Process for Submitting a Portrait
Hey guys!
We have a bunch of old threads and stickies that don't apply anymore and such. Thanks to Flarelord for pointing that out :D
So without further ado, here are the latest and great things you need to know for submitting a portrait, as of May 18th, 2020.
- We are definitely live and accepting portraits. Please ignore the sticky until we're able to get that down.
The Portrait team will be taking submissions over the first two weeks of each month (e.g. days 1-14). If your submission comes in after that, we'll get to it in the next month's update. We will be accepting one portrait per user each update at this time.
Follow These Rules
- Send your image to
- include your RPOL user name in the body of the e-mail
- no pornography
- no links, and no archive/ZIP files
Things to Think About When Submitting
When all is said and done in the editing department, submissions are reduced to 100 pixels high by 100 pixels wide (100x100) and less than 5 kilobytes in size. However, in the game threads, portraits in use are shrunk to 50x50 for space considerations. To view the portrait in its full size, click on it. (RPOL keeps no larger images.)
Submissions must be 100x100 pixels or greater (bigger than approximately 1 inch/3 cm square on your computer screen). Smaller sizes usually produce poor quality, and will almost certainly be rejected. The larger the original you submit (within reason), the better.
Jpg's are preferred, but .bmp, .gif, .img, .kdc, .mac, .msp, .pcd, .pct, .pcx, .psd, .psp, & .tif formats are acceptable.
Please send the image file by itself, without inserting it into a .pdf (Acrobat) or other unnecessary format (Word documents, etc.). Zipped files are acceptable provided they're in a standard format that our software can un-compress.
No names on the image unless it's the artist's mark. Copyrighted photos will not be accepted, so if you see © on a photo, or the word copyright, do not, I repeat, do not send it in. Nothing Copyrighted/Registered/Trademarked will be accepted without the artist's express permission, and we must have a copy of the permission emailed along with the submission.</ul>
Likewise, if it comes to our attention that the portrait is the work of an artist that has specifically asked that their works not be used on other sites (Disney, for example), it will be removed from the gallery.
If we are contacted by the artist or their authorized representative regarding removal of an image, the portrait will be removed immediately.
Images may be rejected if they are too small, too blurry to make out the details, poor quality, have words on the image, are deemed a duplicate or extremely similar to an existing portrait, or are just plain bad. "Duplicate" is a judgment call - there is not enough room for every actor with every mood in every costume for every role they ever played, nor every model in existence. All things equal, pictures with "character" will be given consideration over "just another face".
Quality and the 'Final Product:'
The final image will be cropped square - tall or wide portraits may not work well when cropped. If your image is not square, the larger the original (within reason), the better chance the image can be used upon alteration.
If you submit a full-body shot, it will be cropped more tightly. Faces tend to be preferred over full body as they hold up to 50x50 viewing resolution better.
If the file is less than 5k, it may not retain the quality needed once sized and cropped.
Images must be clear - contrast, detail, quality, color, focus, artistic ability, and overall final product all will be taken into consideration for acceptance.
Look through the recent submissions (later pages in any category) for examples of what quality is generally accepted.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:16, Thu 25 Jan.