and have fun, she was very smart and this is also when she found her love of medicine and healing. Her mother thought it was great to have a healer in the family and sent her to the finest schools, best herbalists and medicine people around to make sure her daughter was the best.

 Abby wasnt allowed to become a Doctor, only males could be doctors, so she was called a Medicine Woman instead. When she turned 18 she was extremely accomplished in her medicine and her studies, she also picked up fencing and was at this time pretty good. Life was going great for Abby, she was considered a fully graduated medicine woman. Also her mother also told her that she was going to marry this fine gentleman and have a fine family, you can do the medicine stuff at home.

 Abby was pissed she didnt want to marry that boring pencil pusher she wanted excitement. Her mother sent her to her room and she was locked away. Then one night her father came to her window, he told Abby that he had been watching and if she wanted to run off and be a healer and a pirate with her father. Abby instantly agreed and left her mother for the life of a healer and Pirate.

 Her father taught her how to sail and work on a ship, how too shoot and hoe to fence and handle a sword, and he was very, very good. They spent 8 years traveling the seas as Pirates Father and daughter, but then he got sick, real sick. It could have been something he picked up but whatever it was took her father fast. They crew wanted her to stay on but she needed a change and she wanted to be more a healer now so she can possibly find a cure for what took her father and save others.

 After setting things up at Corsairs Haven she was on her way to her new clinic, the spoils of her endeavors was just enough to get what she needed to start off.

Family: Mother: Elanor Machavolich, she hasn't seen or heard from her in over 8 years.
        Father: Daniel Montgomery, Pirate deceased.
        No kmown full blood siblings, she has 2 half-brothers and 3 half-sisters from her mother.

Property: Her Clinic in Corsair's Haven, a rapier given to her by her father, medical equipment, herbs, clothing from above, medical bag for house calls or on a ship she might bring more with her for a long voyage.