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13:25, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
Gren Boarshead
player, 218 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2012
at 03:11
  • msg #652

Re: Theranin

"I say take the other one off, we'll be half way through the quartering and I can finally go home," Gren said with a sly grin as he grinned at Vyncent's severed arm.  "Looks like he was conjoling with demons.  That has to be enough to get him strung up, right?"

"I need a meat pie," he said with a groan.  He turned to start making his way to the Salty Seawife.
player, 39 posts
Melee Fighter
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 02:15
  • msg #653

Re: Theranin

Kassadria was quite convinced that (luckily) no one had seen how poorly she performed in that fight, and equally convinced that Erasmus had put some sort of curse on her that made her incapable of fighting competently, though she wouldn't give him the pleasure of responding to that accusation.

She almost scoffed as she watched him walk around the square, reviving friend and foe alike. She rolled her eyes, It's all an act, she mentally grumbled to herself, and followed suit with Dale, moving to the thieves' corpses one by one, checking them for any valuables, or even just plain coin. A girl's gotta eat, you know.

Once she came around to the side of the fountain where Vyncent and his severed arm were, and caught wind of the word 'demon' being thrown around, her eyes narrowed. So used to being called it, she almost assumed that she was the target of the accusations, though the guards and priestesses had all clearly seen which side she was on.

Alas, the mentions of demons was in reference to whatever spell Vyncent had been attempting to cast, using the runes on his arm. Once she came to that realisation she moved to examine the severed limb. "Well, if it was demons, I should be able to read at least some of this. Although, I doubt, after today's display, you'll need much to convict the man. Not that he hasn't already paid in flesh..."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:32, Sun 18 Nov 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 434 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 11:03
  • msg #654

Re: Theranin

Erasmus joins the priestesses outside in attempting to save the injured guards and rebuke death from the thieves in order to have them stand trial. While not all of his efforts are successful, is he successfully able to save the four guards at ground level as well as a pair of the thieves who sit bound and disoriented under the watch of the guards. With everyone busy and the populace of the city still hesitant to make their way into the square, Gren finds a relatively warm meat pie at the same vendor he got his last meal at and takes the position that it's something he's owed for saving their city from Vyncent.

Inside the mansion, Dale and Strange pick over Arudal's unconscious person, the man bleeding from the head where Dale struck him but still breathing, and while the only ring they find is a silver band carve with the same rune as they have been seeing a lot as of late, they do find the man's coin purse as well as take the liberty of removing his weapon, a gilded rapier, from his person.

Kassadria takes a page out of the duo's book and begins searching the other thieve's persons, living or dead, for coin, which she finds plenty of, no surprise, as well as a nice collection of longswords, a small collection of potions totaling six in all, two scrolls, and a rather nice set of leather gloves that catch her eye. As Lorelei, Strange, Ikani, and Degrin, the latter seemingly unharmed come down from the top floor of the building, Kass moves to Vyncent and seeing as the man is delirious and passing in and out of consciousness from blood loss, the priestesses monitoring him closely, she has no problem examining the severed limb which is hanging almost comically from the manacle. It seems that the run that is scarred into his arm is beginning to fade the longer the limb is separated from the body. As for the script of it though, Kass can't say she recognizes it as any form of demonic language she's ever seen before.

As the group begins to gather once again as the proceedings move on, Ikani and Degrin as well as the priestesses, Delana taking her place near Erasmus, looking him over for injuries like he was the one who tackled Vyncent, approach. "I-I can't say how appreciative I am to have had your help in all of this. Granted today's attempt on my life may not have happened if I weren't to have tried to say something but it would have only been a matter of time before they found me. You have my gratitude and if there's something that I am personally able to do for you, I will arrange it. At this very moment though, I need to meet with his Eminence Stephen Navarne to discuss the political ramifications of these last few days. If you stay in town, you were at the Salty Seawife I believe, I will have a messenger for you there that will be able to reach me." Ending his thank you a bit awkwardly, he simply nods his heads in thanks, a smile gracing his face for the first time since you met the man as he walks away towards the castle.

