Fantasy AGE 2e

This is generally a continuation of the thread that was looking for a GM. Currently the idea seems to be to avoid hack and slash dungeon crawls which works great for me. There was also a desire to explore cool environments which I think that the Stranger Shores idea can do, though those shores are all nominally port towns which will lead to a degree of similarity that is less than desirable. It seems to me that interesting environments is likely easier to accomplish with you all just wandering around connected lands.
There was also a mention of a desire for adventure and intrigue, so this sounds like a group that is trying to build something. It could be people making their own way in the world. It could be people addressing problems for the local power structure. Generally, I would love to get people who have goals that can be helped by each other's goals and then get an inciting incident to get use rolling. Once we have that, the rest of the game can be built off of what has happened and what the people are trying to achieve.
I can present ideas, but I would generally be keener on hearing the ideas of the people who wanted to play rather than seeming like I am pushing for a given idea. I will say that there are risks on goals that keep you too tied to a particular area as wanting to see cool environments sort of requires the ability to travel away from one and into another. While I could do something like a portal system, that would rapidly run the risk of feeling like a dungeon crawl.