Lady Madeline (Maddie) Whyte

Height: 5'5" Weight: 125
Hair: Red
Shapely alluring build
Eyes: Piercing Blue
Age: 27
Born a twin in a brothel in White Chapel she and her identical twin sister learned how to survive any way necessary. Her twin sister, Margaret (Maggie) Whyte, died tragically by the hand of her husband, Jonathan Beaupre'. Maddie was in France when her sister had managed to wed one of the most eligible bachelors in England. Shocked soon after only a few months that word reached her and her aged husband that Beaupre' had murdered her sister-in-law in a fit of jealous rage. Her own husband, Earl of Sussex, died of a heart attack. Thus leaving her his fortune and estates in Sussex. Upon her return to England she stayed at her home under the proper pretense of a lady in mourning.
Time now to find a new husband as her coffers grew slimmer and slimmer from her frivolities of new dresses and reckless gambling just like her sister she was addicted to a wild way of life. She would need to find a strong provider. She and her entourage went to the Kings Court in FAlmouth now. It would be fun to see who might mistake her for her dead sister Maggie?? Perhaps she would entice Sir Beaupre into wedding her and become her new benefactor. Who knew what the court and king, who had lost his sickly wife would have to offer her? She could possibly be the next Queen....