"It goes without saying that the same goes for the followers of Iomedae in Theranin. I, however, feel we have much to discuss with our newly disarmed friend here. If you don't mind, I feel that I know just the person to pry the information we seek out of him. Give it a couple of days and we should have him singing like a rooster at sunup. As for Arudal, leaving him in prison for the time being ought to soften his demeanor and make him more maleable. He is but a lord of agriculture after all, not the headmaster of the thieves guild." Ikani seems both pleased and annoyed, probably at the fact that their Holy Day of the Inheritor was interrupted in such a violent way. As if she had been projecting the thought into everyone's mind, she brings it up herself, "As for today's ceremonies, perhaps we shall reconvene at sunset to bless the city. It will give the guard time to remove the dead and the prisoners and clean up the streets to assure the citizens that it is safe once again. I would hope that all of you could join me so we may honor you properly?"
player, 87 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 04:26
  • msg #655

Re: Theranin

The gargoyle holds the silvery runed ring that he claimed from Arudal's finger after the battle.  He cannot help but admire the glimmer and shine, turning it this way and that before his eyes as he follows woodenly after Dale, wherever the man goes.  He even passes up a chance to ask Degrin if he knows any good stonemasons, so engrossed is he in his treasure.
Gren Boarshead
player, 219 posts
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 14:32
  • msg #656

Re: Theranin

As Gren headed back to the inn, he couldn't help but glare down every alley and scan the rooftops.  He kept expecting guardsmen or assassins to jump out at any moment.  Of course, this didn't slow or hasten his pace either.  As far as he was concerned the whole mess was over.  Still, there was a nagging thought in his brain.  What was that tattoo spell that was about to go off?  What danger would that have brought on?  Just how corrupt was this town's council?  Was it time to move on and find another place to live?  Was that sage in the meat pie?
player, 94 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 23:21
  • msg #657

Re: Theranin

Lorelei finally stood and headed down to join the others once her bleeding stopped. She figured the priests outside could help with the wounds, or a few days rest. Either or, she had come out of this fight much better then others had. She absently scratched the back of her head with her unwounded arm as she caught the tail end of the conversations as she stepped up to Ikari with a wry smile and a nod.

"Sure, I should be able to attend. Nothing else to do tonight"
player, 129 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 13:47
  • msg #658

Re: Theranin

Erasmus puffs up a bit at Delana's attentions, still high off their victory even after the grueling work of attending to the injured is over.  Not much of a mind for politics or such, he instead suggests to the priestess that they retire to the Salty Seawife to clean up and celebrate, trusting Dale or one of the others to alert them if they're needed.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 193 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 02:10
  • msg #659

Re: Theranin

Dale happily accepts Ikani's invite to join her for the evening ceremony.  He likes being honored.

Then he noticed how Delana is hanging off of Erasmus.  (He's a little slow on the uptake sometimes.)  How does the uptight priest have better game than I do?

I could make a list.  Would you like it alphabetically or chronologically?

Dale decides he needs new friend-swords.  Those are pretty easily come by, right?

Until evening, Dale does indeed decide to study the runes and Vyncent's tattoo against some of his older spellbooks.

Spellcraft 22 and Kn (arcana) 14 if needed.

DM Visceri
GM, 442 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 09:40
  • msg #660

