worrying over these kinds of details because you want, what, ultimate reality?, is just going to ruin your game. it would seem all of this would simply fight against suspension of disbelief in your game.
A lot of GURPS players actually find their suspenders of disbelief snapping over areas where the rules do not 'accurately model reality enough' for them. So if Yestow's rules model reality "more accurately" for his group, and they enjoy them, good on them.
(Though I think Yestow is mostly aiming at discussion here, which is honestly not the best place to drum up rules discussion for a rather niche rpg system.)
SM 3 attacks SM 1, the damage gets an extra +2 per die.
GURPS already does this (in part) by scaling up and down the weapon, not the being wielding it (and in part by scaling the "Minimum/Maximum ST" of the being based on SM)
Have you looked in GURPS Biotech and Low-Tech? That's where some of these SM scaling rules lay.
SM -6 attacks SM -2, the defender gets an extra 4 DR.
That's better handled through HP and damage via ST. The smaller creature is doing less damage and has less HP (and might possible have a DR penetration penalty), the larger one does more damage and has more HP. Possibly also DR, although, again, and I can't stress this enough, GURPS already accounts for this in creature/character design.
It's why elephants have ST 45, 45 HP, and DR 4*, and rats have ST 1.
I get you want an easy "how to rescale on the fly", but then it should be modeled that way, "These are the new minimum/maximums of stats and abilities based on SM that a Character needs" not "theses are the free benes/penalties a Character gets for changing SM".
GURPS is 'balanced' around SM 0, Joe Normie, humans. You really can't 'easily' rebalance away from that without changing the entire balance point, which is why I said (to expound upon) "if all the PCs are shrinking, being 2 inches tall is now SM 0, refactor everything else". And there are rules for this.
Are they simple and elegant? No, but then SM is messy and somewhat kludgey to start with... I don't really think you can streamline it and make it elegant, but I'll be happy to watch you try and point out issues as I see them.
If you haven't checked out the rescaling and SM change rules in Low-Tech and Bio-Tech, I recommend it (it may help to resolve some issues or spark further refinement) and also (I just remembered it existed) check out GURPS GULLIVER by t-bone, it's pretty widely acclaimed as answering a lot of SM scaling issues and has 'quick rescaling rules' that you might find adequate.
I don't use them, but then I don't tend to have rescaling issues (I don't have radically different sized PCs) and I tend to hew closely to "you have what you paid for"* as a GURPS standard. But his GLAIVE rules are pretty neat and I keep wanting to use them, just never have a group that agrees...
* Which is why I already have issues with the free penalties and bonuses SM tends to hand out.