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Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
player, 19 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #602

Re: Theranin

Kassadria spent the next couple of days doing her best to get on most people's good side, but managing to display an almost complete lack of tact, especially in her comments regarding 'blasted sun-bashers' and other 'holy' folk. She found it difficult to talk to Strange, though, partly because he seemed to have little interest in her (which was unusual), and partly because it was the first time she'd met anyone who would draw as much attention as she did in public.

Dale was easy to get along with, and they helped each other brush up on their swordplay. She rarely had much to say unless she was ranting about 'some priest', usually referring to Erasmus declaring that she'd cursed some random object and trying his utmost to prove it, to no avail. When the subject of the 'big reveal' came up, she remained quiet. It wasn't really her place, she thought, to be making suggestions... plus, she didn't really know what was going on, so she would just go with the flow for now.
player, 73 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 05:30
  • msg #603

Re: Theranin

"We need to study these items and papers we pulled out of the keep.. I think some might be... Arcane"

Lorelei mumbled, holding up her bag absently before glancing about for a table to examine the items upon. She would head into the next room absently with a table she could lay the papers, clothes and misc stuff upon. Afterwards Lorelei went to fetch Gren and Dalinar specifically, poking them and motioning rather then talking as she revealed the items she and Strange had... conveniently found, unattended and unclaimed in the mans study.
Gren Boarshead
player, 205 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 17:05
  • msg #604

Re: Theranin

"Bah!  So you did get stuff from the estate.  I wish you had mentioned that earlier," Gren grumbled.  Once again he utterred a spell that would allow him to see magic, for an instant his eyes seemed to glow blue.  He ran a hand over the papers, sifting through them; spreading them out so as to see if any of them contained magical writing like the others had.
DM Visceri
GM, 392 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 27 Oct 2012
at 08:33
  • msg #605

Re: Theranin


The next couple of days were busy, yet slow, for the sewer-ridden group. Each member had their task or tasks and set about them with gusto and determination, trying to get their share of the work done before The Holy Day of the Inheritor arrived and their work with Degrin would come to a head. During the next two days, both Ikani and Delana appear intermittently between services and to deliver meals but otherwise keep out of the way unless asked for the occasional hand in dealing with their prisoner, finding supplies, or questions about the ceremony arise.

Dale and his new charge Kassadria spend the time getting to know each other a little better, sparring in a recently-found empty room of the sewers as often as their bodies would allow them, often reappearing with bruises and gashes aplenty, smiles on one face and a disappointed face on the other often the indicator on who had been the session's victor. When he wasn't sparring with Kass, Dale was honing his skill with James alone or talking with Gren and Erasmus about their spoils from the infiltration of Arudal's mansion, the latter interjecting distrustful, if not downright dirty, looks in Kassadria's direction between each line. When the two were off sparring though, the cleric of Sarenrae was content to spend his day in prayer or discussing theology with Delana though his subject matter sometimes earned him a raised eyebrow and soft chuckles.

Strange, meanwhile, devotes most of his attention to the periodic interrogation of their captured thieves guild prisoner. In the intervening time, he is able to pry a few things from the mind of the thief though he finds that the man has been well trained in anti-interrogation and reveals little of Vyncent, Arudal, or either of their plans. What he is able to discern is that the man's name is Cassius Erleu and that they had been tracking Gren since he left The Salty Seawife and that other teams had been dispatched to track and capture them as well to the other inns in town. The only reason he was able to glean this information is because Strange was able to goad him into a prideful boast that the thief immediately realized was a slip and had stopped talking for hours after.

Leaving him tied up after that incident, Strange convened with Erasmus, Gren, Dale, and Lorelei with Kass hanging around in the background within view of Dale to go over their spoils. After the rest of the group had gotten settled and drifted off to sleep the first night, Siren had met with Ikani and Delana and left them with a note explaining that she didn't wish to endanger her family who still lived in the city and went to protect them should anyone make the connection between her and them. There had been no correspondance from her since.

Upon performing magical and mundane inspections on the map, documents, and clothing, there are a few things gleamed. First, all three seemed to be related to each other in that they all bore the same sigil that Gren had uncovered in Vyncent's chest earlier the day before though these did not require the same means of activation to appear as the former had. Instead, they seemed to be plainly scribed at the top of each document, emblazoned on the headdress in gold and orange embroidery as well as a pin on the vestments, and upon opening the map and finding it to be a rather vague map of the realm, the sigil glowed a soft orange to the southeast of Theranin on top of a sketch of a mountain labeled Azul Irkul. (OOC: Knowledge: Geography will help gather more information though it requires it to actually be trained. If nobody has it, you may be able to seek out someone who does.)

