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The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg.

Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
player, 184 posts
Sun 7 Oct 2012
at 19:23
  • msg #271

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon was intent on punching Raznik, but the quick distraction from Skraag gave him the chance to think better of it.  "Your companions have surrounded you with the treasure of wisdom and instead of taking it you waste your time picking at rocks.  How about you use your time wrestling with the demon you already control, instead of trying to find a way of turning into one yourself," Solomon scolded his fellow desert dweller.

Solomon then looked to the kolbold.  "Something that can be done at a later date, when you have a prepared cleric,a dwarven engineer, or an alchemist bomb or two.  I personally am not going to risk beating on magically-cursed rocks."

"Let us check those gated areas."

His mood was foul.  He didn't want anyone else to die in this cave.
DM Visceri
GM, 565 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 7 Oct 2012
at 22:26
  • msg #272

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Turning from the room, Solomon's mood kept the rest quiet enough and not eager to argue with the plan that most of them endorsed anyway. Taking the north passage, they quickly find themselves at a familiar sight. The two storage rooms which they had scavenged in order to make the barricade that protected them throughout the night stood bare of almost all of its previous contents, their gates still swung open. Across the hall and in front of the group though was the gate that Felicia had triggered closed, still firmly stuck shut. "So what do we do then? The only one of us that showed any affinity for dealing with locks and traps can't help us now. Do we try to bust it down then?" Temnir asks in earnest. "I have a few spells that would likely singe or brittle it but nothing that would blow it off its hinges."

Kuldar Balak
player, 152 posts
Story Points: 1
Mon 8 Oct 2012
at 01:35
  • msg #273

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Kuldar frowns at the locks, reminded of Felicia again, but also slightly ashamed in himself for unpreparedness. "Bah...I knew I shoulda bought something of Adamantine, cleaves through Iron and Steel locks like butter." He mumbles a bit, something about 'at least some explosives...' before pulling out his Warhammer, not his preferred weapon for combat but likely a more effective tool at busting a lock. "I'd offer to give a swing at it, though I get the feeling Solomon may have the strongest arm...and a bigger weapon." The Dwarf says, nodding at the Tetsubo.
Raznik Tayn
player, 202 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Mon 8 Oct 2012
at 10:46
  • msg #274

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Raznik looks at the door for a moment, deep in thought, a sombre look on his face. The stream of chastisement has left him silent and embarrassed. His attention moves from the door to the wall beside it and his eyes seem to light up a little. "I may have an alternative solution. It will likely be a little permanent, however. I hope our dragon friend doesn't mind me rearranging his mine." He looks over to Skraag, a questioning look on his face, asking for permission.
player, 139 posts
50/50 HP
Wis -3
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 00:02
  • msg #275

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"If it will get us past the gate, go ahead and do whatever you need to. It does me no good closed either.", Skraag re[lies easily. He doesn't care that much he finds.
Renard Waywynd
player, 84 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 03:32
  • msg #276

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Not having much to add to the conversation Renard stays back and lets the others discuss opening the gate.  His specialty was healing after all, not metalworking.
player, 186 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 16:53
  • msg #277

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"I'll do my best to bring it down, but any chance of stealth is going to disappear," he informs the others as he starts to draw forth the tetsubo called Pelor's Thumb.  He pauses for a few seconds for anyone to interject with a better plan.

Does the gate have hinges?  Or is it raised and lowered via a pully system?Is there any mundane means of opening the gate like a wheel or lever?  Is it locked or stuck?
DM Visceri
GM, 567 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 18:15
  • msg #278

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Raznik Tayn
player, 203 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 18:43
  • msg #279

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Raznik nods at Skraag and readies himself to cast a spell, but allows Solomon to attempt brute force, first, before enacting his own plan. "My own idea is likely to attract attention, also."
player, 187 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 20:05
  • msg #280

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"I'm not quite sure how to go about this.  There are no hinges or locks to smash.  Chipping away at the stone will take an insane about of time and I'd rather not damage my weapon.  I do have a flask of alkali.  It will act as an acid, if we can hit the lock on the wheel.  I just don't know if it's strong enough or how long it will take.  Temnir, I've seen wizards move things with their mind and a simple hand gesture.  I don't suppose you know such tricks?" asked the Paladin.

