Welcome to RolePlay onLine!
RPoL is one of the oldest play-by-post roleplaying communities on the web, providing free membership for anyone to host and participate in any game system or communal story line.
With unlimited anonymous aliases (characters) in a game along with tools for hosting character sheets, descriptions, portraits (over 14,000), custom dice roller systems, game maps, private threads, private text, multiple groups, and much more, we're confident you'll find everything you need to manage and play your favourite characters in your favourite setting.
Create and GM your own game and add to the 68,787 characters and 8,675,625 messages already on the system.
With 3,752 games on record, 817 highly active (180 seeking players), we're sure you'll find a setting to suit you.
Reliably providing 124,732 users with a place to get their gaming fix, since 2000 — over 9 games are created every day.Start Playing
Register with RPoL now, it takes 30 seconds and only requires a working email address.Already a member? Sign in here, or type your details up in the top right.
Find a Game
Click on Browse / Search the Games link to the rightabove to specify search options and find a game.Preferences
Once logged on you can change the colour scheme via your user preferences.Visibility of character portraits may be turned off or on, also via your preferences.
The red Help link (top right) gives you help for the screen you are on, and actually helps!RPoL Forums Available
GM: RPoL 107
GM: RPoL 46706
GM: RPoL 10845
GM: elSpike 68837
GM: RPoL 576
GM: RPoL 42852
GM: RPoL 2488
GM: Jhael 300
GM: RPoL 14767
GM: RPoL 13983
GM: RPoL 1161
GM: RPoL 35198
GM: RPoL 44501
GM: RPoL 414