The documents themselves seem to be encrypted, the combination of words currently doing nothing but confusing the reader and, if it were to be taken literally, asking them to 'make sure they joke with the brown daffodil from the second verse.' Clearly unhelpful. The robe and headdress, despite their gaudy appearance and obvious ritualistic significance emanate no magic, nor do the other two items for that matter, but they do raise some particularly pointed questions about where they came across them from a uncomfortable Ikani. Upon interrogation however, she claims ignorance and retreats to her study above in the cathedral.

And so the days continue on until...


The day of the ceremony starts much like the two before; preparations, strategical planning, and the now expected visit from Ikani and Delana who today are accompanied by three other priestesses of Iomedae carrying trays heaping with omelets, smoked ham, diced potatoes, and a basket of apples; the last a rarity in these colder months. "Eat up. You all have a long day ahead of you and if you are to be prepared for what it holds, you must keep up your strength as well as keep your minds sharp." The three priestesses begin to pass out the food while Delana grabs two servings, bringing one to Erasmus, seating herself next to him with a warm smile.

"Listen closely because I have but time to go over this once; the activities of the day will begin soon. In half an hour's time, there will be a mass service held as we usually hold though we expect more than tripple the parishioners to attend. In respect to the Inheritor, we will not have Lord Degrin make his announcement during the ceremony. After the fact, however, the congregation makes a short pilgrimage to Hartstower Square where I will perform the blessing of the city. It is then that I wish to have Degrin make his revelation. By then, you will need to be in place and ready to protect him. There will be ten priestesses concealed in traveling robes throughout the masses in case Vyncent and his ilk show their faces but they will lack identifying markings and I personally will have to claim ignorance and cannot take part in the fighting unless specifically targeted as I mentioned before."

(OOC: Ok so as quick as possible, I need you guys to flesh out your plan of defense for Degrin. Gren already posted a quick idea which I'll include below for quick access.

Gren Boarshed:
"So I guess we should discuss how the big reveal is going to go down.  I suppose Strange could take to the roof tops and keep an eye out for possible archers.  I too can help pick off ranged attackers if need be.  We'll need a few people sticking close to him, in case more assassins try to sneak up to him.  We already know they like to use poisons, so we need to keep Degrin from food and drink not prepared by us.  Getting from one place to the other could prove the most dangerous.  Perhaps if some hooded monks robes are in order?"

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 180 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 28 Oct 2012
at 23:33
  • msg #606

Re: Theranin

Dale pushes the sewer grating up slightly so that only his eyes appear above ground.  Like a ninja turtle.  He waits for the alley to be unobserved, then pushes his way up.  He lets Strange up next so that the gargoyle can find a perch to watch them from.  Then Dale, Kass, Lorelei, and Degrin file out of the alley and into the crowd, all dressed in robes or hats to keep their faces covered.  Luckily, it's still winter and, you know, cold, so that's probably not too odd.

James is strapped to Dale's hip instead of his back, where the distinguishing sword will be less conspicuous.  His crossbow is strapped to the other.  He tries to push his way through the throng without pissing anyone off or losing Degrin.
player, 77 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 29 Oct 2012
at 01:55
  • msg #607

Re: Theranin

Strange will attempt to find some method of climbing up to the rooftops, ideally a ladder or stairs so he doesn't have to rely on his abysmal climbing skills.  Once he's up top he will find an appropriate perch so that he is less visible from below but can still see the staging area where Degrin will speak while still having a decent view over the rooftops in case of any altitudinous threats.  Once so perched he will become still as a statue until such time as he might be required to move again.
player, 20 posts
Melee Fighter
Mon 29 Oct 2012
at 02:51
  • msg #608

Re: Theranin

Unlike the others, Kass was so far unknown to Vyncent's cronies, and thus had the advantage of anonymity. However, unfortunately, she would still have to hide herself, owing to her somewhat unusual appearance. In preparation for the day, she tucked her tail into her belt, wrapped around her body almost twice, and donned the cloak that had kept her nature hidden on the road many a time before. Her rapier is attached to her belt, hanging vertically by her left leg, and her longbow worn on her with the wooden part at her back, the string keeping it diagonally on her, and she's only carrying five arrows. She'd look like just another adventurer, passing through town. She doubted she would be noticed, given that the authorities were actively looking for others. She hoped to take advantage of this fact, and so planned to keep a little bit of distance between herself, Degrin and the others, perhaps enabling her to catch an enemy or two off-guard.

