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13:37, 12th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Fantasy AGE 2e.

Posted by quibbles_quaint
member, 53 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 00:17
  • msg #1

Fantasy AGE 2e

This is generally a continuation of the thread that was looking for a GM. Currently the idea seems to be to avoid hack and slash dungeon crawls which works great for me. There was also a desire to explore cool environments which I think that the Stranger Shores idea can do, though those shores are all nominally port towns which will lead to a degree of similarity that is less than desirable. It seems to me that interesting environments is likely easier to accomplish with you all just wandering around connected lands.

There was also a mention of a desire for adventure and intrigue, so this sounds like a group that is trying to build something. It could be people making their own way in the world. It could be people addressing problems for the local power structure. Generally, I would love to get people who have goals that can be helped by each other's goals and then get an inciting incident to get use rolling. Once we have that, the rest of the game can be built off of what has happened and what the people are trying to achieve.

I can present ideas, but I would generally be keener on hearing the ideas of the people who wanted to play rather than seeming like I am pushing for a given idea. I will say that there are risks on goals that keep you too tied to a particular area as wanting to see cool environments sort of requires the ability to travel away from one and into another. While I could do something like a portal system, that would rapidly run the risk of feeling like a dungeon crawl.
member, 232 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 02:31
  • msg #2

Fantasy AGE 2e

I'd be interested in a Discovery and Recovery type of scenario with fantasy flavored intrigue underlying. Search for the location of the lost McGuffin based on a recently discovered clue but factions A,B,&C all have interests in recovering it or keeping it hidden. Fantasy Indiana Jones?

I also have an orphaned 2e character I'd love to actually play if it works out.

I'd suggest getting right into the story and have the characters already hooked so as to avoid the tavern mire that kills many games before they start.
member, 55 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 03:10
  • msg #3

Fantasy AGE 2e

Reasonable. There is indeed a balance to be struck between starting far enough into the action to avoid that tavern mire and not so far as to have to rewind because people are going "But I never would have done that". I have had many games where the action started with us in the meat of a job only for things to have gone wrong and watched the cries of "But we would have taken assorted precautions this doesn't account for".

On the topic of Discovery and Recovery concept, there does seem to be some risk of it taking on the feeling of a dungeon crawl, especially when it comes to the recovery part. Using Indiana Jones as an example, once you get into the temple of doom or cave with the grail or whatever is currently holding the McGuffin it can start to feel very dungeon like. This is not to say that the idea is bad, merely to suggest that that is a place we will have to be careful if we use that idea. It seems like a good idea and I appreciate you sharing it.
member, 233 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 03:54
  • msg #4

Fantasy AGE 2e

Use the "5 Room Dungeon" concept for your McGuffin hidey-hole and then it won't become a slog. Or put it on a ship or in a festival grove, frozen into an iceberg, etc. The Dungeon can't be avoided altogether in this sort of thing.

I'd also dig a fantasy covert ops style of game where short missions are the chapters. Protection, sabotage, heist, rescue...

Really of interest to me would be to play as a party of bounty hunters!
This message was last edited by the user at 04:55, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
member, 818 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 05:16
  • msg #5

Fantasy AGE 2e

Perhaps the characters grew up in a small village as children they played together.... But as they became adults they all left to explore the world.... Years later they all returned to celebrate some very important festival only to find the village and everything the knew destroyed with just a few clues to go on they set out to hunt the killers down

This gives the party a reason for being together and knowing each other.... It brings in old relationships and rivalries if desired and forges them into a group of bounty hunter etc....

It also allows the gm to go as wild as they like.... Was it a raiding party or bandits..... Was there a more insiduous reason behind it.... Was it done by a local noble, evil cultists or does it go even higher in society and involves the Royal court......?
member, 56 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #6

Fantasy AGE 2e

This seems like a good start. So, you all come back to find the village destroyed, get some leads and off on an adventure you go. It's up to you all if you go full revenge mode and hunt down everyone responsible or just seek out answers and to stop whatever machinations were responsible. If you want to go into bounty hunting, because you get practice at hunting things with this adventure, that is entirely reasonable. We can easily seed in hooks for various things as time goes on. Do you want to start with just the two of you? Do you want wait for more people? What are you all comfortable with?
member, 819 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 19:29
  • msg #7

Fantasy AGE 2e

I'm happy either way
This message was last edited by a moderator, as it was against the forum rules, at 19:33, Tue 07 Nov 2023.
member, 234 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 20:07
  • msg #8

Fantasy AGE 2e

I'm happy to start getting things going. Late comers can jump in later. I find three or four to be a good group for pbp, but there are lots of other games to compete with so...
member, 74 posts
Literally every
kind of wrestling
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 21:55
  • msg #9

Fantasy AGE 2e

I don't have this book yet. How different is it?
member, 57 posts
Tue 7 Nov 2023
at 21:58
  • msg #10

Fantasy AGE 2e

Not very. Specializations are available at level 1 which is cool. You can pick up class based stunts. Conditions have become a bigger thing. It should be easy to pick up if you have played the first edition.
member, 75 posts
Literally every
kind of wrestling
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 00:46
  • msg #11

Fantasy AGE 2e

Cool, does it violate any rules to say count me in?
member, 58 posts
Wed 8 Nov 2023
at 01:20
  • msg #12

Fantasy AGE 2e

Don't think it does. I'm working on getting it set up. I think I am allowed to post the link here once I do as long as I don't branch over into advertising here.
member, 820 posts
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 12:26
  • msg #13

Fantasy AGE 2e

Just wondering how the game set up was coming along
This message was last edited by the user at 12:27, Sun 12 Nov 2023.
member, 76 posts
Literally every
kind of wrestling
Sun 12 Nov 2023
at 20:08
  • msg #14

Fantasy AGE 2e

Inquiring minds want to know.
member, 827 posts
Mon 15 Jan 2024
at 14:39
  • msg #15

Fantasy AGE 2e

Hi there just wondered if this game was still going ahead
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