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Welcome to Batman: Life after Anti-Life (DC AU)

10:01, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Batman: Life after Anti-Life (DC AU)

The Coming Apokolips

In the spring of 2018, long range sensors on the Justice League's orbital satellite detected the approach of Apokolips, though it was still days away at the time. After two previous attempts by Darkseid to conquer the Earth, one of which led to the death of Superman, Superman decided that a preemptive strike at Apokolips was the best course of action before invading course could arrive.

The members of the Justice League and Justice League Dark gathered together and set out across the solar system to take the fight to Darkseid, leaving Earth in the care of the Teen Titans.

Unfortunately, Darkseid was able to use the Mother Box's connection to Cyborg to spy on the League's action and upon their arrival they were set upon by his new Paradooms (Parademons genetically merged with the DNA of the monster, Doomsday). Many members of the League were killed in the initial fight, some were captured and enslaved to Darkseid's will and for his hubris, Superman was injected with liquid Kryptonite to permanently block his powers and left to wander the world in his failure.

The End of the World

When Apokolips reached Earth, the Paradooms quickly overwhelmed the Teen Titans and the remaining defenders of the planet before leaving Lex Luthor as a puppet ruler in Darkseid's name.

For two years, Earth was kept in Darkseid's grip as he worked to siphon off the planet's core to fuel his endless war across the cosmos. In the fall of 2020, Superman and Raven managed to gather together a small force to lead a strike against Apokolips in an attempt to sabotage it. In the midst of the fighting they managed to free Batman and Wonder Woman from Darkseid's control but it took the unleashed power of Trigon to finally stop Darkseid.

Having barely escaped back to Earth before Cyborg teleported the world into a black hole, the survivors were faced with the prospect that the planet's odds of survival were tenous at best after Darkseid had stolen 31% of the Earth's core. John Constantine managed to convince the Flash to go back and attempt to solve their problems with another Flashpoint but whatever he attempted to do seems to have failed...

The Present...

It is the year 2220. Two hundred years have passed since the world was freed from Darkseid's tyranny and though things have drastically changed, the world had managed to limp on since. Nearly five billion people were killed in the two years that Darkseid reigned and in the years that followed his defeat another one and a half billion perished before the Justice League came upon a plan to migrate the world's survivors below the surface. In some places, this was easier than others but over time the migration was completed as much as possible and life began anew underground...

Setting and Premise

In the end, the Justice League were heroes once more after all they had done to restore a semblance of balance to the Earth and this can be seen no better than in the places where the heroes once called home. In the distant pasts of Gotham, there had once been a separate city known as Wonder City within its borders and after an accident led to it being cut off from the rest of the city, the leadership of Gotham decided to bury Wonder City beneath its streets. With that knowledge, Batman made a proposal that Wonder City be expanded under Old Gotham, and in time with the aid of Wayne Enterprises more excavations were made beneath Bleake Isle and Founders Isle, while smaller 'caverns' were dug under Arkham, Blackgate, Bludhaven, and Tricorner before being connected to the undercity proper. In time, Wayne Enterprise came to take charge of Upper and Lower Gotham and ran them from Wayne Tower with the aid of the city militia.

For years, things were tenuous enough that most people put aside their more selfish desires in the face of their annihilation. But as artificial stability was maintained, the nature of Gotham began to slowly reassert itself, and soon crime families and gangs began to rise up in the depths of Lower Gotham, more members of the militia fell to corruption, and things began to slide back into the darkness. To combat this threat, some citizens have taken it upon themselves that they must be remade in the images of the past to help save the future.


Wonder Woman.

The Flash.

Green Lantern.

In times past these heroes helped prevent the world from falling to its ultimate annihilation, perhaps their return can bring about a solution to save the planet once and for all...

Character Creation

The heroes of legend, the mantles held deep in reverence and beloved by the world, have long since passed on. Every hero that has ever lived in the time we know, is dead. Superman himself, despite his apparent immortality, disappeared nearly a century prior as he never truly recovered from the loss of those who perished during the Apokolips War, and has not been seen in years. Equipment failure, loss of electricity and power, and other outside influences have ensured that all but the most well protected and powerful are vulnerable.

Thus, these heroes are new heroes, based on the heroes of old. Your concepts are completely new characters of your own designs, re-imagined ideas of the heroes and villains we love and love to hate. They should be unique and interesting, and fit well in a post-apocalyptic setting full of robotics and metahumans.

Examples from Previous Games:

Bane: A raider queen in charge of a full caravan of thugs fighting for the people of the Wastelands not welcome in Gotham City, set to raid every caravan she can headed to Wayne Tower. She relies on a genetic serum she found in an abandoned laboratory to keep herself ahead of the game and on top of her troops. Eventually, she plans to take Wayne Tower head on, and destroy the establishment. Gotham is for the people, not for the few.

Black Canary: The vocalists for an all female black metal band before the apocalypse, she now works as a mercenary for the People's Militia, rounding up raiders and dangerous mutants before they can cause true threats to Gotham City. Her main weapon is a sonic emitter stunner that was once used by police for non-lethal control of crowds.

Clayface: A mutant who's DNA structure has been incredibly deteriorated, and who's natural form is of what the people of Gotham call a Mud Mutant. With uncanny control over his mutations, he can transform himself identically into people he has already seen, but because of the mental trauma he has experienced, he is dangerous to all who do not know how to handle him. He has multiple personality disorder, each of which take on a different physical form, and which can change at any moment.

Power Limits

Power limits will be set based on individual level. I trust you to be thoughtful and considerate of other players when deciding these limits, with the thought in mind that this story is meant to be fun for everyone, and not just for you.