Once Degrin steps up to speak, she'll equip her bow, and if she remains unnoticed, knock an arrow in preparation for the first attacker making their move. Though she preferred to face her enemies in single combat, it seemed unlikely that she would be able to indulge such a luxury against opponents like the ones Dale had described to her. They seemed unlikely to fight fair, and probably had superior numbers as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:53, Mon 29 Oct 2012.
player, 113 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 30 Oct 2012
at 12:16
  • msg #609

Re: Theranin

Erasmus and Delana find that they have much to discuss out of the sight of others, much to Ikani's displeasure.  His opportunities for private...discussion...with the priestess are few and far between, though, as he keeps a watchful eye on Kassadria.  That the rest of his companions could be so careless was a testament to the fiend's skill with subterfuge, and the increasing need for his vigilance.

In regards to the Azul Irkul, Erasmus will ask Delana if there are any local monastic orders where perhaps someone could be inquired with about the topic, and goes to visit them and make the appropriate inquiries if such devout exist.

On the holy day, after enjoying his meal with Delana, Erasmus will take to issuing extensive instruction to those companions that will be donning robes and sticking with their charge--Degrin included--on how to properly walk and act as holy men respectfully attending a religious ceremony of another faith that has secular significance.  That way in which one carries themselves so-as to demonstrate their humility whilst also being conspicuous enough so that all who care can tell that you are observing, but not actually participating in the ritual.

Take 20 on disguise check for everyone, total score of 24.
player, 74 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 30 Oct 2012
at 22:04
  • msg #610

Re: Theranin

Lorelei thought the plan seemed reasonable enough, and donned a hooded cloak as she planned to bodyguard Degrin. Her skills where in hand to hand, and didn't excel at ranged. As far as the group went she was likely, in her opinion, one of the better defenders they had for an in close assassination attempt.

For now she would leave her backpack in the sewers to keep her body light and easy to move, nodding to the others with a smile.

"Guess for today, I'm a bodyguard. I doubt they know my face well either..."
Gren Boarshead
player, 207 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2012
at 17:37
  • msg #611

Re: Theranin

There was no way Gren was going to just stand there and wait in the sewers all day.   Covering his features as best he could with a hooded cloak he took to the square.  He found a food vendor nearby trying to sell some sort of grilled meat on a stick.  Gren sat upon the chilly ground next to him and place an empty wooden bowl, which he had kept from breakfast in front of him.  Squatting he hoped not to appear quite as large.  When Degrin gave his speach this is where the crowd would gather.
Gren flashed the vendor an intimidating glare to keep him from complaining about his presence.
DM Visceri
GM, 397 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 11:14
  • msg #612

Re: Theranin

As the day progresses, the time comes where the group is finally able to postion themselves around the square as the Iomedaeic patrons finish their service and begin to make their way to Hartstower Square. The square itself plays host to a large ornamental building, one of the oldest structures any of the members have seen in the city, it's stone exterior chipped and weather worn and some of its decorations missing from years of war or exposure. Lucky for Strange, the corners of the building play host to stone gargoyles such as himself and after some tricky maneuvering and stealthy tricks, he is able to get himself up onto the roof and take the place of one of the statues that has crumbled away or been removed since its construction.

In the Square itself, a slightly raised platform decorated the middle of the gathering area with a five sided pool of crystal-clear blue water at its center, itself a meeting point for various groups of people. Erasmus and Delana are positioned at the tip of the pool below the ornate building where she has indicated the speech will take place. Dale and Kass are mixed in with the crowd nearby on the platform as well, hoods drawn and eyes scanning for threats, occasionally meeting each others gaze through the growing throng to make sure the other hadn't spotted anything yet. To the south were a handful of vendors outside a building easily identifiable as the inn 'Walking the Whiskey' which portrayed a pot-bellied man attempting to run with a keg of what is presumably whiskey under one arm. There is a vendor selling fruits, one selling meat products, which Gren had placed himself in front of, a well endowed kabob in one hand, one selling flowers, and the final selling trinkets of a questionable value.

It seemed that the crowd had fully gathered by the time that the old oak doors opened on the balcony of the ornate building, letting Ikani and Lorelei as well as a duo of the town's guard out onto the wooden platform. Lorelei looked around anxiously, acting as a body guard for Ikani though really her duty was to Degrin who was just inside the doors, out of sight and waiting for his cue to speak. As Ikani moved to the railing, some of the nearer group members who had been with the group since the captain of the guard issued them their charge in the first place, checked the supports for sabotage. Finding none, they settle in to lo Ikani's speech.

