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Posting a message

When posting a message you have the following options;

NameIf you are a GM in the game or have more than one persona in a game, this option allows you to select the character you wish to post as.  If you are replying to an existing thread then only the characters that have a group in common with the threads group can post to the thread.  If posting a new thread, then the GM must make sure that the characters groups and the threads group have the group in common.
Other Name(GM only, public threads only) Allows the GM the ability to use a posting persona for a NPC that is not part of their usual persona list.  Good for disposable NPCs.  This entry can also be utilised to over-ride the character-to-thread-group checking as entering an existing persona name here will bypass the character-to-group check.
SubjectThe subject the post will have.  If this is a new thread then this will also be the thread topic.  Limited to 60 characters.
MessageThe body of the message.  Some pseudo-html and UBBC codes may be entered here to format the post (see below for details).  Limit of fifty thousand characters (51,200 to be precise), which is approximately 10,000 words... or 200 paragraphs.
Preview / Delay Post
The preview button allows you to see how your message will look before you post it.  This is ideal for when you have included some formatting to the message to ensure that the post will look the way you wish, and that you have entered in the codes correctly.  Additionally, GMs can delay posts with this option, selecting the appropriate time delay in the preview screen. Note: The delay post functionality is performed by your javascript-enabled browser.  Not only must you have javascript enabled, but you must leave the browser on this window while it counts down the delay and eventually posts on your behalf.
Post MessagePosts the message.  If there are and serious errors with your post you will be returned the compose screen.
To Group xx(GMs only, first post only) Permits the GM to select which group the new thread will be visible to.
Notice(GMs only, first post only) Permits the GM to post the thread as a notice, which will always appear at the top of the thread listing.  Note; notices are closed by default but can be open afterwards.
CancelAbort the post, confirmation is not asked.
bold, italic etcQuick-picks for the most common formatting options, see below for details.
Insert a private lineInserts a section of limited visibility into the message. See below for further details and examples.
Private toBy selecting one or more of the "Private to" boxes at the bottom of the screen you do not post the message to the normal public message board for that game, but instead a private thread that only you and the selected recipients can read.  The "to group" option is ignored if one or more of these check boxes are selected as the message then becomes a private message.  If you are replying to an existing private message then changing any of the pre-selected check boxes will start a new thread.

Further details;

Private text:

Furthermore, in public and private threads you can utilise the "Insert a private line:" drop down box which will make the text you type in for that line visible to that character, or group of characters, only.  Privacy guaranteed (no refunds given).  Great for publicly talking to someone while secretly telling the GM you're going to pick pocket!

You can send a message to;

"Not" can also be used before each character/group name to exclude that character/group from the recipients.  The exclusion from "not" takes precedence over any inclusions.

To illustrate private lines, everyone might see a message like thus;

"Smile and greet Jerrad whole heartedly, giving him a welcome slap on the back."

Whereas Saffaris (another player) might see;

"Smile and greet Jerrad whole heartedly, giving him a welcome slap on the back.

[Private to Saffaris:  Alasha'an gives you a mischievous wink, she's up to something again!]"

And the GM would see ;

"Smile and greet Jerrad whole heartedly, giving him a welcome slap on the back.

[Private to Saffaris: Alasha'an gives you a mischievous wink, she's up to something again!]

[Private to GM: Pick his pocket!]"

Types of private text:

Private toAs per the examples above.
Secret toGM Only.  This differs from private text in so far that it does not display any indication to the recipient that the text is special.

"You are [Secret to Jon: not] free to go." would display to everyone in the game as "You are free to go.", except for Jon, who would see "You are not free to go."
Private to groupA private section that is addressed to a group (that the GM sets up).
Secret to groupA secret section that is addressed to a group (that the GM sets up).
The language groupLanguages are similar to private to group, except that those who are not in the group still see the message, but it is (randomly) garbled.  Words known to the group, such as character names, are not scrambled.  Additionally the GM can specify words that should not be scrambled by enclosing (each word) in curly brackets.