He then turned to Raznik, "I don't suppose your plan would be faster or more reliable?"

Solomon put his tetsubo away and instead grabbed the gate with his bare hands.  With a grunt he tried to lift it with simple strength.

14:04, Today: Solomon rolled 19 using 1d20+3. strength check.
Temnir Liyaan
player, 131 posts
Male, Human, 22 years old
5'11", 165lbs.
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 02:07
  • msg #281

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Temnir shrugs and sighs at Solomon's inquiry, "From what you've seen of me so far, do I seem like to memorize household-use spells like that? I'm afraid I'm the wrong magic user for the job. What about Skraag though? From what I've seen and sensed of him so far, he seems to have some magical tendencies of his own." As the paladin attempts to heave the gate open, he finds it lifts easy enough but only a couple of inches off the ground, it meets unyielding resistance in the form of whatever contraption is locking the gate internally. "Two options down...third's the charm?" he comments dryly while turning his attention to Raznik.
player, 140 posts
50/50 HP
Wis -3
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 11:30
  • msg #282

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"Sure. I can do that! Dragons are magical are they not? Just show me exactly where you want it poured and I'll take care of it.", Skraag answers confidently.

Cast "Mage Hand". Skraag will move the vial slowly and very, very carefully at Solomon's direction.
player, 188 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 14:50
  • msg #283

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon wouldn't have guessed the Kolbold was capable of magic, other than breathing fire that is.

"See the locking mechanism keeping that wheel from turning?  I'm aiming to get rid of that.  Then maybe you can even use that magic of yours to even turn the wheel."
Raznik Tayn
player, 204 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 23:29
  • msg #284

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

As the little dragon makes to move the vial, Raznik nods, not objecting for the moment. "My intention was to summon a being to melt the rock of the wall. While I don't doubt its effectiveness, I suspect it would be unpleasent to be around. This plan seems to be a better one, at least for now."
player, 141 posts
50/50 HP
Wis -3
Thu 11 Oct 2012
at 02:06
  • msg #285

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Skraag maneuvers the vial carefully over the locking device that Solomon pointed out to him. He carefully pours it out on to the latch/lock.
DM Visceri
GM, 569 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 04:13
  • msg #286

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

As the ethereal hand hovers through the gate and makes its way towards the wheel, the group can hear a somewhat ominous groaning of wood from up the incline though nothing makes itself visible. Deciding to focus on the task at hand, Skraag keeps the vial moving towards the lock and is able to manipulate his magic to have it spill the vial of alkali on the latch and the touching part of the wheel and cog. At first, nothing seems to happen but a white, odorous smoke begins to waft up from where the acid touched steel and you can see drips of orange and brown and grey falling off of the mechanism. There's a tell-tale cracking sound and a clanging as the latch falls to the ground and the wheel is a bit the worse for wear. Solomon, upon trying the gate once again, finds that it is no longer locked and is able to open it enough to allow everyone in before setting it back on the ground; whatever device kept it in it's open position seems to have been damaged as well.

Alright gang, preparations and let me know where you are in the marching order as you post. I probably don't have to say it but I will anyway. Shit's about to go down.

Kuldar Balak
player, 153 posts
Story Points: 1
Sat 13 Oct 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #287

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Kuldar readies himself with magical aid and steel, learning from the last fight and covering all of them in a spell of Courage. "We'd better be ready lads, with what we've already encountered it's a wonder what they'd go out of their way to lock up."

Casting Remove Fear on the party, no effect now but will give a +4 on saves vs fear for 10 minutes.
Casting Heroism on myself(offering it to anyone else who wants it, Solomon maybe?

Renard Waywynd
player, 86 posts
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 00:32
  • msg #288

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Renard casts a spell in preparation as well, murmuring the words and making the signs with one hand as the other rattles the chains around his neck.  His spellwork complete he finds a place near the middle where he can easily reach someone who needs a quick heal.

