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Welcome to Corsair's Haven (Pirate, Guided Freeform) - ON HOLD/SHELVED

01:17, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vostor Svennson

Full Name: Vostor Svennson
Age: 24 but appears close to 30 after years of hard work
Gender: M
Occupation: Miner
Nationality: Far South (equivelent of south island new zealand which has an ice berg on it, he's clearly norse, but well I didn't want to make yet another northerner, or another Asian southerner, so to diversify went norse, instead of their lands being close to the arctic, they're close to the antarctic.
Current status: Marry to the Mines (single)
Current Residence: Town

Height: 6'2"
Body shape: hulking, a giant of a man with a barrelling chest, an thick arms an legs.
Eye Color: Ice blue
Hair color: Blonde
Hair Style: Long with sides shaven, top an back often put into a braid.
Complexion: Fair, Pale due to lack of sunlight
Distinguishing Marks: (If any and visible)
Clothing: Black overalls worn till they're grey, large thick steel capped boots, a leather bracer on his right forearm, done up tight by laces to support his wrist.

Basic Personality: Vostor is a considerate man, thoughtful, when he's around people on the surface, he doesn't get to spend much time with them, so it's almost like he appreciates company a little more, anyones company, heck he will even drink with the Silver Fox, but get the man within a hundred yards of a mine an something changes, a dark drive like something a dwarf in tales of old might experience, eyes narrow, consideration gets shoved aside, as do you in you don't move fast enough, that being said, he's the man you would want around in a cave in, would never leave a soul below, nore a corpse even, only one way to stop him doing back down a mine to dig him out, an that's probably with a shovel to the back of the head, but few are brave enough to do that. Somewhat of a gentle giant in his off time, probably due to exhaustion.

Special Skills: He makes a mean stew, enjoys reading fiction and secretly romances akin to romeo an juliet if they existed, tragic love stories is his thing. Blacksmith, trapping, fitness he knows how to bulk up, like when to eat alot of protein an how to take care of his body.

History: He's a miner, since age of, well when he could pick up an ax the first time, doesn't rightly know how old he was, it wasn't important to him or anyone round him, it was his his one hundred an thirty second diamond he had found, he averaged one find a month, his pap would let him crawl around though the rubble looking for diamonds or playing with bruiser, a brown an white hamster, it wasn't until he was around 14 he took an interest in education, so his pap sent him off the island to a school he could live near with relatives deep in the south, far away from the fighting and far away from drunks stay bullets, it was what the town had decided, they would not risk their kids lives to some drunk with a gun, the change didn't happen until he was 14 or so, it was where he picked up his love of literature, but his home was always down a mine, an he would return one day after his studies.

It amused him on some levels, that at this age he had earn more then most men around him would in their lives, but the costs were high, higher then ending up with an eye patch or peg leg, Funerals, that should do in his special skills, attending funerals after cave ins.

Each one made him think harder about finding a woman to make him an honest man, someone to come home to, rather then sleep down in the mines, he wasn't sure he wanted kids, but if it happened, he knew he would send them off to his family in the south till they were old enough to return, that was his families ways, an if he ever took a wife she would need to come to terms with that, he would send her away for a year with child to return after that, it was fine, his family knew of wet nurses an such, yes he was a man set in his ways an any woman would have their work cut out with this lump of coal.

Family: Mr an Mrs Svenson: reside in the deep south where the ground is white not green.

Property: Overalls, boots, leather bracer, one huge shovel, one huge sledge hammer, one mining pick, one pair of love birds in a cage. A sturdy home right next door to the tavern, it's as much a room with a bed, the nicest bed you've ever seen, like new, he rarely sleeps in it, he eats at the tavern an washes in the wash house. 1x exhausted mine.