In the midst of this, the other person added that they had removed the games from their sticky list, if that detail mattered. Apparently, it does! For them, everything reappeared and went red, for me, nada.
Happens to me all the time. If I go back to a long dead game (sometimes looking to copy my old character sheet, or something from the game) by finding it either on my "lost games list" or by searching for it in the "Browse/Search Games" function, every thread is marked unread.
Every time. It doesn't do it if a game legit has a new message while I'm waiting for them to remove me from their game (and have removed them from my list), just when I go looking for the game.
I haven't paid attention if it does it if the game is still active... hang on let me check something.
/30 seconds later
Yup. Even on still active games. If I go there, everything is marked unread, even threads that haven't had activity since the last time I read them.
This is just on Responsive, I don't remember if this happened on Original Flavor RPoL, but since I didn't find it surprising when it's happened since I made the switch, I suspect it was happening on Old RPoL as well.