Re: Theranin

It seemed that their work in Hartstower Square was done for the time being so each person set about their own business, now free to roam the city where they would please though the general consensus was that they would meet up at the ceremony later that night. Gren might not have received the memo had Delana, Erasmus being dragged along to the inn, not mentioned it in passing as they overtook the half-ogre. Seeing the two head into the Salty Seawife, Gren pauses in the street, debating whether or not he wanted to deal with what was likely going to be happening in the room adjacent to his. Deciding against the probable "distraction," he decides to make his way back to Dale where the two do some research with the severed arm while the rune still exists as it seems to be fading quickly. After it vanishes a couple hours later and a dozen comparisons, translations, and references to various spellbooks, dialects, and meat pie recipes later, as well as reexamining the ceremonial robes and map they retrieved from Arudal, their combined intellect is able to divine three things; the rune itself is not a summoning glyph unto itself, there is a rune in the Dwarven language that resembles it who's meaning translates roughly to "deep earth," and as far as they, and Kassadria as well for that matter, were able to find, the rune does not seem to be demonic in origin. In addition, while studying the map, thanks to the curiosity of a Dwarf who had been the one to mention the resemblance of the rune to the Dwarven language, they were able to learn that the rune on the map marked Azul Irkul is a Dwarven city that had once been a volcano long ago before it went dormant. Now it was a thriving center for craftsmanship, mining operations, and weapon training.

As the rest of the day wore on, Lorelei helped tend to the wounded with the priestesses and Ikani, the latter complaining that Delana was missing and her tone suggesting she knew exactly where she was about now, Strange found his perch on the building once again and spent what the gargoyle saw as an acceptable amount of time examining every inch of his new trophy in every angle of the sunlight as the day passed, and Kassadria wandered from place to place, helping Dale and Gren, offering to move the wounded to which the priestesses offered her uneasy smiles and assured her that they could handle it with Lorelei, and even joining Strange on the rooftop though he largely ignored her over his ring. It seemed the brief camaraderie shown to the tiefling during combat wasn't something she should be getting used to as of yet. It's not like it should bother her though; she had been treated like this her entire life, why should this time be any different, right?

As the sun begins to enter the final minutes of its cycle, streetlights are illuminated automatically by the magic that sustains them and a crowd begins to gather, understandably a little hesitantly at first but as more and more enter the square, misgivings seem to fade enough for people to open up and begin talking with their neighbors. The entire group save Erasmus and Delana present, Ikani takes to the balcony, with the group waiting in the wings, and begins her blessing of the city. The ceremony is filled with flowery but passionate and strong language and you can almost feel the words setting a protective film over the city as they are spoken. During the blessing, Erasmus and Delana, hand-in-hand, arrive panting and only slightly disheveled from their run over from The Salty Seawife and during their apology to the others, the blessing finishes and Ikani calls for the "heroes responsible for the freedom of the people" to come forward and receive thanks. Introducing each as they come out, every member, even the somewhat putout Kassadria is greeted with roaring applause, cheers, and whistles for their deeds. As the last of them come to stand at the balcony, Ikani quickly goes through the trials and tribulations the group went through in order to serve Theranin and her people to much more applause and voiced astonishment.

At the end of the honoring, Degrin comes forward from the back room and says a few words of his own, the mantle of office conspicuously draped around his shoulders. It seems His Eminence deigned to grant him the seat on the council for his "service" and it seems that nobody in the crowd is displeased with the appointment. "Friends! Without you I am sure I would not be here today," he begins, echoing his words from earlier in the day, mostly for pomp and circumstance no doubt, "It is my great pleasure to award you with commendation for your valiant acts and initiative to prove yourselves to the city!" Motioning to the back room, six guardsmen, three of them rather familiar to the group, walk out onto the balcony, shock plain on their faces, each carrying a thin wooden case with a glass top. Inside, resting on top of a plush pillow, is a folded cloak, blue like the colors of the city with two gray stripes down the middle and the gold embroidered raven-in-flight, the symbol of the city, set in the middle. "These are tokens so that all who meet you will know that you have done a great service for Theranin and her people and that all who meet you will know that men and women of moral fiber stand in front of them!" The crowd erupts into cheering and a chant of 'Heroes of the Bay' goes up to their honor.

From there, the ceremony ends and the celebrating begins. It isn't until the sun is high in the sky the next day that any member of the group finds their eyes cracking open as if they had slept as long as one of Strange's rook-mates. The next few days see vistors and well-wishers aplenty seeing themselves to The Salty Seawife, buying the heroes drinks, meals, and begging to hear the story of their exploits just once more. By the end of the week, the hype seems to have settled down and though the stream of visitors had stopped, there was still no end to the people in the streets tipping their hats in passing or saluting any time one of them passed by.

