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Welcome to Untitled FAE Game

13:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Untitled FAE Game

Humanity has always been fascinated by the unknown. It has driven religion, science, and philosophy to seek out explanations for that which does not fit in our worldview. As we have become more sophisticated, many of those mysteries have become mundane as science and reason have revealed the causes behind those strange effects.

However, what most of the world does not realize is that human progress has also laid bare how much of existence we still do not understand---and perhaps may never be able to comprehend. Today's science cannot explain plagues spread by written word, artifacts that cause any who view them to go mad, or creatures that lie outside Earth's evolutionary tree.

We understand that there truly are things that go bump in the night. We are responsible for identifying which of these phenomena are harmless and which pose an existential threat. We are the first and last line of humanity's defense against the unknown. And if you're reading this, it means now you are, too.

Welcome to the Department of Extraordinary and Unexplainable Subjects.

This is a MATURE game due to the potential for the game's subject material to involve Lovecraftian abominations, grisly cults (at the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom level of detail/violence), alien encounters, and more.