"Welcome to those who are just joining the celebration of The Holy Day of the Inheritor now and it pleases me to see those of you who have made the trek from the temple grounds once again." Taking a moment to let the cheering and clapping die down from the crowd, she continues on, a little more temperance in her voice at the prospect of what is soon to come, "Iomedae has long been known as the shining beacon of virtue, honor, and above all, justice. I admit that I come before you today with a burdened heart that longs for the cleansing that only justice can bring. I would like nothing more than to recite the annual Blessing of the Hearth but I cannot in good conscious issue a blessing based in Iomedae's values when there exists a problem so important to our fair city!" At this, there are a lot of uneasy murmurings and worried glances between the townsfolk and even some of the guards who are providing security for the event. "Fear not though faithful servants! There is one that would speak out against such injustice and right the wrongs that have been done us!"

Ikani turns with an outstretched hand towards Degrin's position just inside the door. Acting on his cue, the politician steps up to the railing to a series of surprised gasps and a hum of whispering that those in the crowd can summarize as surprise that the man is still alive after his disappearance some days earlier during the confusion of the assassination of Wulfa. Raising his hands for quiet, and receiving it in turn, Degrin turns on his charisma as a politician and begins. "Friends and countrymen, I do indeed bring sad tidings to you today. But as the honorable Mother says, worry not for there is something you can do about it! That we all can do about it! You may have been told that a band of assassins was responsible for the late Lord Wulfa's untimely death. This is a bold-faced lie crafted by those who would see you and I made the fool in order to seize the city by it's neck and choke the life out of it for their own profit! I speak of none other than the Thieves Guild and their master Vyncent Lacio!"

Utterly shocked gasps rip through the crowd from almost every throat...almost. Those in the crowd can see a handful of commoners who don't react in the slightest to the news. They simply watch the politician intensely, drawn to every word he says
as if the next would yet issue some other ultimate secret. Speaking over the now lively crowd who are unable to be tamed at this point, Degrin attempts to get in his proof before they tune him out completely, "I was held prisoner after the assassination along with my nephew Lord Studard and I was made to watch as that despicable man ended his life. It was only thanks to the so-called band of assassins that were charged with the misdeeds of the day that I escaped with my life. But he is not alone in his plotting to take the city from us! No! We uncovered that Lacio, for he is no lord in my eyes, is in allegian-"

"ENOUGH!" comes the roar of anger from near the back of the crowd as one of the men in attendance rips back his hood from his head to reveal none other than the man himself standing before the pool of water in all his infamous glory. "What is this distasteful political ploy you attempt to poison the minds of our fair citizens with? I have nothing but the utmost respect for the city and her people and find your accusations lack tangible proof other than your own say-so and, I would go so far as to say, show a lack of moral fiber on your part! A band of assassins the heroes? Myself, a prominent politician, leader of the Thieves Guild? Hogwash!" At his reveal, the citizens were ready to pounce him and drag him to a public hanging but now it seems that none are as eager as the words ring with a certain undeniable logic. Instead, many stand around looking between the two men, unsure of what they should think.

A knowing grin dawns on Degrin's somewhat pale face at the challenge for proof, "If it is proof you desire, then ladies and gentlemen, besides eyewitness accounts of the incident I have described, may I present you with documents recovered from his own mansion storeroom ordering the sabotage of the speaking platform Lord Wulfa was killed by falling off of, addressed to the Thieves Guild as the headmaster! His seal adorns the page!" From his robes, he produces a folded piece of thick yellow paper which unfurls in his hand, a red wax impression of a seal in the bottom corner of the document. One of the guards moves close to examine the document before announcing, "It be true! His sign does indeed show!" and as he does, the crowd seems to be back in the mindset of desiring to lynch the man on the spot as the beginning of mob mentality begins to surface as insults and threats are thrown at Vyncent who's face drains of all color.

The guards in the crowd all turn to face the rogue politician and lower their spears in his direction. One rather brawny civilian takes it into his own hands to try and end his existence and snatches the nearest guard's spear and in the same motion, hurls it at Vyncent's back. Just before it hits, the townsperson standing next to Vyncent, one of those who had not reacted to the news of the man's betrayal, brandishes a longsword and deflects the weapon out of the air, his hood falling down to reveal the black mask of the Thieves Guild. Hearing the clang of the weapons, Vyncent jerks around and sneers at the situation, knowing his deception is no longer maintainable. "FINE! You wish to cross the Thieves Guild and test our true might?! So be it! If I am to go down, I will bring you with me to hell!" Throwing off his cloak, Vyncent appears with a silver rapier in one hand and a jagged dagger in the other as the cloak flutters to the ground. Likewise, those in the crowd of a similar description to the man who deflected the spear discard their disguises and brandish their weapons, squaring off with the nearest guard. In addition, the rooftops suddenly come alive with activity as archers leap from their hiding places and nock arrows in their bows. "KILL THEM ALL!"