Formatting text

Very little HTML code is allowed in RPoL to minimise the chance of people doing something antisocial.  The following things can be done;

bold By using <b> and </b> on either side of some text it will bold it.
italic By using <i> and </i> on either side of some text it will italicise it.
underline By using <u> and </u> on either side of some text it will underline it.
By using <s> and </s> on either side of some text it will strike it through.
sup <sup> and </sup> on either side of some text it will superscript it.
sub <sub> and </sub> on either side of some text it will subscript.
small <small> and </small> on either side of some text it will make it small.
large <large> and </large> on either side of some text it will make it large.  Can be compounded up to three times.
Fixed width fonts are the old-style typewriter type text.  Enclosing text within <tt> and </tt> will cause all text to have the same width (e.g. 'iii' and 'www'); similar to what you see when composing a message.
Preformatted text is similar to fixed width with two major differences.  Firstly it will force a new line before and after the enclosing <pre> and </pre>.  Secondly, and far more importantly, is that your text will no longer automatically word-wrap, that is; a new line will only be inserted when you insert one! Do not use this with extremely long pieces of text without using the enter key yourself.
<center> and </center> ("centre" can also be used) on either side of some text it will
centre it on a new line.
quoting You can quote text by putting it between <quote> and </quote> (or <blockquote> or even [quote] or [blockquote])
By putting a name (or source) after the word quote (e.g. <quote woof>) the text you've quoted will be labelled as being from there (still only close with </quote>).
spoil <spoil> and </spoil> on either side of some text it will hide it from view and the user will have to hover-over or highlight the text to see it.  Within a game GMs can also use <spoil mode=silent> which will not give any visual clue that there is hidden text.
You can colour or style your text.  Because of the various colour schemes available, RPoL doesn't let you use any colour you want (a bright yellow won't turn up very well on the white scheme).  To avoid problems such as this RPoL allows you to select from various different colours.  When a person views a message with the colourised text the colours will be lightened or darkened depending upon their colour scheme.  Tricky 'eh?
tables <table> and </table> will start a table.  Each table must have at least one table row (tr) and each table row must either have a table header (th) or table data (td).

Easy Tables and Grids can be an easier way of creating tables.
lists [list] and [/list] will start a bullet list.  Each list must have at least one point, which is done by starting a line with [*]. "Olist" can also be used to start an ordered (numbered) list.
smallcaps <smallcaps> and </smallcaps> on either side of some text it will Make it Small Caps
horizontal lines By using <hr> you can make a horizontal line:
Enclosing some RPoL/UBBC code within [code] and [/code] makes RPoL disobey any normal interpretation and the text will be written out 'as is'.  e.g. <b> will not bold anything, it will just be displayed as <b>.  This is useful for assisting other users.
hyperlinks GM's can post a hyperlink for the players to follow for extra information (plus anyone can in a forum).
The format must be <a href="http://www.somesite.com/the-url.html">The Linkage!</a> (the quotes are optional).
No target or any other information is allowed to avoid antisocial behaviour (e.g. javascript!).
images Players and GM's can insert an image into a post in a game.
The format must be <img src="http://www.somesite.com/the-image.jpg"> (the quotes are optional (necessary if the path has a space in it)).
The image can be aligned to the left or right of accompanying text by including either align="right" or align="left" in them (these quotes are also optional).
No height, width or any other information is allowed to avoid antisocial behaviour (again, e.g. javascript!)

UBBC Support (limited)

bold [b]bold[/b]
italic [i]italicise[/i]
underline [u]underline[/u]
strike [s]strikethrough[/s]
superscript [sup]superscript[/sup]
subscript [sub]subscript[/sub]
unordered lists [list]Indented list[/list]
ordered lists [olist]Indented list[/olist]
[*]Bulleted list item
(Must be within the [list][/list] or [olist][/olist])
teletype [tt]Monospaced text[/tt]
[pre]Fixed width section[/pre]
tables [table] does not work like on UBBC on RPoL.
It instead duplicates [pre].
quoting [quote]'the quotation'[/quote]
[quote person]'the quotation'[/quote]
[code] does not work like on UBBC on RPoL.
Instead it does not translate the enclosed text, see above for more details.

More information?  Try;

Signing up for RolePlay OnLine!
Playing a character
Requesting Access
Character Description
GM'ing a game

Last updated: 20:18, Mon 14 Sept 2015.
Direct link: http://new.rpol.net/help/?t=help&page=post