Cast Aspect of the Bear (Adv. Player's Guide, Pg. 203) = +2 nat. armor, +2 on grapple checks, can bull rush/grapple/overrun w/o provoking AoO.  Lasts 7 min.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:28, Mon 15 Oct 2012.
player, 190 posts
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 17:31
  • msg #289

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon wedges an iron spike in the gate, keeping it in the open position.  If they had to run, he wanted to make sure doing so would be successful.  "See to the others before you see to me," he says in response to Kuldar's offer of magical assistance.  Solomon would continue to rely on Pelor's blessing's.  "I too have one spell that would aid against evil.  Skraag?  Are you willing to be blessed by the Sun god?  It'll help protect you from the touch of evil that inhabits this place."

Will cast Protection of Evil on Skraag or anyone else that asks.  If no one takes it, will cast on self.
player, 142 posts
50/50 HP
Wis -3
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 19:24
  • msg #290

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

"That would be good of you.", Skraag replies to Solomon. Anything tha helps against the evil in this place would be welcomed by him, even if it came from a human.

Skraag would like a place in the second rank, close enough that he can help with his breath weapon.
DM Visceri
GM, 572 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 01:05
  • msg #291

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Getting everybody, including Cho'kobo and Kilgur, up the stairs was a little more of a challenge than had been expected but nevertheless, the group in its entirety eventually reaches the top of the incline to find a small stretch of hallway in front of them with torches glowing with green flame adorning the walls. Not far in front of them, is a somewhat steep incline that rises roughly five feet before plateauing out onto a unnaturally flat surface, a product of the mining operation, perhaps. Scattered around the base of the hill between the incline and the wall of the circular cavern are skeletons stacked two to three high, some with flesh still attached, others picked entirely clean. There seem to be a larger set of bones set into the stone and a few fresher bodies on the plateau as well; a handful of Dwarves and what looks like an average sized human dressed in a once white robe with brown hair.

As the group approaches, the familiar sound of the babbling allip comes to them as well as a voice that nobody save Temnir had heard before. It was deep, menacing and held more than a tint of madness to it though put next to the allip incarnation of Blaith, it seemed normal. "I am tired of being failed, shade. Why has the army been moved from Heldenburg to the Burova Citadel without my express permission?"

"No, no, the master send word, yes, through envoys most dark and loyal. Came with army the missive did, in robed hands and parchment red with blood, written in the master's hand. Noemi followed faithfully, she did, yes."

The new voice makes a humming sound in his throat as if he's chewing over the matter before responding, "Perhaps that is correct. Perhaps..." Now close enough to see over the ridge, those tall enough see that in addition to the allip, two men cloaked in black robes with the image of Nerul emblazoned on the back as well as a man, draped in what were once fine clothes befitting a higher nobleman of a vastly wealthy family. His silken cloak once embroidered with gold thread now tattered, bloodied, torn, and dirtied, as he turns in place to look full upon Blaith, the rest of his raiment seems to be likewise effected. The major issue though is his face and hands; as they come into view, the skin seems to be unnaturally tight around the bones in the places where it still exists, the rest exposing the bones and sinew beneath but not seeming to effect his movement at all. Most disturbing to those who had been made aware to it are his glowing blue eyes, cold as ice and burning with malice.

Reaching out a bony, ringed finger towards the allip, he speaks in a suddenly lucid and deadly serious tone, "This instillation has served its purpose. Remove the rest of the test subjects and move back to the citadel to await further instructions. Derevaan is close to falling, only two of her jewels remain two us and one has yet already been blackened." The laugh that peals forth from his open mouth sends chills up the entire group's collective spines and makes every hair on their neck stand on end. This was not a foe to be taken lightly.

Coming to rest once again, the man turns to the rest of the room and finally spies the group standing at the mouth of the cavernous room. Whirling upon Blaith, he moved towards his with preternatural speed and grasps the ethereal shade by his neck and hoists him into the air. "YOU TOLD ME YOU HANDLED THEM!" the man roars in fury. Throwing him down to the ground, Blaith shakily hovers to his feet, rubbing where his throat would have been before shooting an evil glare at the still living group members. "If you need a job done, as they say..." he lets the saying trail off as he bursts into maniacal his hands begin to glow fiery blue and white and the floor begins to shake slightly. Those attuned to magic don't detect any spells being cast by the man but there is definitely power about his person in the form of a plethora of magical items.

