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10:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg.

Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
DM Visceri
GM, 418 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 06:44
  • msg #1

The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

The rest of the late afternoon and early evening go by with casual conversation among those willing with Kuldar happy to fill any empty silences with an story or two but the camps seems to be divided. While Raznik, Temnir, and Felicia keep to themselves a bit more, the other three stay by the fire they constructed for a while before nodding off to bed with the rest.

The night itself is uneventful other than the pitter patter of the rain that begins to fall in the early hours of the morning, bringing with it the unpleasant side effect of those who chose to sleep on the downside of the slope getting a little wet though not enough to wake them up. Those keeping watch during the night found the raised wall to be a good lookout perch but didn't seem to need it as not even wild life approached their camp sight during the night.

As the morning dawns, the rain continues but it is only falling lightly, turning the fog into more of a mist though it doesn't help with the visibility problem the group had the previous day. Putting out the campfire and gathering their belongings, the group sets out on their three hour walk to Heldenburg. After the three hours though, no sign of Heldenburg can be found but they come across a small semi-paved road that leads them along and eventually find a signpost that tells them that they were about 30 minutes south of the town. Continuing down the turn off for Heldenburg, a faint smell begins to taint the air. A mix of decay and smoke fill the groups nostrils as the continue down the path, eyes peeled for any sign of the undead army or their quarry...

OOC: You are basically 10 minutes out from Heldenburg and have a surefire path to the town. Any preparation / skill checks / etc. should be declared and made now. In addition, everyone make a spot check into the mist.
Renard Waywynd
player, 30 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 13:54
  • msg #2

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Unsure of just what it is they're planning for this place Renard hangs back and defers to the others for the time being.  He slept in a bit seeing as how he has no need to prepare his spells and Jeeves has a nasty habit of waking him up several times a night by pulling his hair or yanking his blanket off.  Now here he was, plodding along through the bleary mists when he catches wind of that decaying smell.

06:54, Today: Renard Waywynd rolled 16 using 1d20. Perception.

Felicia Armstrong
player, 77 posts
Of the F'n Vicious Claws
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 14:24
  • msg #3

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Felecia had been up most of the night. She really needed little in the way of sleep to function well and as they where nearing their objective, she was getting more 'eager' for things to happen.

When the group sets out in the morning, Felecia once more shifts her outfit to something more suitable for daytime travel. She will walk along near Solomon and chat a bit with him while keeping an eye open for any dangers.

15:20, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Felicia Armstrong, rolled 24 using 1d20+8. Perception.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:20, Thu 21 June 2012.
player, 105 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 22:05
  • msg #4

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon could feel Cho'kobo growing more and more unsettled.  There was a stink in the air, but damned fog kept Solomon from seeing anything.  The constant swirls kicked up by the occasional gust caught his eye so many times, that he simply started ignoring all distant movement.

"I don't like the idea of strolling down this path in one large group, it calls for an ambush.  Any of you trained or experienced in scouting?  It may prove wise to send a stealthy or quick person ahead to look for danger."  The question only went to remind Solomon that he really didn't know what his new companions were fully capable of.

15:59, Today: Solomon rolled 4 using 1d20+2. perception.
19:26, Today: Solomon rolled 23 using 1d20+5. Cho'kobo perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:27, Fri 22 June 2012.
Temnir Liyaan
player, 113 posts
Male, Human, 22 years old
5'11", 165lbs.
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 22:19
  • msg #5

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Temnir isn't happy with the smell around the area. The last time he had been here, the fires that some of the necromancers had started had produced the same smell but this time it was more pervasive. Likely the firefighting effort for the handful of houses had to be abandoned in favor of defending the town. That brought him to the other smell. That was new and that didn't sit well with him at all.

"I have to agree with you on that front Solomon and while I may not be a stealthy individual by nature, I've spent a great deal of my life staying out of the paths of others and I can take care of myself in a pinch. Unless there is someone more apt to the job, I could go forward. I am vaguely familiar with the town as well so that would help." Temnir had been quick to try and find the strengths and weaknesses of his new traveling companions and while some were still a mystery to him, one he had taken the liberty of assumption; something he hoped he was not wrong on as it would prove a valuable asset to him. "How about you Felicia? I have heard tales of the cat people and many of them speak of your natural gift for stealth and swiftness."

15:19, Today: Temnir Liyaan rolled 6 using 1d20+2. Perception.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:19, Thu 21 June 2012.
Felicia Armstrong
player, 78 posts
Of the F'n Vicious Claws
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 22:20
  • msg #6

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"Well if you all want to wait here just bit so I can get a head start, I can be fairly sneaky if I need to be. I'd be happy to look ahead a bit.", Felecia volunteers to the others.
Raznik Tayn
player, 125 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 00:18
  • msg #7

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Following a little way behind, Raznik has yet to recover from yesterday's events. He had begun the day with his usual ritual prayer and anointed his head with symbol of Pelor.

Unsettled by the stench of death, Raznik looks about himself nervously. At Soloman's request, Raznik speaks up for the first time this morning. "Yx'raul will go. It is expendable, and I can watch its progress." Out of the fog behind them, the beast steps forwards, unnoticed until now.

If the others agree, Raznik will cast Lesser Evolution Surge (Skilled: Stealth) on Yx'raul and use Bond Senses.

01:11, Today: Raznik Tayn rolled 25 using 1d20+10. Yx'raul Perception.
01:11, Today: Raznik Tayn rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Perception.