It was a Sunday morning when Degrin's messenger finally brought news to them of Vyncent and Arudal's ultimate fate; both were to be hung by the neck until dead on the following day. Unfortunately, it seemed whatever method Vyncent had used to begin his summoning in the fight the week before was still lost to him as the man refused to break, even under the most ruthless tactics. Arudal, however, was a different matter. While he still hung stringently to his story about fearing his masters more than whatever the city could do to him, they were able to gleam that it was, in fact, himself who had been the mastermind behind the events of the previous week, and was him installing Vyncent as a politician to further his and his master's own ends though any leads to who his master could be were met with silence and an impenetrable defense. The messenger also brought news of the dismantling of the thieves guild and the cleansing of the sewers of the goblin tribe and the traps laid there within.

It was Toilday morning, the day after Vyncent and Arudal's hangings, that the group now found themselves waking to the first light of the sun. Each makes their own way down to the common room of The Salty Seawife, with the exception of Erasmus and Delana who had taken to sharing a room, as had seemingly become their morning tradition since The Holy Day of the Inheritor. Mistress Urna brings out breakfast to the group and after the meal of pork sausages, oatmeal and honey, fresh eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice, everyone seems ready for something to happen, they're just not sure what...
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:55, Tue 20 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 194 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 16:40
  • msg #661

Re: Theranin

Dale has taken to wearing his fancy new cloak even though it rather clashes with his standard outfit of polished leather.  No one can figure out why he seems to like it so much.

Darnit, Dale!  Take the cloak off!  I can't see a thing!

Oh.  That's probably why.

It's at breakfast of this new day, that Dale makes a bit of an announcement.  "I gotta say that tracking down this mysterious master sounds like the most interesting course of action, but... James and I have to go.  Or, rather, James has to go, and he doesn't have legs.  I'll be leaving Theranin later this morning."
Gren Boarshead
player, 220 posts
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 21:16
  • msg #662

Re: Theranin

"And to where is it you head, Sword-talker?" Gren asked between bites of sausage.  He looked the same as always.  His clothes were still worn but no longer stank of the sewers.  His bushy hair and beard were still quite disheveled.

"I've been considering traveling to this Azul Irkul place myself.  I grow more and more tired of this city by the day.  The hero's feasts and drinks are coming less and less now, thus I'm having fewer reasons to stay.  I can't imagine what the Dwarves would have to do with Arudal's and Vyncent's attempted coup, and frankly I don't much care; still a new city could prove fruitful especially during the winter months.

Gren gulped down a large mug of mead, a portion of it dripping down his beard and forming a small puddle on the table in front of him.  He was actually sorry to hear about the Goblins in the sewers below.  He had sensed magical goods in that lair of their's.  He was guessing the guards would have confiscated anything of value. ~Too Bad.~
player, 89 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 23:53
  • msg #663

Re: Theranin

Strange had settled near the table in a quiet spot where he can sit comfortably, becoming still in manner which only statues know how to accomplish.  He does not have much to add to the discussion, but when Gren mentions the name Azul Irkul his eyes glow with recognition, "I should welcome a chance to.. hmm.. visit the city of the Architects.  Many of my.. hmm.. brethren are created there, though I was not so.. hmm.. lucky.  It would be a good place to find.. hmm.. someone to repair me." he twitches his ruined left wing and flexes his left hand where the smallest finger is missing, leaving a flat stump.  Despite Strange's fixation on that silver ring he obtained from Arudal the shiny trinket is nowhere to be seen.  Neither, for that matter, is the guard captain ring...
player, 97 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 05:42
  • msg #664

Re: Theranin

Lorelei had blushed but been polite, saying a soft thank you as she was declared and taken the slightly gaudy cloak back to her room along with the others of their impromptu group. Unlike some of them though her cloak was carefully folded... and left in her bag. She wasn't keen on drawing attention where she went. With all of them effectively trapped in the inn during the next week she spent a little time rearranging her room, effectively piling everything up against one wall so she had as much space as possible.