(OOC: Alright, here we go guys, I hope you're prepared! This could get ugly! There is the chance to talk to him if you wish or you can just charge in, guns blazing. Also, since this is our 2000th post (fitting, I know), those who survive get a fun 200 extra experience! Now get in there and kick some undead ass!)

player, 191 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 18:45
  • msg #292

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Solomon had heard enough.  Evil had plans to spread death further across this world.  It could not be allowed to happen.  Knowing Temnir and Skraag would likely attempted an attack that effected a wide area he charged off for a lone figure in a dark robe.

As Cho'kobo charged forwards, Solomon's arms burst into golden flame and traveled down the length of his tetsubo.  It was not a gift of Pelor's but instead one derived from the Djinn blood running through his veins.

Cho'kobo's beak snapped noisily at the clad man; while Solomon swung the flaming weapon one-handed hoping to at least clip the figure.  His guess where that they were dark clerics.  He hoped he could keep them from raising the dead.

charge to n7
12:39, Today: Solomon rolled 6 using 1d6. fire damage.
12:39, Today: Solomon rolled 9 using 1d10+4. damage.
12:37, Today: Solomon rolled 15 using 1d20+11. tetsubo attack.
12:36, Today: Solomon rolled 14 using 2d6+7. bite damage.
12:34, Today: Solomon rolled 13 using 1d20+11. cho'kobo charge attack.
12:31, Today: Solomon rolled 20 using 1d20+2. initiative.
Really?  A two and a four on my attacks? <sigh>

This message was last edited by the player at 04:22, Wed 17 Oct 2012.
Renard Waywynd
player, 87 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 21:01
  • msg #293

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Feeling it best to leave the majority of the fighting to the professionals Renard instead focuses on the robed man farthest to the left.  Having already drawn his crossbow when he heard the voices he simply takes aim and fires before moving a bit farther into the room and reloading his crossbow with practiced ease.  Though his most powerful spells weren't available he was most definitely glad of the fact that he hasn't channeled any healing today so he wouldn't be entirely useless in this fight.

13:39, Today: Renard Waywynd rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
13:40, Today: Renard Waywynd rolled 15 using 1d20+10. Ranged attack.
13:40, Today: Renard Waywynd rolled 2 using 1d8+1. Ranged damage.

Move Action: Move to K-15
Standard Action: Attack enemy at M-6
Free Action: Reload crossbow (Rapid Reload)

Spells Per Day:
1: 7/7
2: 6/7
3: 0/5

Channel Energy:

player, 144 posts
50/50 HP
Wis -3
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 22:54
  • msg #295

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Skraag, not able to get close enough to use his breath weapon, moves forward about fifteen feet and spits a ball of flame into the midst of the undead creatures, angling it a bit to avoid Solomon.

18:49, Today: Skraag rolled 23 using 6d6+3. Damage.
reflex for 1/2, DC 17
Fireball target= G-6
Move to H=14
20:07, Today: Skraag rolled 22 using 1d20+4. Init.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:09, Sat 20 Oct 2012.
Raznik Tayn
player, 206 posts
Human Desert Nomad
Fri 19 Oct 2012
at 13:30
  • msg #296

Re: The Dead Walk in Derevaan: Heldenburg

Listening to the exchange, Raznik frowns. Spying the two undead, he wracks his memory for something to combat them. As the leader spots the group, an answer comes to him. Casting a spell, a humanoid creature with the head of a dog appears in the centre of the room, moments before charging at the skeletal nobleman, greatsword in hand, bringing it around in a mighty swing upon the robed man.

09:12, Today: Raznik Tayn rolled 19 using 1d20. Initiative.

Use Summon Monster IV to summon a Hound Archon at F10.

Hound Archon charges to I5.

09:28, Today: Raznik Tayn rolled 31,10 using d20+11,2d6+3. HA vs I4 Charge.
09:29, Today: Raznik Tayn rolled 25,10 using d20+11,2d6+3. Crit.

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