(OOC: Yippee Kay Yay! Initiative and actions everyone! Shit's about to go down!)

1 = Degrin
2 = Ikani
3 = Delana
4 = Priestess of Iomedae

5 = Town Guard
6 = Townsperson

7 = Thieves Guild Rogue
8 = Thieves Guild Archer
9 = Vyncent Lacio

(To make the Town Guard a little easier to pick out, they are double placed resulting in the square mark in the top right corner)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:01, Sun 04 Nov 2012.
player, 23 posts
Melee Fighter
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 12:18
  • msg #613

Re: Theranin

Initiative: 25. Will any of us get a surprise round or anything like this, since so far we don't appear to have been spotted?

Kassadria, like most others, was watching Vyncent, but as the thieves started to emerge all around them in the crowd, she glanced over at the stage where Degrin stood. Above and behind them, two thieves had emerged from hiding places on the roof. Without hesitation, she readied her bow and knocked an arrow, as Vyncent ordered them to attack.

Unaware or uncaring about whether or not she was seen, now, she knew that those archers had an extremely advantageous position and had to be dealt with. Kass pulled back her drawstring horizontally, lifting the bow up to an almost perfectly vertical position and with the tell-tale 'twang' of the bow-string returning, let fly an arrow towards the nearest of the two on that roof.

Position: M16
Move action: Draw bow
Standard action: Ranged attack
Target: Thief Archer at E8 (because he is elevated, I'm assuming that there are no issues of line-of-sight. If there are, I'll target the archer at T9 instead.)
Attack: 17
Damage: 3

Gren Boarshead
player, 208 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 19:36
  • msg #614

Re: Theranin

As soon as Gren heard Vyncent's voice he sneared.  He struggled to draw a javelin underneith the large hooded cloak, letting out a few whispered curses in the tongue of the giants.  He then withdrew one of the vials that they retrieved from Vyncent's own chest.  "Gonna give 'em a taste of his own medicine," he mutterred as he poured the dark,thick, viscous, fluid over the end of an iron javelin.

As Vyncent's minnions began to reveal themselves, Gren's attention was drawn to the roof tops.  He knew it would be wisest to take out the archers first, but his hatred from Vyncent drew too much of his ire.  "Ekirts eurt," he enchanted.  Familiar lines of ley line power, visible only to those that could perceive magic, ran from the tip of the javelin to Vyncent's back.  Gren seemed to hesitate as if he were doubting his choice of target.

Cast True Strike on poisoned javelin.
Initiative 4

player, 75 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 19:57
  • msg #615

Re: Theranin

Lorelei frowned watching the back and forth between Vyncent and Degrin after the initial murmurings. She was glad he hadn't been caught before this, but had a feeling shit was going to hit the fan... and.. yup, there it went. It was obvious by the guards crying of the documents truth that a battle was imminent. As thieves began to brandish weapons, Lorelei fingered one of the daggers on her belt. Her job was body guard today and while she could fight best in melee combat, she didn't think leaving Degrin to be murdered would go over well with the others.

As the 'brawl' engaged she calmly stepped forward from behind him, to beside him. Motioning back inside towards the building she flashed him a light smile as she almost absently threw her Dagger. A backwards flick of her hand as she launched it in a whistling arc at the nearest rogue, turning eyes firmly to Degrin.

"I suggest you get out of archer view..." She murmured softly before flicking her view back and across the plaza to the two archers obviously standing upon the building with perfect view of Degrin.

Move: 5ft Step from F5 to G4
Standard: Throw Dagger (Hits AC 19 for 6 Damage)

12:53, Today: Lorelei rolled 6 using 1d4+4. Dagger's sting.
12:52, Today: Lorelei rolled 19 using 1d20+3. Ranged Attack at Thief (J2).
12:52, Today: Lorelei rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Initiative.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 181 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 22:16
  • msg #616

Re: Theranin

Well, it's about time, James comments dryly.  For once, Dale agrees.

Dale casts shield on himself and draws the sword at his hip.  He'd rather go after Vyncent, but his job is to protect Degrin.  So thief rogue it is.

Initiative: 11
Move action: draw sword
Standard action: cast shield
AC 20, HP 10/10

This message was last edited by the player at 22:17, Thu 01 Nov 2012.
player, 79 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 2 Nov 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #617

Re: Theranin

Having watched and listened carefully during the gathering of the crowd Strange knew that there was somebody nearby.  The only people who had any business on these rooftops were the bad guys, unless the city watch had the foresight to post archers, and they had no reason to do that.  He mentally cursed himself for not thinking of that beforehand - certainly guards on the rooftops would make things much easier for him now.  He takes a deep breath as he begins to move again, taking it slow at first as he turns toward the ledge just next to him and grabs it with his hand, beginning to shimmy along as quietly as possible until he is just below where the thief is.  With a sudden turn of speed he hoists himself up into view, grabs for the man's shirt in an attempt to pull him over the parapet and drop him to the ground below.