Kuldar Balak
player, 55 posts
Story Points: 1
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 13:57
  • msg #8

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Kuldar had been rather quiet since waking up, this entire area had him on edge, and it showed. When talk was made of scouting and such, Kuldar pats Kilgur on the head and speaks up. "Kilgur here is actually pretty quiet when he needs ta be, and if I'm ridin' him I don't need ta worry about me own problems with sneakin'."

06:56, Today: Kuldar Balak rolled 17,9 using d20+11,d20+1. Perception, Kilgur perception.
Renard Waywynd
player, 31 posts
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 17:28
  • msg #9

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Renard, being one of little stealth, steps forward with a suggestion, "While I do not have any spells that will aid with stealth I do have one that may help.  A protection from evil spell from me only lasts about 7 minutes, but it may help you slip past the first ranks of the undead with little trouble."
Felicia Armstrong
player, 79 posts
Of the F'n Vicious Claws
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 19:41
  • msg #10

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Felecia has no problem letting the odd summoned creature take point. She had no attachments to the thing and would not mourn it's loss if it should be killed. "As long as it can provide a warning, I don't care if it takes point."
DM Visceri
GM, 424 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 11:48
  • msg #11

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Coming to the conclusion it would be best that Felicia went on ahead, the feline rogue makes her way quietly forward into the mist. As Felicia leaves, the mist swirls behind her and she disappears into it's grey embrace. Both smells still permeate the air and the light rain continues and begins to get a little stronger.

OOC: Everyone else other than Felicia need to decide if they are going to follow behind her like a forward scout or just wait there for her to return.

player, 108 posts
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 15:00
  • msg #12

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

The animals were getting jumpy; and soon so to was Solomon.  He couldn't tell if it was his imagination or something was indeed moving around in the fog.  He drew his tetsubo as he looked to the others hoping they were getting equally prepared just in case.  "I think we should hold for a little while.  Give Felicia a chance to get ahead before following slowly behind."

Kuldar, Raznik, can either of your animals track scents?" he asks, keeping his voice low in case there was something stalking about nearby.

Will wait about 5 minutes before starting to Felicia.  Solomon isn't exactly a sit around and wait type character.
Kuldar Balak
player, 59 posts
Story Points: 1
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 20:29
  • msg #13

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Kuldar seems to think on the question, before looking down at Kilgur who returns with a look that seems to say "Dunno, maybe." "Well lad, he's got a good nose on 'im but I ain't really trained any on that kind of thing." He does like the idea of following close behind, in case scouting didn't work out, but doesn't know how well they'd be able to follow her tracks.
Raznik Tayn
player, 127 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Sun 24 Jun 2012
at 22:55
  • msg #14

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Raznik looks about the fog nervously, as does Yx'raul. The beast seems to follow movement for a moment, and Raznik's gaze snaps to follow its, but he cannot see anything. In response to Soloman's question, Raznik says, "Yx'raul cannot, but the ability can be provided, should we need it." He looks again in the direction Felicia had headed. "I am not comfortable with Felicia heading into danger alone. Perhaps Yx'raul should follow?"
player, 109 posts
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 01:15
  • msg #15

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon nodded in agreement with Raznik.  He then turned towards Kuldar.   "I was thinking about using its nose to seek out any danger that may be lurking nearby.  Not so much about tracking Felicia, since we know what direction she left in."  Solomon was speaking much lower now.
Kuldar Balak
player, 61 posts
Story Points: 1
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 02:20
  • msg #16

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Kuldar took a hint and lowered his voice, nodding to both Raznik's suggestion and Solomon's request. He looked down and patted Kilgur's head. "You hear him there? Keep yer nose up and let me know if'n you smell anythin' nasty nearby." When he finished speaking he held a finger up to his lips signaling silence, with expert timing as Kilgur was just about to give a loud squeal of approval, instead just giving a quiet snort.
DM Visceri
GM, 426 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 03:00
  • msg #17

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Aside from the group's conversation and the occasional russell of the dark patches of grass that dot the landscape, the area is eerily quiet which helps the group hear the faint sounds of a crashing noise which quickly halts as if something fell. It wouldn't be Felicia though as the sound was much too loud if it was able to be heard this far away. The echo persists for a few seconds though before going quiet again. For anyone who looks towards the direction of the sound, you see a definitive shadow pass in front of your vision in the mist and disappear as fast as it appeared.
Raznik Tayn
player, 128 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 14:48
  • msg #18

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

At the crash sound, Raznik exchanges a meaningful looks with Yx'raul and casts a pair of spells on the beast, which begins to stalk off in the direction that Felicia had travelled.

Cast Unfetter and Lesser Evolution Surge (Skilled: Stealth) on Yx'raul.
DM Visceri
GM, 427 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 23:45
  • msg #19

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

As Yx'razul walks away into the mist silent as the grave, once again, the shadow begins showing itself again, just on the peripherals of the group's vision though this time, you can clearly hear a dull 'thud...thud...thud' as it moves.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:46, Mon 25 June 2012.
Temnir Liyaan
player, 114 posts
Male, Human, 22 years old
5'11", 165lbs.
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #20

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Keeping his voice down and coming to stand a couple of feet behind Solomon, facing the opposite direction, spells crossing the front of his mind, "I definitely do not like the sound of that. It was not here last time I had the...pleasure to visit Heldenburg." Jerking his sad to the side at a sighting of the shadow, he rubs his neck with one hand due to the whiplash and growls a curse, "Where is that blasted feline and that infernal...thing!" It had only been no more than 20 minutes since Felicia left but Temnir had never counted himself as a man of patience, especially not when under pressure like this.
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