Re: Looking for a Game or Two
DnD 3.5, Pathfinder or 5e (New to it!): Any levels
*No Gestault
*Prefer lower levels but upper levels is fine.
Wheel of Time 3.5 (Revised NOT Saga type, Official d20) or Free-form
Star Wars: Preferable 3.5 (Revised) or Free Form
Freeform Game (Walking Deadd, Horror or some sort of mutant type game like X-Men) or Walking Dead Pathfinder
Final Fantasy type game (Pathfinder, DnD 3.5., Freeform, ect)
Skyrim-type game (Perhaps Pathfinder, DnD 3.5, Freeform?)
Diablo Game (Pathfinder? DnD 3.5? Freeform?)
Lord of the Rings Game (Pathfinder? DnD 3.5? Freeform?)
Dragon Age (Pathfinder? DnD 3.5? Freeform?)
Looking for a Curse of Strahd game!
5e. Searching searching....
Still looking....
This message was last edited by the user at 21:35, Tue 14 Mar 2023.