Though she came down twice a day for an hour or two at a time, most of the day and evening the gentle thumps of bare feet stomping on the ground came from her room as she spun and practiced. Kicks, Spins, strike. Basic body training as well as more advanced maneuvers she had not yet grasped.

On the day of the hanging it seems she refused to leave her room even to eat, perhaps fasting or training. She spent the day even more active then normal. A flurry of activities that resulted in her collapsed and asleep long before her normal hour. Now on toil day, freshly bathed and ravenous she had descended the stairs to eat. Nodding at the others as they talked about leaving the city... She seemed to ponder the idea. She wasn't sure if she would be allowed to join them, their 'link' Siren gone but she did feel she had proven herself useful.

"I'll go.... if you want....." Lorelei seemed to want to say more as she took a slow drink of her juice to ease her throats protests. "I have nowhere to be.... and am not keen to stay in a city where I stand out...."
player, 131 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 13:37
  • msg #665

Re: Theranin

"I'll be following Dalinar, or perhaps it is James?" Erasmus says quietly, softly squeezing Delana's hand as she sits next to him.  He assumed the priestess was tied to her church through her holy orders, much as his were to travel and spread Sarenrae's light; so he realized that this declaration would also be publicly announcing at least a temporary end to their consociation.  The thought occurred to him to suggest she accompany them, but to voice that desire would be both selfish and cruel, so he stilled his tongue on the matter and instead sought to justify their parting.

"We dispelled shadows here." he explains, speaking mostly to Delana.  "Deadly shadows, but those cast by a large object that is a greater threat.  Whoever set this in motion must be leveled, lest they continue to threaten other places, or reassert themselves here."  He averts his eyes, looking instead at his meal.  "I must go wherever darkness lies, and bring the light to cleans it."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:41, Mon 26 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 195 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 22:44
  • msg #666

Re: Theranin

James laughs lightly in the back of Dale's mind.  "Well, I'd love to have you along, Erasmus, but I travel faster alone.  And gods know Gren'll need you watching his back."
Gren Boarshead
player, 221 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 01:47
  • msg #667

Re: Theranin

"I'm not looking to accomplish some great quest or to be a hero.  Although, it does seem to have certain perks on occasion.  I also wasn't looking to being the leader of some pilgrimage.  Still, there is safety in numbers and I'll glady travel with those going my way.  None of you have attempted to kill me lately, so that's a plus."
player, 46 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 04:23
  • msg #668

Re: Theranin

Kassadria tried not to draw too much attention to herself in the ceremony and celebrations surrounding it, as she felt she didn't much deserve the title bestowed unto her. Indeed, the woman who introduced her seemed to be struggling to resist spitting after saying her name. She could hardly blame her... holy folk always had trouble accepting her kind, even after they'd fought and bled for the holy cause, proven themselves true.

In the days following the celebration, Kass spent much time sitting with the others, mostly silent, though polite and responsive whenever conversation was struck up with her. She engaged in another duel or two with Dale - privately, of course, and on occasion watched Lorelei train, if she would let her (though she'd fully understand if that was too weird).

When the fateful Toilday came when the subject of 'moving on' came up, she was actually rather happy. As people started to forget her role in the events of the previous week, she felt less and less welcome. Her refusal to wear the cloak given to her perhaps contributed to the townsfolk's short memories, and accelerated the rate at which 'Hey, it's that Tiefling who helped save our town' turned into 'What is that demon bitch still doing here?'.

She didn't feel particularly attached to the mission regarding Arudal and Vyncent and whoever it was that lived with the Dwarves, and Dale had been kind to her... Strange had hardly spoken to her, Gren the same, Lorelei had been nice enough but made little effort to make her feel welcome and Erasmus... well, let's just say they preferred to keep their distance from one another. So, when Dale seemed to suggest that he'd be parting from the group, she was inclined to insist that she'd join him. After all, technically she was still their prisoner, since they hadn't officially released her, and Dale was supposed to be the one keeping an eye on her.

