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14:54, 12th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games.

Posted by SunRuanEr
subscriber, 405 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 01:40
  • msg #1

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games

So, had a player that was removed from a few games tonight - no actions at all taken save for the GM removing the player and transferring their characters to GM control. Standard GM management. No big deal.

...and then another player in said games messaged offsite to ask 'Is <GM> bumping all their games?' Cue the o.O face from me, who hastily went over to the main menu to see if everything looked red. Nope, nothing. Checked on the old site. Nothing. Checked responsive on my phone. Still nothing.

In the midst of this, the other person added that they had removed the games from their sticky list, if that detail mattered. Apparently, it does! For them, everything reappeared and went red, for me, nada.

I've seen similar before, where removed games that I knew were dead reappeared on my sticky list, but I always chalked those up to the GM posting something in a thread I couldn't see. Tonight, though, I know the GM didn't do /anything/ beyond transfer a character and remove the player.

That doesn't seem like the sort of thing that should bump games.
moderator, 936 posts
Whatever it is,
I'm against it
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 02:13

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games

Yup, that's not supposed to happen.  And I haven't seen it happen before either.

I can envisage that cached cookies might somehow cause flags to come up on new posts for the player who had been removed, but that wouldn't (/shouldn't) effect any other existing player.

Can you send an rMail to the moderators with a link to the game and let us know whether you're accessing it via responsive or the old site and we'll have a look ... but unfortunately given the game has probably already got new posts since, the waters are probably muddied by now.  If nothing else, we can flag it as an issue for jase so he can have a look at the code (particularly if the problem is on responsive but not the old site) when he gets a minute in his busy schedule.

Cheers ;>

subscriber, 406 posts
Sun 5 Sep 2021
at 02:29
  • msg #3

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games

Done! =)
subscriber, 416 posts
Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 17:42
  • msg #4

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games

Just to bump this, had it happen again, this time with just changing the GROUP access for a single character, so add that along with 'Transfer of ownership' and 'Player removal' for things that are triggering game repopulation. Same games as before.
member, 551 posts
GURPS GM and Player
Joined 20150819
Mon 27 Sep 2021
at 18:44
  • msg #5

Bug? GM Actions (management, not posts) bumping games

In the midst of this, the other person added that they had removed the games from their sticky list, if that detail mattered. Apparently, it does! For them, everything reappeared and went red, for me, nada.

Happens to me all the time.  If I go back to a long dead game (sometimes looking to copy my old character sheet, or something from the game) by finding it either on my "lost games list" or by searching for it in the "Browse/Search Games" function, every thread is marked unread.

Every time.  It doesn't do it if a game legit has a new message while I'm waiting for them to remove me from their game (and have removed them from my list), just when I go  looking for the game.

I haven't paid attention if it does it if the game is still active... hang on let me check something.

/30 seconds later

Yup.  Even on still active games.  If I go there, everything is marked unread, even threads that haven't had activity since the last time I read them.

This is just on Responsive, I don't remember if this happened on Original Flavor RPoL, but since I didn't find it surprising when it's happened since I made the switch, I suspect it was happening on Old RPoL as well.
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