Move Action: Half-speed stealth move to H-18
Standard Action: Combat Maneuver - Reposition on thief at G-18
21:05, Today: Strange rolled 17 using 1d20+9. Stealth.
21:02, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+2. Combat Maneuver - Reposition.

player, 115 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 2 Nov 2012
at 12:07
  • msg #618

Re: Theranin

A cold part of Erasmus' mind was impressed, that Vyncent had such sway over a band of robbers that he could turn them to wanton slaughter, it was a feat of personality that even Erasmus himself doubted he could replicate, were his moral compass to permit such a pursuit.  He continued to stare about what was going on, silently cursing himself for not having thoguh to position the party members such that they could take Vyncent hostage and thus turn back his forces.  Why did he not think that the vile man would be expecting something like this, and be so well prepared to fight back?

Turning to Delana he says something along the lines of "If we subdue Vyncent, perhaps his men will falter.", indicating that the two of them ought to move to rush the thieves guild leader.

07:57, Today: Erasmus rolled 1 using 1d20-2. Initiative.

First actions will be to keep pace with Delana, and cast Cause Fear on the first thieves guild member that looks to try to stop us.

DM Visceri
GM, 403 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 3 Nov 2012
at 06:40
  • msg #619

Re: Theranin

The crowd scatters. Men, women, and children flee in every direction, suddenly the focus of a handful of murderous individuals in the crowd. A few go down with gashes but the town guard reacts quickly and begins to match them man for man, allowing the citizens to escape down the street or into the back allies. Hits are scored on both sides and the battle is joined. Hoods collectively up, the entire group seems to be mistaken for simply more commoners and is pain no more attention than any other fleeing plebeian with the exception of Lorelei who is targeted solely for being too close to Degrin. The two archers above take aim at those on the balcony and fire, an arrow embedding itself in the deck next to one guard who was quick on his feet and another gashing the other guard's arm before veering off.

Moving to the railing and flicking a dagger at a nearby thief on the ground, sticking him in the left shoulder, Lorelei looks to Degrin's safety with the archers beginning to nock their bows again. "I suggest you get out of archer view..." she says ushering him inside as the archers across the square take aim. "Keep them out of the building, I'll guard him for now," Ikani says as she unsheathes her scimitar and dashes inside, shutting the doors behind her just as two arrows embed themselves in the wood.

On the other side of the rooftop, an archer moves into position and fires a shot into the crowd with a chuckle as his arrow finds a mark. His chuckle suddenly stops though as the statue in front of him suddenly turns around and grabs him by the collar. Eyes wide with fear and frozen in place in disbelief, the archer is helpless as Strange yanks the man over the side, screaming the whole way down where he lands with a sickening thud. The two citizens who the thief landed between both let out screams and jump back from the dead body.

Down on ground level, Kass whips back her cloak, bow already in hand, and quickly nocks and fires off an arrow towards the roof-bound archer. The arrow nicks his side, resulting in a bloody gash in his clothing but he stands strong on his position. Nearby, her sparring partner unsheathes James and casts a spell that creates an arcane shield around himself as he looks towards the nearest thief. Keeping with the spell caster theme, Gren tests the heft of his poison-coated spear in his hands that he had prepared during the politicians' back-and-forth. "Gonna give 'em a taste of his own medicine," he mutters as he casts a familiar spell on himself, "Ekirts eurt," connecting him and Vyncent with the magical guidelines that would connect spear to villain; a villain who was on the move.

Taking the dagger from his offhand, Vyncent flips it in his hand to hold the blade, draws it over his shoulder, and throws it head over haft directly into a nearby town guard's chest, killing him instantly, his heart pierced by the blade. Seeing this from across the pool, Erasmus turns to Delana, "If we subdue Vyncent, perhaps his men will falter." The priestess nods, "Indeed. Follow close."The two begin to run around the pool and as they come upon a thief and a guard fighting, Delana makes to assist him until Erasmus hold his arm in front of her to stop her. Quickly chanting a few words, the thief's pupils dilate and he is suddenly struck with terror as he stares down the cleric. Dropping his weapon, he turns on his heel and flees at full speed down the road until he rounds the corner out of sight.

