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Version 1.8.52.

Posted by jase
admin, 2735 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sat 3 Dec 2011
at 10:22

Version 1.8.52

Actually done three weeks ago, but here's the notes.

  • Players and (official) lurkers to a game no longer get new message indicators for groups they don't have access to!
    • A side effect of this is that you will continue to get alerts for games you are a player or official lurker in.  Removing a game from your sticky list will no longer suffice, you have to request the GM remove you from the game.  While a slight shift in operation for players, hopefully this will result in less vanishing players for GMs.

  • Fixed the lightly edited/punctuation tweaked editing messages (which broke some time in 2007).
  • Access requests in games now have a "RPoL Profile" link.
  • When typing in a game system it now gives better feedback if you have a prefix or suffix (or both) to a known game system.
  • Updated the game check & fix routine for (some of) the changes done during 1.7.
  • Fixed an issue where a game removed from your stickylist couldn't be added again if you've already read the newest thread.
  • Any NPC with the tag containing the word "NPC" will now be grouped in the cast list (rather than the tag having to be exactly "NPC").
  • Fixed advertising game count in the RPoL information page in the FAQs.
  • Fixed the email notification drop-down list automatically selecting GMT send time rather than your local send time (for updates sent once a day at a specified time).

member, 421 posts
therapist in training
Sat 3 Dec 2011
at 22:51
  • msg #2

Re: Version 1.8.52

I didn't notice if it came up in a previous revision or if it was in this one, but I wanted to say that I really like the feature now where Players Wanted ads include links to other games run by the same GM.
member, 659 posts
Casting the dice
of an uncertain future
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 03:00
  • msg #3

Re: Version 1.8.52

Thanks, Jase.
member, 343 posts
Creator of HeroForge
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 06:01
  • msg #4

Re: Version 1.8.52

Getting better all the time. It's little touches like this that keep me coming back here, even if I take a long hiatus.
member, 50 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 11:15
  • msg #5

Re: Version 1.8.52

Problem is, some GMs are not mature enough to remove you if you request. Is there any chance we could have the option to 'opt out' of a game and remove ourselves? It would be very handy to have that as an option.
moderator, 2221 posts
generation X-wing
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 11:17

Re: Version 1.8.52

We have discussed that, Sleepy, but at this stage probably not.

You can, however, refer the matter to the moderators if, after a week since your request to be removed, you are still in the game.
member, 51 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 11:27
  • msg #7

Re: Version 1.8.52

Thanks, I hope you guys change your minds on the suggestion, but as long as there is a way I don't mind.
moderator, 2222 posts
generation X-wing
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 11:49

Re: Version 1.8.52

Unfortunately the counterbalance of the argument is:

Some players are not mature enough to tell the GM that they are leaving, and simply remove their game from the sticky list, leaving the GM wondering what happened.

So either way, some people are going to be put on the back foot, so to speak.
member, 52 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 11:54
  • msg #9

Re: Version 1.8.52

That's a valid counter-point, but to add to the suggestion, you could have it send a message to the GM, "Sleepy has opted out of game <name of game>". Maybe have it send it as a private message from the last character that player posted as so the GM knows who left.

Again though, all in all it does come down to your decisions, I'm sure you can't please everyone.
moderator, 2859 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 12:12

Re: Version 1.8.52

It shouldn't be the system that tells the GM, IMO -- it should be the player.

You've made a commitment to a game by joining it.  The least you can do is have the courtesy to tell the GM that you're leaving and ask them to remove you from the game.

If you've done that and they haven't had the courtesy to do so within a week, let us know.  That is the system, and it's one that requires a basic level of human communication. :)
member, 53 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 12:32
  • msg #11

Re: Version 1.8.52

It works great 99% of the time, I'm just the odd perfectionist who always seeks to make things perfect whenever I can. The system right now is really well planned and designed, I can't argue that, I just like to try to find that 1% if it's possible.

On a different note, keep up the good work, can't say I have any complaints about the site as a whole. Thanks for entertaining my idea a bit, I hope this discussion helps others understand why this hasn't been implemented as it's helped me understand it.
member, 4397 posts
Gaming for most of
25 years, and counting!
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 23:38
  • msg #12

Re: Version 1.8.52

*grin* The problem with trying to come up with a perfect system for exiting games is that, at some point, very imperfect humans become part of that system.  At that point, it doesn't matter how perfect the rest of it is laid out...someone will find a way to make things go wrong.  *chuckle*
member, 184 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 23:38
  • msg #13

Re: Version 1.8.52

A side effect of this is that you will continue to get alerts for games you are a player or official lurker in.

This has been bugging me for weeks. Glad to know there is at least a reason.

Other than that, the new update is very well done.
member, 124 posts
Sun 11 Dec 2011
at 01:19
  • msg #14

Re: Version 1.8.52

Perhaps the wrong place and if so I apologize but is anyone else having a problem with the game search feature? It wont allow me to search based of Game System; I can't write anything in that section.

Otherwise, I think the new version is great.
This message was last edited by the user at 01:20, Sun 11 Dec 2011.
member, 1900 posts
If my opinion changes,
The answer is still 42.
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 23:08
  • msg #15

Re: Version 1.8.52

I found this error.  I really like the new ability to quote yourself (to then explain a riddle, clarify a situation, or whatever), but it had this error:

When you quote yourself, you cannot choose to post as yourself in the dropdown menu (for GMs).  However, if you post and get the message that you need to select someone to post as, you then have the option of selecting yourself.  (Creates an extra step by consciously posting a message that can't be posted.)
moderator, 5923 posts
And eight eight eight - I
forget what eight was for
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 23:40

Re: Version 1.8.52

In reply to Aldrick (msg #14):

Which browser are you using, and what version is it?  And do you have javascript enabled?  (And are you on a mobile device rather than a full browser?)
This message was last edited by the user at 23:42, Mon 12 Dec 2011.
member, 554 posts
Tue 13 Dec 2011
at 02:04
  • msg #17

Re: Version 1.8.52

I just tried it in three different games and got three different behaviors!  I'm using Chrome, with JS on.

1.  I am the GM in a normal game with other characters in it.  My GM character is the only one I have.  I got the same behavior as Heath:  the "Name" field came up with the separator selected; and I was not in the list, only the separator and then the player names.

2.  I am the GM but have several other characters also assigned to me, all player access.  The name field came up with -Select a character- and all the characters available, including my GM one.  (i.e. normal behavior)

3.  I am the GM and only character in the game.  (It is one I am still working on and haven't made public, yet.)  It came up with my own name, as normal.
member, 125 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2011
at 19:09
  • msg #18

Re: Version 1.8.52

In reply to cruinne (msg #16):

I use Opera v11.60 and yes, JavaScript is enabled.
admin, 2739 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sun 18 Dec 2011
at 02:53

Re: Version 1.8.52

Thanks Heath and Zag, found and fixed the problem.

Aldrick - not sure what's going on there.  Javascript enables the auto-suggest selection, but without it the field is just a normal text input area, like the "Subject" field I've got as I compose.  There's nothing that should be making you unable to enter anything at all.  I haven't tested it in Opera, I must admit, as only 1.8% of our members use that browser.
admin, 2740 posts
Cogito, ergo procuro.
Carpe stultus!
Sun 18 Dec 2011
at 05:32

Re: Version 1.8.52

I think Opera might have changed the way they handled some event triggers.  I've removed a piece of Opera specific code which does help in the latest version.  I can't say what the effect on older versions will be.

You'll have to do a force refresh (Control F5 in Opera, I believe) to get the new Javascript include.
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