However, when he refused Erasmus' assistance, she decided not to ask him if he'd allow her to tag along now, to save embarrassment if he intended to accept her offer. She would ask him later, when she could catch him out of earshot from the others.
player, 132 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 12:44
  • msg #669

Re: Theranin

Erasmus nods his head at Dale's refusal.  He still felt he should go with the man, but knew enough that he wouldn't be able to keep up if the warrior was determined to make time.  Though the warrior had placed him in the slightly embarrassing position of having to again justify his moving on.  "Then perhaps I am not leaving just yet.  Though I still cannot stay in any one place for too long without just cause.  There is much of the world I've left to seek out."  He turns to Gren before continuing "I don't know how long our paths continue merged, but you are right.  Travel is safer in numbers.  So I will accompany you when you are ready to go." he finishes, before turning an apologetic look to the woman at his side.
player, 90 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 13:02
  • msg #670

Re: Theranin

"I shall be sad to see you go.. hmm.. Dale."  He extends a gritty right hand in a gesture he has seen dozens of times but never had occasion to use himself... until now.  After a brief shake of the hand he looks towards the others, his wings ruffling slightly as if he is itching to go, "As for the rest of us.. hmm.. it sounds like we shall remain companions for a while longer."  He peers intently for a moment at Kassadria who has been oddly silent the last few days, "You might consider.. hmm.. joining us.  I think this town holds very little for you."  Strange had heard the talk - usually from a perch overhead, true, but he heard it nonetheless.  It was easy for him to assume that some of the rumors about a demon were aimed at him.  Gargoyles were naturally inclined toward narcissism and Strange was only marginally less so.  Nonetheless he easily connected the dots.  Besides, he had already lost some of his standing with Erasmus, he might as well make it up somewhere else, right?  Speaking of Erasmus...

"I will keep an eye on her.. hmm.. it is the least I can do as a temple guardian without a temple."  He was using Erasmus' own description of him here.  He was about as holy as a stick and never did like his more zealous brethren who tended to congregate upon the eaves of religious institutions.
player, 47 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 19:41
  • msg #671

Re: Theranin

Kassadria seems unsure of how to respond to the offer to stay with the group. She hadn't expected it to come from Strange, if anyone at all. Though perhaps, she could feel a certain kinship with the gargoyle - both were unable to 'fit in', neither would ever feel 'at home' among normal-kind. Either way, she'd expected them to just move on and tell her to walk in the opposite direction or something. Either way, the offer made her smile, just a little.

"I don't currently have anywhere better to go, so... alright,"
was her deceptively (and purposefully) un-excited answer. She didn't want to seem too keen to tag along, or Erasmus might think she was planning to possess them all or something.
Gren Boarshead
player, 222 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 23:40
  • msg #672

Re: Theranin

"Well, the free drinks have stopped coming and I don't have much in the way of possessions.  I will be leaving about mid-day on the morrow.  I will welcome company...until I don't," he said with a big toothy grin.  Gren had always travelled alone and was not sure how quickly these few would get on his nerves.  However, they had been through so much in just the last week, he was sure all would be fine.

How many days travel is it to the dwarven town anyways?

DM Edit: 3 days of light travel along establish routes. 4 1/2 if you go cross country.

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:43, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 448 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 22:00
  • msg #673

Re: Theranin

Keeping with the image of the strong and independent woman and priestess that she is, Delana takes the news of Erasmus's departure with a straight face and although her grip on his hand tightens momentarily, she doesn't look at him as he makes his intentions clear. Instead, after the conversations has gone around a bit and begun to stall out, she stands and buckles her sword onto her hip. "Well if it is your intentions to leave, I will make sure that you are properly supplied before you set out. I have never been to this Dwarven city of which you speak, nor do I believe now is my time to do so, though I am familiar with the route you must take to reach it. While not necessarily a physically demanding voyage in itself, the path takes you through some of the most barren lands in the region as well as through the Whitecap Pass, neither known as good places to forage or hunt for food. You will need what we can supply you. As for you master Reynolds, you are welcome to the same provisions wherever your path takes you. I will go make them ready." With that she makes to leave, her hand lingering for a moment on the priest's shoulder before gently falling off as she moves away.