The rest of the thieves continue their attacks, dealing a couple of fatal wounds to the less combat experienced guards while sustaining a fatality of their own as one of the hidden priestesses takes the opportunity presented by Lorelei's dagger to skewer the man through the heart. The archers above the balcony fire at Lorelei but the monk dodges out of the way of the bolts; a feat considering how close they are to her. The archers across the way though take aim and both deal fatal blows to the guards accompanying the monk, leaving her alone on the balcony now. So far, the battle seems to be going slightly in the Thieves Guild's favor and Vyncent seems to know it.

Initiative Order
26 Thieves
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: Full HP
Kass: Full HP
Lorelei: Full HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: Full HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:01, Sun 04 Nov 2012.
player, 26 posts
Melee Fighter
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 01:11
  • msg #620

Re: Theranin

A quick glance around confirms that the element of surprise seemed to have worked in the Thieves' Guild's favour, but that somehow, despite attacking one of the thieves, Kass had managed to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. Fine by her...

She took aim and fired another arrow at the same archer, the one she had only wounded, and seeing the trouble that the guardsmen appeared to be in, rather than continuing to pick off the archers on the rooftops, elected to join in the melee. She dropped her bow and drew her rapier as she moved to the nearest thief, who was currently fighting off two guards, having already defeated one.

Standard action: Attack Archer at E8
01:03, Today: Kassadria rolled 7 using 1d8. damage.
01:03, Today: Kassadria rolled 18 using 1d20+5. attack thief archer.
Free action: Drop longbow at M16
Move action: Draw rapier and move to M18 (to provide flanking for the guardsmen)

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 183 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:06
  • msg #621

Re: Theranin

Dale spots the nearest thief in combat with one of the city guards and decides to lend a hand.  Thank Shelyn, too.  All this hiding and sneaking around as not been good for his blood pressure.  Today's a day of carnage.

Dale feels James grin in agreement, and together they slaughter their target.

Swift action: activate arcane point for 1 minute
Charge H9: 25 attack, 11 damage
AC 18, HP 10/10

player, 80 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:27
  • msg #622

Re: Theranin

Oddly surprised at the ease with which he dispatched the hapless thief Strange takes a moment to peer down at the fellow's body, a rather twisted grin on his gruesome visage.  As he looks around he notices two more thieves atop a different part of the roof and begins to make his way stealthily towards them, hoping that he can arrange yet another deadly meeting between a thief and some cobblestones.

20:26, Today: Strange rolled 13 using 1d20+9. Stealth - 1st round.
20:26, Today: Strange rolled 29 using 1d20+9. Stealth - 2nd round.

player, 77 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:53
  • msg #623

Re: Theranin

Lorelei quirked a brow and gave a cheerful nod seeing the priestess finish off the Thief before it began raining arrows upon her. A light sidestep this way, a sashay that, and a scowl was all the hint she had even been fired at. But now the archers on the rooftops above her had very firmly garnered her attention. Quickly she considered and dismissed climbing the walls to go after them much as She had seen strange do from the corner of her eye. Well, she wasn't a rogue per say but the girl did carry a few daggers. Just in case of course, a girl could never be too careful could she? Absently she slipped a dagger from her belt and seemed to judge the Angle for a second before.... Ah, the sweet spot. She launched her dagger straight at one of the Archers faces, peering over the edge down at her.

"Jerk" She absently mumbled.

Move: Draw Dagger
Standard: Dagger vs E3 Archer (Critical Hit? for 16 Damage, If non-critical its 8)

20:46, Today: Lorelei rolled 8 using 1d4+4. Dagger (Critical x2).
20:45, Today: Lorelei rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Dagger vs Archer, Critical Confirm.
20:45, Today: Lorelei rolled 23 using 1d20+3. Dagger vs Archer at E3.

Gren Boarshead
player, 211 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 14:47
  • msg #624

Re: Theranin

It seemed Gren had yet to be noticed; just another begger in the crowd.  That was until he stood his full height and tossed one corner of his cloak over his shoulder.  His cold iron javelin coated in Vyncent's own poison was revealed.  Gren gave a wicked grin and hurled the weapon with the strength of a giant.  "Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back you cur!" he called out knowing his aim, which was magically enhanced, would be true.  Gren loved the irony.  ~Poisoned by his own poison,~ he thought.

Still aware of the danger from above, he quickly drew another javelin.  This time a lighter wooden one.

True Strike, 22 to hit.
07:42, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 14 using 1d8+8. damage.

player, 116 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 18:43
  • msg #625

Re: Theranin

Erasmus points ahead of the three of them--himself, the guard, and Delana--to R9, saying to the guard "The priestess!" and giving no further explanation, hoping the meaning was self evident.  Then, quickly, to Delana he utters another prayer on her without explanation, expecting that she would know what it is, what it meant, and what to do with it, before moving to keep pace with the guard, hoping that the two of them and the priestess could fell the thief before them in time to assist Delana with Vyncent

Standard Action: Cast Sanctuary on Delana so that she can get directly to Vyncent without provoking attacks of opportunity or counter attacks.
Move Action: Keep pace with the guard, to a flanking position for either the guard or the priestess if possible.

DM Visceri
GM, 408 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 00:56
  • msg #626

Re: Theranin

By now, all the citizens that had been present for the festival have scattered; some fleeing down side streets, others into the nearby buildings, and it looks that a few even fled to the sewer entrance that the group had emerged from as a last-ditch effort to hide themselves from harm. Her line of sight now clearer than ever, Kass enjoys the anonymity the crowd had afforded her with her last shot and takes another one at the archer perched above Lorelei, embedding an arrow in his chest, causing him to fall from the high rooftop to his demise. Pleased with her shot, she drops the bow and unsheathes her rapier to provide support for the nearby guardsmen. With one of the topside archers dispatched, Lorelei frowns as she removes another dagger from her belt and flicks it deftly and with deadly accuracy right into the bowman's left eye, killing him instantly. "Jerk," she mutters as she turns her attention to the rest of the fighting.

Strange, who had been trying to stealthily make his way behind the two archers, seeing them dead, abandons his creeping in favor of an all out effort to move above the balcony to make sure there are no additional reinforcements nearby. 

A cruel smile on his face at the misfortune of the guard at the other end of his dagger, Vyncent looks around the area for a new target. It is then that he finally sees the hulking mass of anger that is currently aiming a dripping green javelin at him and the smile vanishes off his face faster than water off a hot stove. Turning to looks for a flight path, he realizes that his mobility options are limited by his cronies on either side. "Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back you cur!" Gren roars as he hurls the javelin unerringly at the master thief. Striking him in the lower back, the man howls out in pain and both of his attendants turn from their fights for a moment before the priestesses force their attention back on them. "You…You'll pay for that you inbred cur!" Rolling up one sleeve violently, ripping the expensive fabric in the process, a glowing orange rune reveals itself to be burned into Vyncent's forearm. Gren immediately recognizes it as the rune from the papers he found in the politician's office as well as the documents, maps, and regalia recovered from Arudal's mansion. "VYNCENT, DON'T YOU DARE!" calls out a voice who's owner tickles the back of your minds without really identifying him. The voice seems to be coming from somewhere inside the building where Degrin is currently hiding. Vyncent turns in that direction momentarily and sneers, instead pulling a vial from his coat and downing the contents hurriedly with one hand while pulling the javelin out of his back with the other as the wound begins to close.

The archer on the roof nearby, calls out to his ally and points towards Gren. The second man comes vaulting over the top of the roof and both nock arrows, sending them flying in the half-ogre's direction. The first arrow hits Gren in the arm before he gets the chance to duck but once he does so, the second embeds itself in a flank of ham sitting on the table behind him. That one would have hurt, he decides, seeing it made its way almost down to the plumage into the pork.

Dale, glad to be done with the subterfuge enacted in the last few days, bolts toward a thief who seems to be just about to finish off a guard and, catching the man in his final stroke that would finish off the guard, decapitates him, leaving the man's arms outstretched as his body falls to the ground in a heap. The guard, wounded but alive, nods his head in thanks, a bit shocked at the scene. The rest of the guards and the priestesses make headway in the fight against the Thieves Guild, downing a few more of their ranks with minimal injuries on their side. One of the thieves does note Kass's movement and delivers a bloody slice across the tiefling's knees with a backhanded slash.

Erasmus sees the path they must take to accomplish the goals and, encompassing the nearby guard in his plan, calls out a one word command, "The priestess!" Training taking over, the guard nods and follows Erasmus to assist the priestess who had just taken a rather hefty wound to her sword arm. The guard scores a minor hit, a scratch really, on the thief who turns his attention to the man instead of the wounded priestess. "Take that cretin!" he calls out triumphantly as he prepares to attack again. Having cast a blessing on Delana, her eyes narrow at the implication but she nods and takes off in a dead run past the guard, past the thief, and taking a running jump off of the pool's edge, launches herself in the air with a battle cry, catching Vyncent in the side and wrestling him to the ground where a scuffle to see who could pin who down ensues.

Initiative Order
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  8 Priestesses of Iomedae
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus
26 Thieves

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: -2 HP
Kass: -5 HP
Lorelei: Full HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: -5 HP + Poisoned

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:42, Tue 06 Nov 2012.
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