(OOC: Wrap up your final business / conversations in Theranin. If there are no responses to Delana or to the situation, I will open up the new thread tonight or tomorrow morning. Some of you will be receiving IC PMs before then as well.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:01, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 223 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 23:01
  • msg #674

Re: Theranin

Later that night when most of the drunks had finally stumbled out into the cold of night, Gren approached Mistress Urna and gave her a hug.  "I wish to thank you.  You've given me coin, shelter, food, and more importantly friendship.  You've seen through my bear-like appearance to the man within and treated me with respect.  You will be missed.  Should you ever need my assistance you need only get word to me."

"Oh, and find a better brewer.  The ale you serve is really aweful stuff," he grinned and headed upstairs to finish packing his meager belongings.  While the Salty Sea Wife would be missed, the rest of the town would not be.  There had been too many attempts on his life in this town.  Peace would not be found here, but so was the life of a Half-ogre.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:16, Mon 03 Dec 2012.
player, 100 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 3 Dec 2012
at 05:08
  • msg #675

Re: Theranin

Lorelei stayed quiet but overall she didn't seem to mind the decision of the group. She seemed in fact a little bit excited as she pushes her plate away, almost buzzing compared to the past weeks exhaustion. Perhaps she was finally rested, or perhaps the city was stifling her more then the others had realized.
DM Visceri
GM, 453 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 4 Dec 2012
at 08:12
  • msg #676

Re: Theranin

The morning of their departure, the group gathers up what possessions they have from their time in the city, Gren having more than most having lived in Theranin for a while now, and meet up at the southern gate. Seeing them off on their journey is Degrin, Mistress Urna, Ikani, and Delana, the latter having arrived separately from Erasmus for the first time since the Holy Day of the Inheritor. Having already been outfitted the day before with rations of bread, salted pork, various fruit, and a dozen waterskins, the seeing off is purely out of camaraderie.

"Have to say I'm sad to see you all go. You've been a fine inspiration to this city and its people. If you ever find the time, you're always welcome to return and visit." For a politician, Degrin seems rather easy to read today and seems to mean his words.

"He's right! There'll be rooms for you at the Seawife whenever you need them, if I have to kick the sailors out of them myself to accomodate ya," Mistress Urna chimes in, placing a hand on Gren's arm. "Take care of yourself."

"Iomedae bless your journey and may justice follow you wherever your hearth be set." Ikana blesses the group with a rare smile on her face.

Delana remains quiet for a long while, looking rather downtrodden and less resolute in her conviction than she was the day before. Finally, moving to Erasmus's side, she looks him in the eye before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek softly and whispering something unheard by the others into his ear before moving back and nodding goodbye to the rest of the group.

Sighing and brandishing James in the morning sunlight, Dale claps Kassadria on the shoulder with his free hand, "Well lads and lasses, that seems to be my cue as well. I wish you the best of luck and-"

"And without someone to watch our backs, you're liable to get us both killed. Plus, everyone knows your luck is shite."

Stumbling mid sentence at the insult, he chuckles nevertheless, "James says goodbye too."


Addressing Kass specifically, he gives her a warm smile and a cheerful tone, "Don't let old sourpuss over there get you down, you're a right good part of the group now and he knows it. Ain't that right Rassy?" he teases, using a nickname for the cleric that sends Delana's hand to her sword like a flash of lightning, her face turning red as the cloaks they were gifted. "Yeah, that's definitely my cue!" he laughs as he sprints a few dozen feet from the group before turning around and waving as he heads west.

"We're doomed."

"Quiet James."

Likewise, the group says their final goodbyes to those gathered and begins the journey south that will lead them to Azul Irkul and beyond.
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